Pirates: Start the vampire fruit, rescue the empress

Chapter 004

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sound of steel boots stepping on the ship’s board sounded all at once….

“Captain Peter is here!”

“Great! Those guys are dead.

“Captain Peter, you must avenge my brother Kevin!”

Under the surprised gazes of the three slave traders, a man more than two meters tall, wearing the armor of a medieval knight, holding a shield in his left hand and a long sword in his right, walked down the corridor of the cabin.

Behind him, he was followed by a man armed with a long knife and a pistol pinned to his waist.

Wearing a full body armor is very time-consuming, and it is very difficult for one person to wear, so the two of them worked for a while before they were late.

The heavy armor on Captain Peter covered the soles of his feet from the top of his head.

The whole body armor weighing more than thirty kilograms, ordinary people wear it on the body and even the movement is not conducive to the rope, but Captain Peter is different, his strength and endurance are far beyond ordinary people, after piercing the armor, it does not cause much hindrance to him.

Moreover, with his whole body armor, he can directly ignore the bullets of ordinary firearms and sword slashes!

Captain Peter glanced through the sight hole in the metal mask and saw clearly the young man lying on the ground.

“Abominable! Is Kevin killed too? Those guys… I’m going to slaughter them!”

He angrily slammed his shield against the wall, venting his emotions before stepping into the cabin where the four people were.

Sephiroth heard unusual footsteps, and he quickly glanced at it:

“Oops! There was a guy in full armor and came to our cabin! Hearing

this, Hancock’s good-looking willow eyebrows couldn’t help but frown slightly, and she said in a deep voice:

“Find a way to knock him over to the ground first!”

Then we can take advantage of his inability to get up, through the gap in the armor, and give him a fatal blow.

Sandasonia and Marigorude, the two nodded slightly, listening carefully to the footsteps.

Soon, a tall figure wearing full-body armor appeared in the eyes of the four people.

With their hands, the three Boyar sisters each lifted a barrel filled with water and smashed it towards Captain Peter’s head.


The armored man was already guarded, he quickly turned sideways, and while dodging the two barrels, he swung the longsword in his right hand.


In a flash of cold light, the barrel was cut in two by the long sword and fell on the ship’s board.

On the other side, Sephiroth also seized the opportunity and rushed towards Captain Peter, wanting to throw him to the ground.

And yet….

The next moment.

The arm wrapped in armor slammed into the silver-haired boy’s chest, smashing his whole person upside down and flying out, hitting the wall of the cabin, making a muffled “bang”.

The sharp pain in his chest made Sephiroth almost faint, and he could clearly feel that the ribs in his chest seemed to be broken several times…

For a while, he was already unable to get up and lost the ability to continue fighting.

Seeing this, Captain Peter immediately raised the long sword in his hand and was about to slash at the silver-haired boy’s throat.


The sound of gold and iron sounded, and Hancock hastily brandished his long knife, and finally barely held the sword and saved Sephiroth.

Marigorud took the opportunity to swing her long knife and rushed towards Captain Peter, who wanted to stab through the joint of the armor.


The other party was wearing armor all over his body, and after quickly adjusting his posture, he used the shield on his left hand to push the orange long-haired girl and knocked her to the ground.

In the distance, Sandasonia, she raised her pistol and pulled the trigger on Captain Peter.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The bullets hit the armor one after another, splashing several sparks, but Captain Peter, who was wearing full body armor, was not moved at all, and he directly ignored the green-haired girl’s shooting.

When he swung his sword to suppress the long knife in Hancock’s hand, he backhanded the shield and smashed it on the right side of the black straight girl’s head.

At this time, it was too late for the girl to dodge, and she could only desperately mobilize the few armed color domineering energy in her body and gather it on her forehead in order to minimize the damage.


Receiving this blow, Hancock was suddenly smashed on the ship’s board, and a trace of red blood flowed from her forehead.

Captain Peter’s attack skills are not superb, and he is even a little clumsy, but the other party, with the defensive power provided by the armor and its physical strength far beyond ordinary adults, suppresses the four of them to no resistance.

“Go and die!”

Captain Peter held the long sword in his right hand, aimed it at the chest of the black long straight girl, and was about to stab it directly.

On the other side, Sephiroth, who covered his chest with his right hand and was half-leaning against the wall, opened his eyes wide and watched the blade swing down in the air….

In fact, when dealing with Captain Peter’s attack, he can obviously use the bat to dodge the attack, even if he is still relatively slow and can’t cut all the attack damage, he won’t suffer a heavy blow like now!


In his subconscious, there was simply no adaptation to the fact that he had become a Devil Fruit Ability.

That’s where that mistake happened….

If it weren’t for his drag, Hancock would not have been able to rush into battle at that time, and he would not have been suppressed by the enemy in an instant, thus falling into danger.

The girl’s death was all because of him!

Thinking of this, the silver-haired boy felt remorse in his heart, and he roared with a blinded roar:



A mighty and majestic momentum vented out from Sephiroth’s body, and a seemingly innocuous dark red thunder and lightning flashed in the cabin.

Poof! Poof! Poof! ……

With the exception of Sephiroth and Hancock, everyone on board, including Marigorud and Sandasonia, lost consciousness and passed out on the ship’s board.

“Ba… Overlord color domineering…? There is no one in a million

, the qualifications of the king…” Hancock slowly stood up, reached out and wiped the blood flowing from the door of her head, and her eyes were full of surprise when she looked at the silver-haired boy.

On Nine Snake Island, many people will see and smell the domineering and armed domineering, and even they have summed up a set of relatively simple and easy-to-understand armed color domineering cultivation tips.


Overlord color domineering, this kind of power that only exists in legends, she is still the first time to see it!

On the other side, under the power of the vampire fruit, Sephiroth quickly recovered the cracked ribs on his chest, the pain receded, and his whole person finally regained the strength to stand up.

“This is the overlord color domineering…?”

He shook his hands blankly, his eyes still a little confused.

Just now, under the mixed emotions of regret, he felt as if something had been vented in his mind.

Immediately afterwards, a feeling of tiredness came from his brain.

When he tried to get back the feeling he had before, he found nothing.

If it weren’t for the people in the cabin who fainted to the ground, he couldn’t believe that he had just really released the overlord-colored domineering!

After trying fruitlessly, Sephiroth was ready to wait until later to continue his research.

He and Hancock first joined forces to tie up the crew of the slave ship with ropes before calling Marigorud and Sandasonia.

The slave ship was a fast sailing ship with a length of about twenty meters, divided into three decks, and was only a small ship with a wolf’s head at the bow.

On the deck of the ship, six unconscious slave traders were thrown together.

“What should these six guys do?”

Sephiroth turned to look at Hancock on his side.

Because the right side of the girl’s head was smashed by a shield and shed some blood, she wrapped a few white bandages around her brain, as if the wound was still faintly painful, and she would always wrinkle her good-looking willow eyebrows from time to time and stroke her forehead with her hand.

Hearing this, the black long straight girl first snorted coldly before she spoke.

“These abominable guys… Just throw it into the sea and feed the fish.

“yes! If we hadn’t won by chance, maybe we would have been killed by now.

Marigorud also nodded in agreement, very much in agreement with Hancock’s proposal.

“But if we throw them all into the sea, there will be no one to help us steer the boat.”

With the four of us, can we sail the ship to the next island? The boy frowned.

Hearing this, Sandasonia, a long-haired girl with green hair, patted her chest, which had begun to take shape, and said with a confident smile:

“Don’t worry!”

In terms of navigation, I am still confident….

After all, the Hydra Pirates have trained me as a navigator since I was a child, and the four of us are enough to steer this sailboat.

Sephiroth looked at the six human traffickers, and he thought that if he had not eaten the vampire fruit by chance, then the three women and him would probably be sold as slaves, losing all their dignity, and having to endure all kinds of inhuman torture every day and become the playthings of others….

This made him think of the original work, those who survived after being enslaved by the Draco, basically all of them had serious psychological trauma, and even more so, such as Tezzolo, Boyahan Cook and others, even their own personalities were distorted….

Thinking of this, Sephiroth’s eyes were full of fierceness, and the only trace of unbearability left in his heart disappeared in an instant.

This is the world of One Piece, where human life is like grass, and it is no longer the peaceful era he lived in in his previous life!

It would be ridiculous to deal with these scum and take into account their human rights!

Sephiroth, who made up his mind, no longer had the slightest sympathy and pity in his heart when he started.

At his request, the three women gave him the job of handling the six slave traders, while the three women went under the cabin to carry the corpses and clean up the traces of the battle….

He dragged six slave traders one by one to the edge of the ship.

His rough movements caused several people to wake up from their coma.

“Wait! What are you doing? ”


“Sorry, I was wrong, let me go!”

Faced with the pleas of several scumbags, Sephiroth was not moved at all.

He stretched out his slender and white right hand and pressed it on the six people one by one.

Under the action of the vampire fruit ability, the vitality of the six people was directly drained by him, turning into a group of gray-haired old men.

Poof! Poof! Poof! ……

Every time Sephiroth threw a person on the edge of the boat, a large splash would occur on the sea.

These six scumbags, their life force has dried up, their hands are tied again, unless there is a miracle, they are absolutely dead!

The afternoon sun shone on Sephiroth’s body, making his body warm, but his heart was cold…

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