Pirates: God Class Vice Captain

Chapter 15

Chapter 15 – Penetrating Attack!

The boat raised its sails and set sail at full speed. After Garp’s ship was no longer in sight, Raleigh changed its course twice before confirming that it had thrown off the difficult naval colonel.

Roger lay on the back of the boat, looking at the direction he left just now, “What a surprise, I didn’t expect there to be such a strong person in the navy. I thought the navy was a bunch of idiots.”

“Only you, an idiot, have no right to call others idiots.” Du Hang patted him on the shoulder, and then pointed to the devil fruit that was put aside.

“Roger, Rayleigh, do you two want to eat this fruit? If you want it, I will give it to you.”

“Oh! That’s right, there’s this thing, let me take a look!” Roger was still thinking about Garp just now, but he was attracted by the devil fruit in a blink of an eye. It was the first time for the three people present to see the devil No one is not curious about the real fruit.

Rayley cast his gaze over while steering the helm: “It looks like it should be a superhuman Devil Fruit, but I don’t know the specific ability. I haven’t studied the Devil Fruit Illustration much before.”

“Devil Fruit Illustrated Book? Is there such a thing?” Roger picked up the fruit and asked strangely.

“Of course, devil fruits have existed since ancient times. As time goes by, the illustrated book will naturally be summarized.” Reilly said.

“Du Hang, do you know what this fruit is for?” Roger looked at Du Hang.

“I don’t know.” Du Hang shrugged. Although the intelligence brain is very powerful, it is not omnipotent. The intelligence brain doesn’t know much about mysterious things like devil fruits. If you want to do a complete analysis, at least you have to There are several samples for comparison.

“No matter what kind of fruit, as long as you work hard to develop its power, you can become very strong in the end. It has been recorded in history that someone used a very common animal fruit to become a big pirate with a reward of hundreds of millions. Go to war with the country on your own,” Raleigh added.

Roger hummed, looked at the fruit in his hand for a while, and then put it down.

“I’m not interested, you can figure it out.”

“Huh?” Du Hang raised his eyebrows, this is a devil fruit, Roger just gave up? He thinks he doesn’t need this power anymore?

“Are you worried that the fruit power is not to your liking?” Raleigh asked.

“No.” Roger shook his head, “I don’t want the fruit… because if you eat the fruit, won’t you be able to go into the sea again? I’m the man who wants to be the Pirate King! As the Pirate King, I can’t even touch the sea water, right? Is it too ridiculous?”

As soon as these words came out, Du Hang and Lei Liqiqi were taken aback.

Rayley’s eyes flashed a look of surprise. If he just thought it was fun when he got on the boat, now he really has a feeling that this young man named Roger can create a miracle!

“That’s a good sentence. I’ll give it full marks. It can be written as a book of quotes from One Piece in the future.” Du Hang also said with a smile that he didn’t hit Roger.

Then he looked at Rayleigh: “What about you, Rayleigh, do you want to be a free person too?”

Lei Li laughed and said, “I don’t eat anymore, but it’s not because I want to be free. It’s just that I like swimming. When I was a child, I often soaked in the sea and didn’t go home. Although I’m older now, But I don’t want to give up this beauty.”

“Oh, Rayleigh, are you good at swimming? If you have time, let’s try it out! I’m also good at it!” Roger grinned and laughed.

“Tsk tsk, you two are in perfect harmony. You both entered Baoshan and returned empty-handed, right? Well, you don’t want it. Then don’t blame me for being reckless. This fruit belongs to me.” Du Hang curled his lips and grabbed the fruit.

Roger and Lei Li looked at it together. Although they didn’t want to eat the fruit, it didn’t mean they didn’t want Du Hang to eat it. On the contrary, they would be happy if Du Hang wanted to eat it. It’s too much pressure on them. At worst, they need to go to sea in the future When it was time, the two of them went for Du Hang!

The result was unexpected, Du Hang didn’t eat the fruit, but put it in his hand.

In the next second, a piece of data suddenly appeared on the fruit. There was a faint light on the data, which looked quite sci-fi. The data turned faster and faster. After a while, the whole fruit turned into a green data stream. After flying around in Du Hang’s hand for a while, a large part poured into Du Hang’s body suddenly, while the remaining part condensed again, turned into a black stone and fell on the deck.

【The fruit extraction is complete. After testing, the fruit’s ability can transmit power, skipping places where the power doesn’t want to stay. 】

“Shooting cows across the mountains? That’s right. I’m not physically strong right now, so I’m suitable for this kind of evil way.” Du Hang said with satisfaction.

【However, using the fruit ability consumes physical strength, the host should still pay attention to the frequency of use, and this extraction method that removes negative data can only extract part of the power, please pay more attention when using it. 】

As the voice of Zhinao explained, Du Hang noticed that there were a lot of things in his head, all of which were how to use the fruit ability. No wonder those who have the fruit ability knew how to use the fruit as soon as they ate it. It turns out that the fruit also has its own explanation.

“Eh, Du Hang, did you eat the fruit?” Seeing that Du Hang seemed to have absorbed the power of the fruit, Lei Li asked aloud.

No wonder they didn’t dare to confirm it. Du Hang’s absorption method is indeed a bit weird. Normal people want to get the power of devil fruit, they have to eat it. What the **** is Du Hang?

“No, it just absorbed part of the power inside.” After speaking, Du Hang stretched his hand into the sea water next to him, and clenched his fist hard. As expected, he was not affected at all.

“Is this okay?” Raleigh showed an expression of disbelief.

“That doesn’t matter, what is the power of the fruit? Show it, I’m almost dying of curiosity!” Roger didn’t think as much as Rayleigh, he only knew that Du Hang had absorbed the power of the devil fruit, and now he has He has acquired a new ability, and now he is very curious about this ability!

Hearing this, Du Hang took out his arm from the water, looked at Roger, and showed a subtle smile.

“Successful, so why don’t you come and try it yourself?”

“Okay!” Roger patted his chest and walked up with a big bag, “How to try?”

“Just stand there and let me punch you.”

“So simple?” Hearing this, Roger suddenly showed a look of vigilance. He didn’t forget the experience of being trapped by Du Hangkeng in Luoge Town. After thinking about it, he suddenly smiled: “Then you fight here.”

As he spoke, he lifted up his clothes, revealing his stomach, and the top layer was pitch black, which was the domineering color of the armed forces!

“…You are too petty, you have to be armed when someone as weak as me hits you?” Du Hang shook his head amusedly.

“You can’t be taken lightly, who knows what strange ideas you have.”

“Come on, if you want to be armed, you can do it, I won’t stop you.”

While the two were watching, Du Hang smiled and clenched his fist, and slammed into Roger’s stomach—

Fruit Ability · Penetrating Strike!

Muscle strength increased by 70%!

boom! !

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