Pirate’s Infinite Awakening

Chapter 24

Chapter 24 You are not qualified to be a master

“Boy, you…”

As soon as Chu Yi’s voice fell, Tiger was actually a little confused for a while.


is it necessary?

Since Chu Yi, Tiger escaped from the Tianlongren, the contradiction between them and the Tianlongren could not be resolved. What they want to do right now is to rescue Hancock’s two younger sisters from the dragon people. No matter whether they succeed or not, they and the dragon people will never die.

In that case, why hide?

Because the Tianlong people are world nobles, are their identities special?

When Tiger was stunned, Chu Yi gently removed Tiger’s palm from his shoulder and gave Hancock a look that made her “reassured”, and he was about to walk straight to the fat pig in front of him. Ugly guy wearing a hood.

But when Chu Yi had just taken two steps, he suddenly made a “bang”!

The arrogant and domineering Tianlongren fell directly to the ground because the slaves under him could not support his fat body!

“Damn, you are a useless thing!”

The servant next to    saw that the noble Tianlongren fell from the slave, one hurried forward to help him up, and the other slammed the slave with a whip.

The leather whip fell, and blood stains intertwined on the slave’s body, but the slave with the slave collar dared not speak, and even gritted his teeth even in pain, for fear that the screaming would make the Tianlongren even more dissatisfied.

The surrounding crowd listened to the sound of the friction and collision of the leather whip and flesh and blood, not only did they dare not get the slightest anger, but all of them knelt there and did not dare to breathe.

They are either numb or accustomed to it.

Therefore, when the Tianlongren were punished and dealt with, apart from fearing that the Tianlongren would anger them, they did not dare to have any thoughts of resistance in their hearts.

With the help of the servant, the Tianlongren who fell severely stood up with a swollen nose and swollen nose. Soon he pulled out the pistol without thinking about it, and aimed at the slave in front with fierce eyes.

“Chu Yi…”

Tianlongren attacked in the street, which seems to most people to be a strange thing.

Tiger, Hancock is different.

They were once the slaves of the Tianlong people. At this time, the sight of the Tianlong people drawing their guns to shoot the slaves is undoubtedly touching the softest place in their hearts!

Once upon a time, both Tiger and Hancock were like this. They were just the playthings of the Dragon people, and they could die at any time.

And the former companions around them have lost countless lives because they angered the Tianlongren.

It is also because of this that almost at the moment when the Dragonman drew his spear, Hancock’s eyes were covered with tears, and Hancock could only find him when he was tightly gripping Chu Yi’s ragged sleeves. A little sense of security.

is Lu Qi instead.

He knows the cruelty of the dragon people very well. As a navy, he can even be said to be equivalent to the flames that have boosted the arrogance of the dragon people.

Seeing Hancock staggering in tears and seeing Tiger’s face pale, Lu Qi thought they didn’t understand the Tianlongren, and then a scornful smile was raised at the corner of his mouth. Lu Qi, who usually rarely speaks, turned out to be uncharacteristic and said indifferently: “800 The descendants of the 20 kings who established the world government a year ago, claiming to be the “Creators”, they are the world’s nobles, Tianlong people, and people with many privileges in the world. They disdain to breathe the same air as us, so they came out Always wear a mask.”

“Whether it is the person under his feet, or us, in the eyes of the great Dragon people, they are all lowly humans, so I don’t think you need to be like this at all.”

“Because the rules of the world are like this, we all need to get used to it, don’t we?”

Lu Qi finished speaking, thinking that he was right.

I didn’t think that as soon as Lu Qi’s voice fell, Chu Yi punched him hard in the face.

“To shut up!”

“To shut up?”

After spitting blood, Lu Qi looked at Chu Yi sarcastically, and asked, “You told me to shut up, what can you do now? What the great Tianlong people are going to do, since we can’t stop it, then What’s the point of simply shutting up?”

“Let you shut up, just shut up.”

Taking a deep breath, Chu Yi who came across was really unable to imagine that even a strong man like Lu Qi maintained such a mentality.

What about    Tianlongren?

Who gave them superior qualifications?

They are the **** among the rubbish, and they are the people least qualified to enjoy privileges!

Then he took a deep breath and found Tiger, Hancock kept silent under Lu Qi’s remarks. Chu Yi, clenching his fists, suddenly turned his head to look at Tiger, Hancock said to the two seriously for the first time. : “People who have been oppressed by the Tianlong people for generations have long been full of servility in their bones, thinking that whatever they do is right. Such people cannot be called rubbish, but they can only be said to be incomplete people. They forget. Your own dignity is far more noble than the identity of the Tianlong people.”

“Tiger, Hancock, you are all my closest people, so I hope you can be a complete human being from today, at least…”

“You must forget the servility in your bones, and don’t be the kind of waste that allows people to trample on their dignity!”

The voice just fell, I just heard a “bang”!

Lu Qi’s pupils who had been staring at Chu Yi were slightly tightened. He never expected that Chu Yi’s tactic at this time was actually the “shave” in the Navy’s Sixth Formula!

That’s right.

Now that he understands the secrets of “shave” and “paper painting” in the six navy styles, how can Chu Yi not practice the six navy styles during the following month of hard training?

Although Chu Yi didn’t get any pointers or research things from Lu Qi when he first started practicing the six navy poses. But just like Duan Yu in Tianlong Babu, UU Reading www.uukanshu. Com has enough internal strength absorbed by the Beiming Divine Art to understand the use of the Six-Medition Excalibur in a short time. With the terrifying physical quality of three awakenings, Chu Yi, who has already understood that the six navy forms, is in repeated failures. I have found out how to use the six types of navy “shaving” and “paper painting”, not to mention, it is a short time to get started!

At this moment, the fast “point” of the toes of both feet is on the ground, and the reaction force of the output force is used to push forward, and the speed of Chu Yi that smoothly uses the Navy Six “shave” is more than ten times faster?

Immediately afterwards, with a “swish”, Chu Yi’s figure disappeared directly in front of Tiger, Hancock, and instantly came to the side of the Tianlongren.

“Oh? Who are you?”

Chu Yi’s figure suddenly appeared at the position where the pistol was aimed at. The Tianlongren, who had long forgotten what fear was, frowned, and aimed at the slave’s pistol before, and at this moment he aimed at Chu Yi.

But what made Hancock and Tiger really alarmed was not the movement of the Tianlong Ren pointing his pistol at Chu Yi.

Because they all believed that Chu Yi, who could wipe out several pirate groups in an instant, could not be threatened by ordinary pistols.

What really made Hancock and Tiger felt shocked was that when the Celestial Man was aiming at Chu Yi with his palm, Chu Yi, who slowly opened his palm, used his palm to aim the Celestial Man’s head!

Next second!


God Luo Tianzheng!

With Chu Yi’s indifferent voice echoing on the quiet street, the previously arrogant Tianlongren, with a masked head like an exploded watermelon, shattered under the terrifying repulsion of “Shenluo Tianzheng”!

“Dragon people are not qualified to be superior, at least in front of me…”


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