Playing the Star Dome Railway video, the original seven gods are numb

Chapter 54

If you don't achieve your goal, you won't give up.

This is the persistence of the Xianzhou people.

They did not mourn the loss of their colleagues for long, and after a very mournful funeral, Xianzhou once again embarked on a journey to find abundance.

However, the second crisis came much faster than expected.

[In 1400 of the ephemeral, the First Emperor's War broke out, and the golden people on the Xianzhou rebelled. 】

Ray Movie: "Ephemeris 1400? Doesn't this mean that less than 200 years have passed since that visual crisis? "

Kamisato Ayaka: "After 1,200 years of voyage, nothing happened, but in just 200 years, it was a succession of crises, and this luck is not good or bad." "

Kelly: "Golden man? What is Golden Man? Is gold made of people? "

Dolly: "What? People made of gold? Interested, elaborate! "

Su Han smiled dumbly and explained:

"It's not a man made of gold, you've all seen it in the previous video, it's mechanical life made of steel. The name Jinren is actually a name for robots by Xianzhou. And this kind of robot, you Ti-Watt also have. "

Thor blurted out: "Those mechanical lives made by Canrea? "

Su Han took the conversation: "That's right, it's those, it's just that the robot group in the universe is much more powerful and complex than these developed by Canrea." Even, the intellectual star god Bozhizun, he is also promoted from a robot to a star god. "

Pieces of cold machinery, it is actually possible to upgrade to become a star god?

The people of Tivat were taken aback.

Before, Su Han roughly talked about the introduction of the star gods.

But the ontology "robot" of "Erudite Zun" is still a new word for everyone in Tivat, who only thought it was a new alien race, but did not expect that it was the same type of life as Canrea mechanical life?

Several people's expressions immediately seemed wrong.

Ray Movie thought thoughtfully, thinking about the "Raiden General" he created was essentially created with reference to Canrea Mechanical Technology, does this mean that "Raiden General" also has the possibility of upgrading to Star God?

Dainsreb is sentimental, in the past Canrea was so prosperous in the level of technology, now only a few intelligent "cultivators" are left to mess with Tivat. If the gods had not descended on Canria, perhaps...

The skirmishers' faces were filled with irrepressible ecstasy, as if they were fantasizing about their future multiple paths to the Star God Godhead, thus proving that they had completely surpassed Thor, no, surpassed Balzeb!

Su Han then explained:

"Of course, the golden people in the Immortal Boat are not directly related. These golden people themselves were created by the ancient kingdom of Xianzhou, and they were only loyal to the emperor throughout the ages. In order to find immortality, the emperor sent the golden people to the Xianzhou to protect the people of Xianzhou. "

Diluc: "I'm afraid it's more than protection, right?" "

Ning Guang: "Heh, such an important matter as immortality, if I don't send some real henchmen to look after it, I would laugh at the emperor who is a little silly and cute." "

Dainsreb: "Wait, the previous video shows that this crisis is caused by the rebellion of the Xianzhou Jinren. Could it be that Xian Zhou really had a different intention, so he was ordered by the emperor of the ancient country to purge the rebellion? "

Su Han: "Not really. "

At this time, the video quickly zoomed in to the inside of a fairy boat.

On the screen, five or six huge armed robots in red and gold are attacking dozens of iron-armored warriors. The robot's eyes glowed red, revealing a dangerous aura, while the dozens of Wuwei on the opposite side did not seem to expect the robot to attack them at all, and their formations and expressions were very flustered.

"The rebellion of the Xianzhou Golden People is just a ripple caused by a great crisis that has swept the universe. The official name of that crisis was the First Imperial War. "

Yan Qi: "Wait a minute, Emperor War?" You said it twice, I seem to have a little impression, the one you said before, the war that led to the birth of the Destruction Star God is also called the Emperor War, is it the same one? "

As a law consultant who memorized every law, Yan Qi's memory was naturally quite good, and he immediately recalled the history of the birth of the "Destroying Star God" that Su Han had told before.

Su Han nodded: "It's exactly that one." At that time, some kind of strange anti-life equation awakened the self-consciousness of the mechanical creatures of the universe, and began to hunt humans under the command of the mechanical life form emperor, and the golden people on the fairy boat were also among them. You should be glad that there was no Canria in Tivat at that time, otherwise Tivat would have suffered another catastrophe. "

Not to mention some of the younger ones, the older demon gods such as Zhongli, Wendy, and Thor did have some solemn expressions.

Five hundred years ago, just by relying on Canrea's simple technical prowess, Tivat had already turned Tivat upside down. If it had been mixed with variables such as the "emperor war" at that time, I am afraid that there would have been more than so many fallen rulings.

However, unlike the previous encounter with "seeing meat", although there were some casualties this time, the rebellion was quickly quelled, and it did not pay such a painful price as a fairy boat.

Kelly: "Okay, yes, mom, look, this time the uncles and aunts easily solved the crisis, so that they can find abundance again." "

Alice: "Well, it may be that the compassionate star gods can't bear to see Xianzhou so many disasters." "

Of course, it's not that simple.

Everyone in Tivat could see clearly that since the Jinren rebellion was just a ripple brought about by the "Emperor War", the difficulties faced by Xianzhou were naturally much smaller.

And more importantly, after experiencing the bitter battle of the meat war, Xianzhou seems to have undergone a metamorphosis from the inside out. Whether it is the emergency response speed when a crisis occurs, or the improvement in combat effectiveness gained by the soldiers after long-term training, the strength of Xianzhou at this time is no longer comparable to 200 years ago.

Gongzi: "It's so powerful, it's just a war, has it made them so stronger?" "

Zhong Li: "In terms of universal rationality, these Xianzhou people seem to be very suitable for war. If it goes through a few more tribulations, even without the blessing of the Star God, I am afraid it will be a force in the universe that cannot be underestimated. "

Keqing: "Unfortunately, if Adrefin had such combat power as the Immortal Boat at that time, I am afraid that the disaster of destroying the Star God would not have been born." "

Mona: "Not necessarily, the birth of the star god may be fate." Even if Adrieffen survives, there may be other planets that have been destroyed and another Star God of Destruction has been born. "

Keqing: "Oh, I'm just thinking about it." "

After that, Xianzhou ushered in a rare time of peace.

After the two crises, Xianzhou's school-age population has suffered a lot, not only for the long-term development of Xianzhou, but also for the needs of individual families, and many Xianzhou people have married and had children, allowing Xianzhou to usher in a small wave of population outbreak.

The crying of babies and the joy of children seemed to dilute the grief caused by some crises, so that the tension on everyone's faces in Tivat could not help but melt a lot, revealing a look of joy.

Compared with the grand narrative of the previous Star God Destruction video, this Xianzhou video is closer to people. The sacrifice of the soldiers, the unity of the companions, and the little leisure at the moment are more likely to resonate with people.

Everyone in Tivat seemed to have forgotten their original identity and completely substituted into the perspective of Xianzhou. Seeing the death of people, he sighed, almost wept, and when he saw people's joy, he smiled and was happy together.

It may be that the fish is not very comfortable with this happy environment, but at this moment, he is deeply frowning.

"The Patrol Star God hasn't appeared yet."

Before such a big crisis of meat, Xianzhou did not give birth to the patrol star god, the golden rebellion, and also did not find the shadow of the patrol star god.

At this moment, the video that should have coldly explained the history of Xianzhou uncharacteristically began to broadcast some "trivial" and "unimportant" residents' daily life, and there was almost only one possibility——

Elheisen: "The big ones are coming." "

At this point, the annotated subtitles of the video appear at the right time.

[Only ten years after the end of the Jinren Rebellion, the Battle of Suiyang broke out. 】

Yoomiya "Suiyang? What is this again? It won't be some kind of fertile people, right? "

Now, at the mention of the words "rich people", everyone's faces were already angry, which was completely different from the "doubts" that Su Han had before he played the video.

Su Han spread out his hands: "Yes, this time the Yang that caused the crisis of the Immortal Boat, like the previous wing-maker, Bu Liren, is the iniquity that receives the blessing of abundance." "

As soon as these words came out, the crowd was excited.

Kujo Cho Luo: "Damn it, it's this group of rich people again!" Endless? "

Barbara: "Although I have received abundant blessings, I still find these people too annoying. If you can, ask Lord Barbatos and Lord Patrol Star God to clean up these rich people! "

Wendy: "Eh~~"

Jean: "Don't keep staring, the picture of the meeting may not be good for children." (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Kelly: "No, I want to watch Xianzhou's uncles and aunts beat the scoundrels of the rich people to the ground!" "

At this time, the video changes perspective, as if it is focusing on the introduction, pulling a translucent ghost-like strange life in front of the camera.

No form, no substance, at first glance it seems as if there is no life. No one's facial features look like a wisp of green smoke, but it gives people a sense of "living things", seemingly nothing, strange and indescribable.

Hu Tao: "Hey, this thing looks a bit like my usual things-"

Zhongli interrupted: "No, it's not like that. "

His vision is much higher than that of Walnut, and he intuitively feels that this strange creature called "Years Yang" in front of him is too many times more dangerous than what "wing-maker", "cloth away from people" and "flesh" before!

Sure enough, the "years of the yang" in the shot moved quickly!

It was originally floating in the universe, and accidentally found the traveling fairy boat, and after sending out a strange message wave, it slowly "floated" towards the fairy boat.

It is said to be "floating", but the speed at which the fairy boat travels in the universe is not only described as "flying"? But even if it is such a fast-moving immortal boat, the speed is still not comparable to the old yang that can only slowly "float" over, and it is attached to the shell of an immortal boat.

Then, a strange scene happened.

All the protective measures around the Xianzhou seemed to be unable to detect the existence of "Years Yang", so it slowly floated into the protective cover of the Xianzhou, drifted into the wall outside the Xianzhou, step by step, and floated into the inner space of the Xianzhou.

Everyone in Tivat gasped.

Ning Guang: "This old yang is actually so weird? Xianzhou's many protective measures can't stop it? So quietly sneaked into the fairy boat by it? "

Yelan: "I have a bad premonition. "

Later, they saw a scene that made people revenge.

After that year Yang drifted into the Xianzhou, instead of hiding, he actually appeared in front of the Xianzhou people, crying to the Xianzhou people that his family was a rootless wandering race, begging the Xianzhou to allow them to live.

The simple, or kind, Xianzhou people did not detect malice in its body, let alone the true face of the "rich evil things" of the years yang, and actually accepted their group into the immortal boat.

Years and Yang take root in Xianzhou and coexist with humans, they are formless and incorporeal, and they are ever-changing, which can bring entertainment to the Xianzhou people who lack spiritual food. The Xianzhou people not only materially accepted the years and yang to live in symbiosis with themselves, but also became more and more spiritually regarded as a family.

If you come here, it may be a very warm, mutually beneficial fairy tale between the rescuer and the rescued.

But Tivat saw it clearly.

Since the first appearance before the people, Sui Yang has cast illusions on the Xianzhou people, showing people with false faces from beginning to end, paralyzing the spirit of the Xianzhou people.

After some Xianzhou people completely let down their vigilance, they were subjected to years and yang. After only a short struggle, the face of that person was still that person, but the inner soul was changed and became the shell on which the old sun depended!

Otherwise, with thousands of years of experience in the Immortal Boat, even if he couldn't recognize the origin of the Yang Dynasty, it would definitely be impossible to easily welcome such a group of foreigners of unknown origin to board the ship.

Bennett: "Not good! This is not good! So many people have been taken away by the old yang, and the immortal boat will not fall! "

Kaedehara Manyo: "No. Looking closely, although many people have caught the way of the years yang, the vast majority of people have always been vigilant against the years yang, and thanks to their continuous efforts to stop the years yang's conspiracy, the losses are still within the acceptable range. "

Coral Palace Xinhai: "That's right, although the Xianzhou people are kind, they are by no means fools. Years Yang has been arrested so many times, the evidence is almost enough, I think, Xian Zhou may soon have a showdown with Years Yang. "

As she expected.

After discovering that their plan to "peacefully capture" the Immortal Boat had failed, the years immediately showed their hideous fangs.

Many of the Immortal Boat people they took possession were at the top levels, and under the guidance of a group of inner demons, several Immortal Boats deviated from the course and led the fleet into the traps carefully arranged by the years and suns.

It was a "sun".

To be precise, it is formed by the gathering of countless years of yang, a living "sun"!

This "sun" is very cold, no heat, no color, but has an appetite that seems to be able to swallow the entire universe, attracting the Xianzhou fleet that deviates from the course, how Ren Xianzhou desperately escapes, always pulling Xianzhou in his direction little by little, little by little.

Everyone in Tivat gasped.

Elheisen: "This time the crisis is ten times more serious than the last time. "

Jean: "That's right, the last time we met in a narrow road, we didn't prepare each other, although the losses were heavy, but they could run in the end." "

Yae Miko: "This time I was calculated by Suiyang, and I had no intention of calculating and fell into the trap carefully prepared by Suiyang, and it was very difficult to run." What's more, there are still many years of Yang's inner should pull their hind legs inside, even if they want to fight, under mutual suspicion, they can't do the same unity as before. "

Seeing the fairy boat being pulled over little by little by the stars composed of the years and the sun, everyone in Tivat, who was a spectator, was still anxious, not to mention the immortal boat that was in danger of collapse in an instant.

It was also at this time that the daily life of the characters that the previous video inexplicably spent a bunch of time portraying finally withdrew the foreshadowing.

"I'll go."

A teenager, very young, not very old, is the younger generation born in the previous baby boom.

He held the bow, his face fearless, only pride, and asked for his life.

Su Han said leisurely:

"Xianzhou Guyou said for His Holiness. This young man, with his name and surname, is no longer indiscriminate. Now everyone in the universe respectfully calls him—"

"Emperor Bow III."

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