Pirates: Start the vampire fruit, rescue the empress

Chapter 069

Chambord Islands, naval base, fifth floor, commander’s office.

Knock knock!

“Come in.”

A young man’s voice came from the office, and Sephiroth pushed open the door and walked in, and immediately he saw a good-looking and serious man.

The layout of the room is not much different from when the yellow ape was there, the only difference is that there is a plaque hanging on the wall that says “Absolute Justice”.

When Sephiroth saw the plaque, he couldn’t help but think about whether absolute was equal to extreme, whether it was equal to neuropathy.

Killing pirates or something, it doesn’t matter if the means are cruel and strong….

After all, in Sephiroth’s opinion, those pirates should have the consciousness of dying in the sea when they hang the black skeleton flag and go to sea.

Being a pirate is not a family game!

If you want to pursue freedom and adventure, you can set sail and go to sea, why hang black sails?

Therefore, Sephiroth has never been soft when fighting pirates!

Well!…… When he fought with a female pirate, his legs were soft….

To get back to the point, pirates or something, how to deal with it, but how many meanings do you mean by involving innocent civilians?

To put it mildly, people are taxpayers, they have to pay heavenly gold every year, and in the end you have to kill people, make trouble!

“Hello, Major General Dolo! Please sign this document.

Sephiroth was neither humble nor arrogant, with a calm expression, and he glanced at this man in the cloak of justice without a trace.

“Gilman, Victor, Atru Jones… 840 million Bailey… Roronoa Solon…” The

young man quickly signed his name after confirming the photograph of the body and the bounty order.

“I admire the way you do to kill the pirates!

Pirate hunter Roronoa Solon, is there any interest, consider joining the navy, with your strength, you will soon be able to make a name for yourself in the navy, and sooner or later you will be able to become a general.

“I’m a person who has always been free and rambling, thank you Major General for his kindness!”

“Okay! If you don’t want to join the Navy, forget it. His

invitation was directly rejected, and Major General Dolo immediately showed displeasure, he threw the document in his hand on the table, and waved his hand, signaling Sephiroth to leave quickly.

“I have accurate news about a certain sea thief, I don’t know if His Excellency Major General is interested…” Hearing

this, a trace of essence flashed in Major General Dolo’s eyes, and he said with a serious face:

“What news about the sea thief?”

“I have received accurate information that Jorakor Mihawk, who has offered a reward of 600 million Bailey, will appear on Island 52 at noon ten days later.”

“Are you sure this news is true?

Wrong! …… Why are you telling me about this?

“Because I want to make friends with His Excellency Major General, and…”

I am very self-aware, my strength is limited, and on my own, I can’t defeat Jorakor Mihawk.

Therefore, I will lend flowers to offer the Buddha, be a favorite, and send this news to His Excellency the Major General.

Presumably, you have just taken office, and you must urgently need military merit to prove yourself … Isn’t this a great opportunity? ”

Sephiroth’s words, like the whisper of the devil, lured the other party step by step into the abyss of death….

Major General Dolo’s eyes narrowed slightly, tapped the index finger of his right hand on the table, and said in a serious tone:

“Your news had better be true, otherwise I will let you eat and go!”

“Of course.”

Sephiroth nodded with a smile, took the papers, turned and left the office, and went to the financial office to collect the bounty.

The pit has been dug, as for whether Major Dolo will jump in and fall to his death, it can only depend on the luck of the other party.

Anyway, he didn’t think that Hawkeye would be killed by this little minions, if so, then the future world’s number one sword lord would be too moisture…

As for the guy Dolo, and the Navy soldiers who will be killed by Hawkeye….

I’m so sorry! They got in the way.

For those who hinder him, even if Sephiroth can’t bear it in his heart, the pit will still pit, and the soft heart will divide the time….

Moreover, since those people have chosen to become the navy, don’t they have the consciousness to tuck their heads on their belts …?

After leaving the naval base, Sephiroth contacted Tezzolo and said that he wanted to visit the company’s weapons factory and meet Jim, the company’s weapons designer.

In this regard, Tezzolo immediately said that he would arrange relevant matters and take him to visit the weapons factory.


Chambord Islands, Island 27, Unbelted.

Sephiroth, dressed in a white suit, carrying a chest and wearing a white mask, led by Tezzolo to the gate of a compound surrounded by high walls.

Located at the entrance of the metal gate, wearing black suits, sunglasses, and two strong men standing guard with guns in their arms, after seeing Tezzolo, they quickly bent down to salute, opened the metal gate, and put the two in.

In the wide square, there are many bubble carts, and there are two groups of people, one group unloading the raw materials on the cart, and the other is putting the finished product on the cart like a weapon.

“After opening its own weapons factory, our company has gradually got rid of the constraints of arms suppliers….

Now that our weapons are sold all over the world, and in the second half of the Great Seaway, the company has taken its place in the underground arms community.

Sephiroth raised his eyebrows slightly, and said with a slight surprise:

“Wait, I can understand selling arms to the second half of the Great Seaway, how did you do it…?”

Hearing this, Tezzolo suddenly chuckled, and he stretched out his finger to the top of his head.

“Of course it’s the CP organization! Ridiculous, isn’t it?

After I came into contact with a high-ranking government official, I was just trying to bribe the other party and get the other party to open a back door….

But I never expected that the other party would agree without hesitation….

In this way, with the help and cover of the CP organization, our arms were able to be transported to the four seas through the Red Earth Continent without even going through inspection.

Sephiroth had a thoughtful look on his face, which reminded him of CP0’s attempt to get the list of deals for Doflamingo’s arms business and take over the business in the original plot, and he muttered,

“Perhaps… The other party is looking for some kind of ‘balance’, right?

If the whole sea is peaceful and tranquil, and the world government cannot show its authority, who will listen to the world government….

Who will continue to pay high heavenly gold to maintain a useless world government…”

The two were walking and chatting, and just walked into the weapons factory, a young man who was one meter nine meters tall, as thin as a bamboo pole, with a figure-eight beard on his face and a monocle on his right eye, trotted all the way over.

“I’ve seen two adults in Xia.”

Saying that, Fortes Jim bowed deeply to the two.

Today, he suddenly received a notice from Tezzolo that the big boss wanted to meet him, which made him feel a little flattered.

The middle-level cadres of the umbrella company all know that Tezzolo is only the second in command of the company, but no one knows who the number one and who the big boss is.

Half a year ago, Tezzolo was just a small gangster in the Chambord Islands, but after being appreciated by the big boss, he began to soar and become a big man with a head and a face in the Chambord Islands….

“Boss, this is the Jim you want to see.”

“Hmm! How did you do with the weapon concept drawings I gave last time?”

Hearing this, Jim suddenly looked ashamed and said,

“This… Due to the problem of craftsmanship and materials, I only completed the sniper rifle named AWM among the many weapon drawings of the big boss…”

It’s hard to put into words!

He spent a long time researching and spending a lot of money on new machines, which barely reproduced the power and range of the AWM sniper rifle.

As for durability, it is limited by material workmanship….

Don’t mention it!

“Oh? Show it to me…” said Sephiroth with interest.

Jim quickly turned around and ran into the weapons factory, and from his personal studio, he took out the all-black AWM sniper rifle.

After taking the sniper rifle, Sephiroth fiddled with his hand a few times before continuing,

“Is there a place to test the gun?”

“Yes, there is a special test range in the factory, but there is no way to experiment in terms of range, and you need to go outdoors….

However, I can pack a ticket, the effective range of this gun can definitely reach more than 1100 meters…”

Led by Jim, Sephiroth and Tezzolo came to the shooting range of the weapons factory, and with almost no aiming, he raised the AWM sniper rifle and fired a shot at a target fifty meters away.

In an instant, the twenty-millimeter steel plate was pierced by bullets and shot into the wall behind.

“Boss, I’ll go and help you get the target…”

Jim nodded and walked towards the target in the distance.

“No need, the power of the gun is very good, I am satisfied!”

After this period of exercise, he was in a state of concentration, and the domineering coverage had reached more than a hundred meters, and in the absence of obstructions, he could quickly sense the wind and grass movement in any of them.

If he blurred perception, he could triple this range.

Under normal circumstances, he would not go all out to open the domineering color.

Generally, he only retains a certain premonition of danger so that he can deal with sudden attacks.

After all, who would sit idly and concentrate on their surroundings and pay attention to all the wind and grass, that is very laborious, okay!

In the fierce battle of real close matching, he will only observe the other party’s every move with a domineering attitude, and will not be distracted from paying attention to those insignificant things in the distance.

There is a limit to human attention!

He can’t keep a close eye on his surroundings and still engage in fierce battles with strong enemies…

This feeling is like you’re looking down at your phone and playing games, while thinking about high math problems in your head, and by the way, you want to watch a live football game at the same time.

The more distractions and the lower the concentration, the slower the reaction, which can only be a way to death in a fierce battle….

Sephiroth fully confirmed the power of the sniper rifle after sensing that the bullet penetrated the steel plate and shot into the wall.

The gun Jim made could already pose a threat to him, and if it was dense enough, it could even kill him….

If you wrap it with armed color domineering, the power can be raised by one or two levels!

The range and power of this AWM sniper rifle can be said to be more than one step stronger than the sniper rifles that appear on the market today!

With a satisfied smile on his face, Sephiroth put the sniper rifle in his hand on the table, and turned to the green-haired young man next to him and said:

“Tezzolo, this gun is temporarily not for external sale, it is limited to our company’s internal use…”

In the future, you can consider training some sharpshooters for our company.

Then the overall strength of the company can be greatly improved. ”

Now the umbrella company is also a combat power that Tezzolo can play, but any fire fight requires him to take the lead in the charge, or Sephiroth personally intervenes to assassinate.

In this way, it also seems that the two high-level officials of them are too unfaceted….

After testing the power of the sniper rifle, Sephiroth went to Jim’s personal studio for a tour.

The room of more than twenty square meters is full of design drawings, as well as some tools and gun parts.

“Fords Jim, I recognize your talent…” As

he spoke, Sephiroth placed the box in his hand on the table in the room, opened it, and took out the swallowing fruit from it.

“This is a devouring fruit, and as long as you eat it, you can have the ability to devour and synthesize anything.

Of course, once you eat it, it will mean that you will be loyal to me and work for me… Would you like to?”

“Yes, of course I do!

From now on, I will lead the way, my lord.

Jim looked excited, without the slightest hesitation, “Poof! With a sound, he knelt on the ground on one knee and lowered his head.

After he experienced being kidnapped by pirates and reduced to slavery, a thirst for power arose in his heart.

Now that there is an opportunity to become stronger, in front of him, how can he be indifferent?

“Well, remember what you said today…”

Sephiroth nodded in satisfaction and handed the swallowing fruit to the other party.

“Hmm~! It’s so tasty…”

Jim’s whole face contorted after taking a bite of the fruit.

“Eat it whole!”


Hearing this, Jim could only grit his teeth and swallow one by one.

At this moment, Sephiroth slowly took off the mask on his face, revealing his true face, so that the other party could see it clearly.

Since he is ready to accept the other party as a little brother, then he must always let the other party know what he looks like, otherwise it will not be good to make some misunderstanding in the future.

“To develop and use your fruit abilities well, you can try to fuse metals such as copper, iron, chromium, etc., and even fuse living and abiotic

… In a week, I have important things for you to do, don’t let me down.

Sephiroth patted Jim on the shoulder before putting on his mask again and leaving the studio.

Finally, before separating from Tezzolo, he also urged the other party to quickly complete the purchase transaction of technology with Vegapunk.

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