Play in God's jersey

Chapter 78 You Look Better When You're Shy

Chapter 78 You Look Better When You're Shy
The locker room of the Sun Devils was filled with jubilation. They won the first game, and they still won by a lore.


There was joy in the locker room.

Bob Hurley and Pera will not stop the players from celebrating,
On the contrary, I think such behavior can make the team atmosphere better, more united and closer.

As for Qian Duoduo, he scored a game-winning shot for the team in the first official game of the NCAA, which will naturally attract a lot of media coverage, and his popularity in the United States and China will increase a bit.

After this game, China's sports media used "Chinese sports geniuses are rising in the NCAA!", "A talented young basketball player from China, Qian Duoduo!", "A talented Chinese player made a lore shot and beat the NCAA team!" !"... and other news headlines for reporting.

Qian Duoduo began to be hailed by the media as "China's talented basketball boy". He is likely to become the next Chinese player to enter the NBA after Wang Zhizhi, Battelle, Yao Ming and this year's Yi Jianlian and Sun Yue.

And other teams will start to notice his existence, at least not like the Cardinals, who ignore him when preparing for the game.Or in the next game, there will be effective defensive arrangements tailored to his characteristics, and he will have to face new defensive challenges.

"Duoduo, someone is looking for you." A team member said to Qian Duoduo at the door of the locker room.

"Duoduo, do you think it's a girl looking for you? Is it the girl you said you would bring over to watch me play?" Harden winked at the staff when he heard what the staff said, and at the same time swayed his body from side to side like a fish .

Qian Duoduo smiled, ignored him, quickly changed his clothes, got up and went out, he guessed it was Gal Gadot, he gave her the ticket for this match.

But when he walked out of the locker room door, he realized that he was wrong.

Not Gal Gadot, but a yellow-skinned young man with long hair and square eyes.

Qian Duoduo looked at the other party in surprise, not sure it was the other party looking for him.

I don't know this.

"Hi, my name is Dai Yusen, and I'm also from China." The young man introduced himself first.

He speaks Mandarin fluently.

Qian Duoduo was taken aback for a moment, although he didn't know why the other party was looking for him, he still reached out his hand politely to shake the other party's hand.

It's really kind to meet people from the same country in a foreign country.

So even if Qian Duoduo just used a three-pointer to kill his school's basketball team just a moment ago, although Dai Yusen felt a little sorry for the result, he would not hate Qian Duoduo like some extreme fans did. Get to know each other a lot.

"Duo Duo, you play basketball very well. Did you play basketball since you were a child?" Dai Yusen asked.

"That's right. But in the past, it was playing blindly in China. I had fun playing in the passers-by. I didn't really play basketball until I came to the United States." Qian Duoduo said.

"Then you are very good. You can enter the NCAA team like this. At present, in the entire NCAA, you are the only Chinese who play in the first division league."

Qian Duoduo was modest, and from the conversation he knew that this Dai Yusen came to Stanford to study as a graduate student after finishing his undergraduate studies at Tsinghua University.

The communication between the two was quite pleasant. After all, they both just came from China to go abroad. They chatted about some interesting things in China and small troubles encountered abroad. The chat lasted for half an hour.

Until Gal Gadot found it.

"Wow! Duoduo, your girlfriend is so beautiful! Amazing! You just came to the United States and found a foreign girl! This is the rhythm of planting our Chinese seeds all over the world!" Dai Yusen joked, but he was really amazed at Gail- Gadot has a beautiful face, and of course her height of 1 meters and her hot figure.

Qian Duoduo didn't expect that Dai Yusen was an old driver, and he started racing so quickly.

However, he introduced him to Gal Gadot very gracefully.

After the three of them chatted for a few more words, Dai Yusen left wisely, saying that he would add more money to QQ, and that everyone would keep in touch, and he would be drawn into a group of Chinese students studying in the United States created by Tsinghua students.

Qian Duoduo ignored him and turned to look at Gal Gadot.

"You shot the last ball really well!" Gadot's voice was still full of excitement, but her voice was a little hoarse, which was caused by her continuous screaming when Qian Duoduo hit the winning shot just now. Such a willful woman.

"Before you said you were going to audition for a movie, did you get any results?" Qian Duoduo recalled the audition she had mentioned before.

"There are results, hahaha, but I was not selected." Gal Gadot pouted and said with a smile.

Unexpectedly, this girl has a quite optimistic temperament, and she can still laugh after being rejected in the audition. If it were someone else, she would probably have a bitter face.

"It's okay, I believe you will be spotted by the director soon, and you will be filmed in a blockbuster movie." Qian Duoduo said.

What he said is the truth, as long as the history does not change, Gal Gadot will take over the filming of "Fast and Furious 4" in a short time, successfully enter the film circle, and become popular ever since.

"Anyway, I don't really care. If I have a chance, I will shoot it. If I don't, I will wait. The most important thing now is that you won the ball. Have you thought about how to celebrate?" Gal Gadot looked like he didn't care if he could With the opportunity to make a movie, she is still in the aftermath of the excitement of Qian Duoduo's game-winning shot just now.

"Celebrate? Never thought about it." Qian Duoduo scratched his hair, he really hadn't thought about it.

He also wanted to go to the gym to continue to push iron after the game, but his strength is still a bit weak compared to Robin Lopez.

"Come on, I'll treat you to dinner to celebrate." Gal Gadot took Qian Duoduo's hand and was about to go out.

Qian Duoduo blushed, this is for the future international superstar, the goddess in the minds of future men held hands?

What does she mean?Is this due to his personality, or does he have a crush on me?

Qian Duoduo really wants to ask this question online, waiting for the answer online, urgent!
Just when Qian Duoduo was about to take the opportunity to hold her hand tightly, no matter whether she did it unintentionally or on purpose, she held it tightly before talking.

Gal Gadot let go of her hand, as if remembering what she shouldn't have done in a moment of excitement, even though she was a bit careless, she couldn't help being a little shy.

Qian Duoduo sighed regretfully in his heart...

Fleeting, opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared.

But she seems to be more beautiful when she is shy.

(Requiring recommendation tickets and collections as usual, and adding book lists and pushing things, after all, it is not too far away from 400 recommendation tickets plus one update. Go ahead. The old man Popovich won 1221 games in his coaching career. , Amazing, scientists Nelson and Wilkens are ranked ahead of him.)
(End of this chapter)

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