Poetry: Peach blossom bloomed as gorgeous as bloom rain
Chapter 435: White cloud floating above, beheld below
By: Amoureax Amant
White cloud floating above, beheld below,
watching white belt flowing with sheep and cow,
which belt was sheep and cow running in plain,
while sheep and cow ran like rolling white train.
The cloud drifting away, beheld willow,
watching yellow willow rooted meadow,
which willow falling hair, leaned on gold grain,
while peasant harvested, whose sweat was rain.
Gray cloud sprinkling crisp rain, beheld farmland,
gazing peasant held grain in bark-like hand,
which hand bearing callueses, planted new bud,
while rain falling like milk, softened hard mud.
Light cloud changing from gray to white in wind,
beheld one who's iridescent in mind.
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