PJO: A Professor of Hogwarts

Chapter 8: To Hogwarts (2)

I woke up my head still jumbled to what ever Hecate, that witch, did to me.

The first thing I noticed was the blinding white ceiling above me.

Then the second was the sharp smell of antiseptic mixed with something… off.

Finally was the noise. Outside the room, there were voices arguing in hushed but urgent tones.

I tried to listen what they were saying but I was only able to picked out snippets. Something about an ancient bloodline, a security nightmare, and some poor guy swearing on Merlin's beard that he had definitely used Polyjuice if I was imposter.

I tried to sit up but immediately regretted it as pain flared through my body.

'Okay. Still in one piece. Probably.' I sighed with relief.

My movement must've alerted the people outside because within seconds after I sit up. the door busted wide open.

A man in deep green robes strode in, flanked by two others who looked like they were ready to duel me on the spot. His sharp eyes scanned me like I was someone who was either here who can aid in his plan or someone who would ruin it. 

'To bad for I you, I would probably ruin it' I said to myself

"You're awake," The man in green robes said his tone calculating.

I stared blankly at him. 'No kidding, Sherlock.'

But even before I could open my mouth, he continued. 

"Do you have any idea to the kind of chaos your presence has caused?"

I blinked again. "Uh... I was kinda hoping you could tell me that?" I replied. Honestly at this point I'm just winging to whatever the reason that I had to be knocked me out in the middle of nowhere and to suddenly find myself into a hospital, this is a hospital right!? I thought to myself

With that carefree reply the man's jaw clenched, He looked like he was debating if whether to he was going to hex me or lecture me first.

"You are Percy Jackson. Heir to the House of—" He stopped himself, taking a deep breath. As if my very family was enough of a reason to cause mass hysteria. 

"An heir to one of the oldest and most dangerous Greek bloodlines known to wizard kind was found injured in British soil." He continued "Imagine the panic of the ministry when they realized who you were.

"You were found on the outskirts of Hogsmeade, unconscious and barely breathing"

We tried to find your identity for the past few days but nothing ever showed. That was until we checked your bloodline. And that was when the entire magical world went into an uproar. 


I stared blankly at him... His explanation causing more questions than answers at this point 'Okay, what in Hades name is going on!?' I complained not understanding why Hecate had to do this in the first place. 

"Tell me Jackson" The greed-robed man called my name snapping me out of my reverie "Do you know what you were doing before you fainted?"

"Honestly, I was just on my way to Hogwarts," I said. 

"Hogwarts!?" he exclaimed, surprise clear in his tone. "what were you planning to do there?

"Honestly, I have no clue as well" I replied shrugging my shoulders "The family simply told me to stay there for a little while. It could be an interesting escape to the usual politics that the family have" I replied lying through my teeth

He must have noticed that I was not telling the entire story. since he was still giving me that peircing gaze. But he eventually relented and muttered some kind of curse word under his breath.

But then, after a few seconds, his eyes suddenly gleamed with interest, as though he had just caught an interesting toy to play with.

"Say, Jackson... what if I told you I could secure you a place to stay at Hogwarts—but under one condition?" He paused, a sly grin forming. "You just need to be a teacher to do so."

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