Players Please Respect Yourself

Chapter 743

Vol 2 Chapter 726: Are You A Player Too?

Chapter 726 Are you a player too?


Even though Wang Hao, who boasted that he had a lot of trump cards, was already standing at the top, he felt a little bit nervous when he saw the exaggerated lineup on the opposite side.

With the black egg as the core, it spews out twelve overlord-level powerhouses!

At least in his lifetime!

Think about it, he clearly has the strength to unify a certain land abandoned by the gods, but he was attacked by Io at the moment of success. He didn’t get redemption, the success or failure was not to mention, and he himself became a part of the undead army. This kind of Sad reminder, simply ruthless!

The body solidified and condensed by the gas of death is completely black, like a doll made of asphalt. Don’t underestimate those slimy bodies, just by visual inspection, you can find that their body strength is not lower than Basatan’s carapace.

Six of them were humans, or creatures that looked like humans, all of them had distorted faces. The worst thing was that their eyes were all sewn up by terrifying black threads that exuded evil spirits, and their ears were tied. It’s a miniature version of a vajra-like thing.

Eyes cannot see, ears cannot hear!

Only under the drive of Io, he kept roaring, scratching and kicking, frantically venting his inner unwillingness, anger and endless despair.

This aura… If it wasn’t for Wang Hao’s own Aisha demon queen, an all-star lineup of Black and White Shuangzhen and Rachel, plus Basstain and other large meat shields, Wang Hao would be a little empty.

Fortunately, Wang Hao did a very clean job when he cleaned up Fatade and other guys.

Suona, raising ashes, collecting corpses, calming the soul, and dispersing the soul one-stop service, otherwise the opposite is not the Twelve Overlords, it is 24, or even 36 ‘Tiangang’ or something every minute.

Wang Hao thought that he had a super plug-in player, which was already very awesome. Who would have thought that there would also be a super plug-in on the opposite side?

On his side, he used the lawful neutral camp to attract (submit) and attract (serving) a lot of powerhouses from other camps. On the other side, it is more simple and rude. Shit you, and then you are my person.

well! Why is it so hard to hang up?

Just obey, and die clean?

Have to get a Zhuxian, ahem, battle of the gods?

Feeling the powerful aura of the overlords on the opposite side, the guardians were a little shaken.

“Sure enough, it gets harder towards the end?” Rachel muttered.

Unconsciously, everyone turned their attention to the black armor figure standing in the middle of the battlefield.

The boss is the top tank.

The sky is falling down, isn’t it who you are on top?

Under all the attention, of course, Wang Hao couldn’t have a ‘evil smile’ like a dragon king. He simply stretched his left hand forward, pointed his index finger, and spit out two names: “Locke! Mad!”

If it is said, who else has the least feeling for the undead system, it should be the element system.

The Rock Giant King and the Mud Giant King have become brothers and sisters unknowingly. One was born a stone shield and the other was a descendant.

Just asking someone to go up will probably be a little empty. Let’s go up together. Whether it’s out of a mentality that you can’t admit defeat, or someone has guaranteed the bottom line, at least no one will dare to retreat casually.



Locke stepped on the ground, and every step he took, his body became a little bigger. Countless gravel was pulled by his [Heart of the Earth], and gathered from all directions, ignoring the restraint of gravity, and flew to him one after another. On the body, a new set of [Earth Armor] is formed.

The armor that looks like stone, under the highly condensed power of Locke, has a shocking metallic luster.

It took less than five seconds to go from 10 meters tall to 30 meters tall. It seems that Locke also left a hundred million hands!

The mud giant Mad next to    was even more exaggerated. He changed his body and expanded his body into a huge mud ball with a diameter of 100 meters while making a strange “pulu pulu”, making it almost invisible.

The two very self-conscious guys did the same thing [stack the thickest armor] and prepared to [suffer the most poisonous beating].

Just when these two guys were confident that they should be able to hold it, as soon as they looked up, they saw that the black death field on the opposite side suddenly expanded, and then two snake-like things flew over.

So fast!

It’s not that Locke and Madd haven’t tried volleys, but with the terrifying upper limit of agility of earth-type creatures, even if their talents are full of agility, their attack speed is still unsightly.

It seems that a black cobra or something like it turned two right angles in the air with incomparable agility, dodging Locke’s huge stone shield with an area of more than 100 square meters, and then dodging Locke’s right fist and blasting away The rain of stone bullets accurately hit Locke’s chest.

It is easier to deal with Mad, what a huge mud wave, which was directly shot through by that gray-white flying snake.

The two local bosses let out a groan in no particular order—they got hit!

I thought there was nothing serious about the two of them, but in less than three seconds, Madd let out a scream.

“Wow!” With the cry, a mud ball of nearly 100 cubic meters collapsed with a “pop”, clearly losing control. Right in the mud, a gray snake raised its head proudly, opened its mouth, and A chocolate bead-like thing swallowed.

“Guru” sounded, as if Madd had been hit hard, this guy no longer had any luck, he actually divided into 100, turned into different mud balls, and ran back without turning his head.

Locke was a little bit better, but it didn’t get any better. I saw that he was like a bodybuilder puffing up his muscles and squeezing hard. He was stunned by the high density of the rock, and the black snake that had drilled into it was caught in blood. , you can see a lot of black blood splashing out.

But this is not over, normally speaking, what creatures are squeezed to the point of being bloody, and most of them can’t die anymore. The opposite of the question is not a normal creature.

The splashed flesh and blood actually pieced together, like a stitched monster, condensed into another snake, and quickly drilled into the crevice of Locke’s rock body, seeing the opportunity to sneak up on Locke’s rock heart.

This is not a snake at all, this is simply a large loach!

Watching Mad run back in shame, a beam of pure white light pierced the barrier of the sky of death, and at the moment when the flying snake was already thumping, it came first and hit the flying snake’s head. This light spear with sacred attributes seems to be extremely restrained against dark creatures. A raging holy fire immediately bursts out when it hits, and it burns to ashes in a blink of an eye.

“Sister Daria, well done!”

As a leader with few Holy Departments, even if he is second-rate, he still prefers to be a wet nurse. Darya’s strength is still not bad.

Unfortunately, it’s not that simple.

“Hehehe!” The playful expression on Io’s three dragon faces became even stronger.

Because it didn’t take a second, the black egg shook, and immediately the same black snake flew out again.

Seeing this scene, the guardians were all dumbfounded – why is this scene so familiar?

Everyone focused on Wang Hao.

This is also an [Indestructible Body]?

Wang Hao’s eyes twitched: Nima, are you a player too?

(end of this chapter)

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