Pirates: Start the vampire fruit, rescue the empress

Chapter 300

first half of the Great Passage.

On an island of more than a dozen square kilometers, stands a military base, and on the blue building shell of the base, a large “G-4” black letter is sprayed, indicating the name of its naval G4 branch.

the island has no civilian buildings other than a naval base, no villages and towns, and is not itself on the seven routes of the first half of the Great Route.

However, the naval G4 base on this island is in charge of the waters of 18 islands, including Alabastan, Aito, Luluja and Asca.

More than 3,000 naval soldiers are stationed inside the G4 base for a long time, and the naval branches directly under the control of the other 18 islands can be reinforced at any time, and if necessary, the base commander can also issue orders to directly mobilize the strength of the 18 naval branches.

more than 3,000 troops of the G4 branch of the Navy, and 300 to 500 troops of other island branches, the total number of naval soldiers directly reaches tens of thousands!

it can be said that if the G4 branch of the Navy gathers all its forces and wants to attack a small and medium-sized island, it will be able to directly destroy the entire island with artillery fire overnight!

Therefore, all base commanders with a G prefix hold great real power, which can be regarded as a feudal official, even if the king of a country sees it, he needs to treat him with courtesy.

G4 base military port.

White seagull flags on warships flutter in the wind, and ships quietly dock on the edge of the pier.

In the square in front of the military port of the G4 base, thousands of tall naval soldiers stood in a square formation.

the thirty men at the front were all senior officers wearing colonel cloaks, either commanders of other island branches or department heads at G4 bases.

These navies stood on the military port square for one reason, to greet their top boss, the commander of the G4 branch of the Navy.

a warship from a distant sea level, at an unhurried speed, sailed into the military port, docked on the edge of the pier, lowered the gangway.

Sephiroth, wearing a cloak with the rank of lieutenant general and a black suit, walked down the gangway with Chloe and other naval soldiers with sonorous steps, and stood at the front of the military port square.


As a school-level officer with a beard shouted, thousands of people in the square immediately raised their right hands, palms inward, and saluted him.

Seeing this scene, Sephiroth could only raise his right hand and salute the navy.

“Didn’t I just say to let the officers of the base and other branches meet me?”

how could there be such a big battle…? ”

Sephiroth turned his head and asked Chloe beside him.

“this… That’s exactly what I conveyed….

this should be their own battle, right? ”

Chloe raised his right wrist and pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, a puzzled expression on his face.

“Oh~!” I see….

” Sephiroth nodded, a thoughtful expression on his face.

this command conveys the problem, which is why some people want to warmly welcome him?

or do you want to give him a soft nail?

it doesn’t matter, he doesn’t care anyway!

Now he has already passed the stage of being in the navy, where he needs to be careful and thoughtful, and he does not need to give face to anyone in the navy except for a few people.

If those guys don’t come to provoke him, then he won’t take the initiative to provoke the other party, just fine with each other….

but if they want to make some kind of moth for him, he doesn’t mind strangling people to death!


Sephiroth cleared his throat before laughing in a loud voice:

Hahaha-!” It really makes me feel guilty that you have come to greet me in such a big battle!

presumably, everyone must have been busy for a long time, which is really causing trouble for everyone!

I already feel this heart!

Also, I am happy that you can greet me with this ritual, but….

I don’t like the way you do things!

so stop engaging in this boring formalism next time.

only this once, not the next example! After

that, Sephiroth smiled and turned to the bearded colonel who had just shouted saluting and said:

“42”> “Let the soldiers below do whatever they want!”

don’t let them stand here blind….

Also, ask the head of the base department and other branch commanders to come with me to the conference room for a meeting. ”


Hearing this, Colonel Hu saluted first, then turned around and ordered the other middle-ranking officers, leading the soldiers to begin to leave one after another.

After Sephiroth finished his order, he turned his head to look at a woman with pink waist-length hair and a somewhat charming face among the thirty colonel-level officers, and he was slightly surprised:

“48”> “Why are you here!?”

“Tina reported to Lieutenant General Tsuru and applied to be transferred from the staff to serve in the G4 branch.

therefore, I was appointed as the commander of the branch of Alabastan.

Do you have any complaints about this…? ”

Tina, who was dressed in a white justice jacket and a women’s red suit, said as she took out a pack of women’s cigarettes from her trouser pocket, smoked a cigarette, lit it in her mouth, and took a sip.

her gaze towards him was a little inexplicably evasive, and she turned her head slightly, not daring to look at him.

Seeing this scene, Saffe Roston laughed heartily:

“55”> “No, very welcome!”

“You obviously set off before Tina, but you arrived slower than me…”

“Hahaha! A lot of things happened here…” Sephiroth laughed and snorted, without explaining in detail.

according to the normal itinerary, he went straight from Marin Fandor to the G4 base, which should only take more than twenty days, but he took more than forty days.

In order to give Chloe military merit, he basically rushed leisurely, set sail in the morning, the sun set to rest, and when he encountered pirates, he let Chloe go up to solve it.

along the way, they encountered several waves of pirates, although they were all trash fish, but these credits added up to enough for Chloe to be promoted to second lieutenant!

in this way, Chloe can also be regarded as a junior officer, and can justifiably help him manage the day-to-day affairs of the base….

Led by the bearded officer, Sephiroth and the others arrived in a large spacious conference room, and after he sat down in the main seat, he did not hurry to speak.

he glanced at the senior officers present before slowly speaking:

“> “What about me!” Actually, it’s still very easy to get along with….

As long as you do your duty and don’t cause me any trouble, I won’t deliberately make it difficult for you.

As for your meritorious work, I will not press you

Of course, if you get into trouble, don’t think I’ll cover you up…..”< p idx="68"> Sephiroth said a lot at the meeting, but it basically only summed up in one sentence: “69”> do a good job, don’t give me trouble, otherwise you can only wait for serious treatment!

he put on this businesslike posture, so that the officers who had other careful thoughts temporarily calmed down, ready to stop and watch before deciding what to do in the future.

Since there are no towns and villages on the island, and naturally there are no residential villas, Sephiroth went directly to the sixth floor of the base’s officer dormitory building after the meeting.

However, because he is the commander of the base, his residence is larger than that of other officers, three bedrooms and one living room, 150 square meters, fully furnished, and can be moved in directly with a bag.

it is precisely because of this that Sephiros brought Perona and the others to live on the empty island.

150 square meters to live five people, not to say that you can’t live, it can’t be called crowding.


this is a military base, he is a base commander, so he lives with a few sisters, how to look at it is still a problem.

Besides, when he is lying down, he often makes a lot of noise!

If other officers living in the same building heard it, he believed that in a few days, Sengoku would personally call him and talk to him about the discipline issue or something…

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