PJO: A Professor of Hogwarts

Chapter 13: Making the Syllabus

I sat at the table, tapping my quill against the parchment, surrounded by a battlefield of crumpled-up lesson plans. The mess stood out against the otherwise neat and orderly room—not that I cared at the moment.

"Ugh, why is making a lesson plan so hard?" I groaned, running a hand through my hair. Still, I kept at it, scribbling down a rough outline—timeframes, activities, maybe even a few surprises to the students.

'Okay you got me a lot of surprises to the students' there you happy now!?

Don't be too surprised... Just because I had a mission to save the world again. It does not mean that I'd slack off on my job.

If I was going to be a professor at Hogwarts, I was going to do it right.

That meant picking a subject I actually knew.

Care of Magical Creatures. Seemed simple enough in my books

Of course, simple was relative.

For me, dealing with dangerous creatures was just another Tuesday. For wizards—who, from what I'd seen, had the survival instincts of a headless chicken—this was going to be an experience the would pray to forget.

Technically, this class was supposed to be safe. But let's be real, safety and I had never really gotten along.

For demigods, the lesson plan would be like a basic survival training. But for these wizards? Well. I guess I'm about to find out.

A slow, mischievous grin spread across my face as I thought about all the creatures I could introduce to them—things that weren't in their textbooks, things they wouldn't expect.

Dumbledore had given me free rein to teach.

Which meant this entire year was about to be one long, extended prank.

I chuckled to myself, the kind of laugh that probably would've made people nervous if they'd heard it.

Good thing no one did.

Because if they had, they might've thought You-Know-Who had come back from the dead.


I stretched my arms over my head, cracking my neck as I surveyed the wreckage of discarded lesson plans around me. At this rate, I was going to need a Reparo spell just to fix the damage I'd done to my own sanity.

Don't ask me how I know because apparently that thing Hecate did, what ever that was allowed me to understand magic like it's the back of my hand. Like I know I was awesome with my already multiple abilities, but magic just made me whole lot unpredictable. But that's a story for another time.

"Alright," I muttered, flipping the parchment in front of me. "Let's go over this one more time."

Lesson One: Sea Monsters

Because why start small when you could traumatize an entire class right out of the gate?

I grinned, picturing the expressions on their faces. The giant squid was one thing, but there were other things in that lake. Things that Hogwarts students and professors conveniently ignored. Things that should be acknowledged if they ever wanted to live past their school years.

I scribbled a note: Start with Kraken. Avoid lawsuits. 'because lawsuit is the enemy of all that is fun'

Lesson Two: Pegasi and How Not to Die While Riding One

Pretty straightforward. Also, mostly an excuse to get some fresh air.

Lesson Three: Monsters That Can and Will Eat You

Now that's self-explanatory. Maybe summon Mrs' O'Leary and have some little fun?

I tapped the quill against my chin, thinking. Maybe I should throw in a section about what to do if you hear ominous music—because that was usually a sign that things were about to go south fast.

I smirked, shaking my head. This was going to be fun.

A knock at the door interrupted my thoughts.


The door creaked open, and a very skeptical-looking McGonagall stepped inside. Her sharp gaze swept across my desk, lingering on the mountain of failed lesson plans before settling on me.

"I take it you've been... preparing?" she asked, in that carefully neutral voice teachers used when they were already regretting their life choices.

I leaned back in my chair, casually tossing my quill onto the desk. "Yep. All set."

She narrowed her eyes. "I somehow doubt that."

"Why, Professor," I said, placing a hand on my chest in mock offense, "you wound me."

McGonagall looked unimpressed. "Mr. Jackson, I agreed to let you teach under the assumption that you would act responsibly."

I nodded. "And I am being responsible."

Her gaze flicked to the one visible lesson plan. She leaned forward, reading aloud, "Lesson One: Sea Monsters. Step One—Summon Kraken. Step Two—Don't Die."

There was a long silence.

I coughed. "That part's still a draft."

McGonagall inhaled sharply, clearly considering whether this conversation was worth the headache. After a long pause, she pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Just... don't kill anyone," she said finally.

"I make no promises," I said immediately.

She closed her eyes like she was reconsidering all her life choices. "Mr. Jackson—"

"Kidding! Kidding." I grinned. "Mostly."

She sighed finally giving up. "I'll see you in class, Mr. Jackson."

With that, she turned and left, leaving me alone with my absolute disaster of a lesson plan.

I picked up the parchment again, eyeing the first lesson with a thoughtful hum.

"Summon Kraken…" I tapped the words with my quill, then shrugged.

Eh. Should be fine.

I smirked, folding my arms behind my head.

Tomorrow, Hogwarts was in for a rude awakening.

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