Pirate Warm Sea

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Hitti stretched out her flawless white jade arm, and handed the king's sword Caliburi to Joel.It is said that the real divine sword will choose its own owner. If the sword and the swordsman are not destined, then the swordsman may not be able to hold the sword. I will not become the kind of swordsman who is rejected by the sword.

Joel squeezed his hands, and then solemnly took Caliburi with both hands. The moment Wang Jian took it, time seemed to stand still.Countless fragments flooded into his mind. The picture of the emperor fighting the demon with a sword seemed to be close in front of his eyes, clearly visible, and it was clear to the movement of each sword, the trajectory of the swing, and the movement of the sword.

this! "Om—" Calibri uttered a sword cry, and a white light suddenly enveloped Joel. "Huh?" Hitti looked at the vision in front of her in surprise, just now he couldn't pull out the Caliburi after struggling to suck the milk, why now?Xiti looked at the cracks on the stone, thoughtful, probably because he was too weak, not unqualified, thinking of Xiti covering her mouth and chuckling, but lack of strength!

Caliburi's white sword energy kept surging around Joel, like white dragons swirling around his body.The image of the emperor fighting against the darkness in Joel's mind has completely disappeared, replaced by sword moves that have been fully recorded one after another.

Xiti looked at Joel, who was bathed in the sword energy, and her beautiful eyes were shining. Perhaps this child, whom she didn't expect much, could really surprise her.But it's never been so simple for the protagonist to cheat!
Suddenly, the statues of the four angels behind Xiti were shining with golden light, and the strong holy light made the temple look like a small sun, dazzling and eye-catching!
This is?Xiti remembered that the last time this kind of vision appeared was in the battle of destruction. In order to protect her, the idol sent out a strong holy light to drive away the Holy King Hotep.Each of the four angel statues poured out a golden light into Joel's body, and the chaotic spiritual world suddenly became brighter. Joel saw four stalwart angel statues standing around him.

In the interweaving of the holy light, Joel wept with joy, my plug-in was finally delivered to my door, although there is no crazy system, but I have God's protection!Pirates, your father is back.

The scene of the four angels fighting the demons played in Joel's mind, and finally the Holy Light weaved huge sword pictures. Joel looked at these sword pictures with tears in his eyes, and finally waited for you.Now that I have the emperor Laozi, oh no, the emperor’s father-in-law’s sword moves, and the sword drawings of the four angels, I think, Hawkeye, you should give up your position as the world’s number one swordsman!
The white light and the golden light gradually subsided and disappeared in Joel's body, and the temple finally returned to calm.Joel opened his eyes, and his blue pupils were like a bright sun at this moment.

Xiti looked at Joel's golden pupils which became the same as her own, and asked happily, "How do you feel?"

Joel pretended to be deep, and said for a long time, "Well——"

Xiti leaned her face closer, her bright pupils were full of curiosity, what deep feelings would this child have?
Joel choked out a sentence for a long time, "Ugh—I'm hungry." "Goo—" At the same time, Joel's stomach also protested.

"Pfft—" Xitti couldn't help laughing again, and Joel, who was watching with big crooked eyes, also smirked.

"Come on." Hitti pulled Joel and walked towards the apse. When he came to the apse, Joel couldn't believe everything in front of him. How could the dignified princess of Durandac still farm the land?
"You still have this skill?"

Xiti went to the field to pick some vegetables, looked at Joel and said with a smile: "There is no one in Durandac who knows how to farm, from the emperor to the common people. My father often works in the fields with everyone. Of course I will No exception."

"There is no light here." How can plants perform photosynthesis without light?

Xiti pointed to the statue in front of her, and winked mischievously.

Joel took the vegetables, and his brain circuit was completely blocked. The amount of information received today is a bit too much.

"Why don't you know how?" Xitti asked, changing the subject.

Joel looked at this princess who looked like an angel with a smile in her eyes, but a little devil lived in her heart, and smiled, "I can cook."

"Then you can cook later, by the way, there is no seasoning here." Hitti walked up and pulled Joel to the simple kitchen she built.

You are a devil, how can you eat it without seasoning?

"Clear, do you boil it in clear water?" Looking at the empty kitchen, Joel felt like dying.

"Otherwise, how else can I eat?" Hitti asked.

Well, you Westerners, especially the British, really don't know how to eat.

"You cook first, I'll get you a piece of clothing, it's too rascal to always show your chest." Xiti said with a blushing face.

"Wait a minute." Joel called to Xiti who was about to leave, and Xiti looked at him with big eyes, "Well, how did the fire start?"

Xiti said angrily: "You didn't learn the Four Angels Sword!" After speaking, she left angrily.

"Come back early!" Joel yelled.

Looking at the back of Xiti leaving, Joel smiled foolishly, this feeling is actually quite good.Then I began to think about the four angel swords mentioned by Xiti. The Judgment Angel Gabriel on the left controls water, which can condense the clear water in the air or strip the clear water in the sea.The second guardian angel from the left, Raphael, is proficient in healing and protection.The battle angel on the right, Michael, controls the fire and can be used to make a fire for cooking.The second guardian angel from the right, Uriel, controls the earth, is proficient in rhythm and is the guardian angel who guards the devil.

Joel carefully comprehended the sword drawing of Gabriel and Michael, and suddenly Joel slashed out with a sword, and a red flame appeared in the stove, and the water in the air was condensed and guided into the container. In the end, Joel was satisfied nodded.I just don't know if the four angels will hack him to death after they find out.

After a while, Xiti returned to the small kitchen with a set of clothes and Calibri's scabbard. When she came in, she asked for a strong vegetable fragrance, and praised: "Not bad."

Joel raised his eyebrows, scooped up a sip of vegetable soup to taste the saltiness, "Well, it really tastes bad without salt."

"I'll taste it, I'll taste it." Xitti sneaked in front of Joel, took a sip from a spoon, then conjured a little white salt out of nowhere and sprinkled it in the soup, took another sip, and said with a smile: "It tastes good .”

Well, being deceived again, Joel asked curiously, "Where did you get the salt?"

Xiti turned around, the two faced each other, she smiled like a flower, and said: "Under this holy temple is the palace city of my father."

Seeing Joel's aggrieved look, Xiti comforted: "Okay, okay, I won't play tricks on you next time."

Is it possible?little devil.

As if thinking of something again, Hitty took off a cross necklace from her snow-white neck. Unlike ordinary crosses, the four ends of this cross are flared outwards. Hitty put it around Joel's neck and said: "Archangel Raphael gave this to me. It can drive away evil. It will help you pass through the poisonous miasma of the evil dragon. Also, this is my family's crest. You must keep it carefully, do you hear me? "

Joel pretends to be calm on the surface, but his heart is already galloping. Is this a token of love?

Xitti got out of Joel's arms, took a dress, and said, "This is my brother's dress. I changed it just now. You can try it."

Knowing how to do needlework is really virtuous, Joel is really about to cry.Putting on the black dress, Joel's demeanor immediately improved to a new level, and Xi Ti nodded repeatedly.

Time passed by as the two of them struggled together. Although he didn't want to, Joel had to leave Durandac. Although he didn't know how long it took, it was probably seven or eight days.At this time, Joel initially mastered the Four Angel Swords, and Hitty sent Joel to the temple of the King of War on the west side of Durandak.

Hitti leaned on Joel's chest and said, "The Temple of the Lord of War is the only way you can enter and leave Durandak at present, and you can enter from here in the future. And if one day Caliburi glows with six colors, you don't want to Come again, wait until you reach the nine-color light."

Hitty's tears wet Joel's shoulders, and Joel hugged Hitty and said, "I will take you out, trust me."

After saying that, he let go of Hitty, and prepared to set off with Joel, a bamboo raft made from the remnant of the sacred tree.If at this time...

"Wait a minute." Joel turned his head, and saw Hitty leaning forward and kissed Joel's left cheek lightly, "Let's go."

Joel nodded contentedly, turned and merged into the darkness.

"Bang——" Joel stepped into the sea restaurant Bharatiya with his front foot, and an unknown object smashed Bharatiya into a big hole with his back foot.

Um?Joel looked at it differently.

"Sir, please come inside." When Joel came, he only took a simple bamboo raft. He seemed to be a poor man, but when he got on the boat, the waiter hesitated when he saw the clothes he was wearing. His appearance is not ordinary, making him look noble like a prince.In this case, please enter the restaurant first, if it is not possible, there are still clothes to pay off the debt.

Just as Joel sat down, Sanji walked over with a cigarette in his mouth and asked, "What do you want to eat?"

"Just have something to eat, as long as you are full." Joel replied.

Sanji left indifferently.At this time, two people walked in again, and people around talked a lot, "Isn't that Captain Hope?"

Hope?Looks a little familiar.

Hoppardy took a sip of the red wine, pretended to say a few words, and finally came to a pretentious conclusion, "This wine is XXXXX."

Sanji held his hand and put a spoon into his hand, "No, the soup is getting cold." After saying that, he turned and left.

Joel spewed out a mouthful of wine and almost choked himself to death. This scene is so similar.Could it be that the one who flew in just now was Luffy?This is also a coincidence.

"Waiter, come here!" Joel shook his red wine glass and watched what happened next, "Waiter, will you serve the soup with worms to the guests?"

"I don't have much research on bugs." Amidst the ridicule of the crowd, an angry Hopperty smashed the dining table, followed by a cordial "greeting" from Sanji.

The beating was almost over, Joel stood up and walked over, "Enough beating." Sanji looked at the guest in front of him suspiciously, and stopped "greeting".

Seeing Joel's devil-like face clearly, Hobody burst into tears and crawled to Joel's side, "Major Joel, I'm Captain Hobody of the Navy Headquarters. Do you still remember that when I was in the Naval Academy, I was still arrested?" You pointed out that you want to help your subordinates take revenge."

Lieutenant Commander of the Navy Headquarters?In the eyes of a group of people who have never seen the world, they are amazed.Only Sanji glared at Joel, "Are you going to avenge him?"

"Sanji!" Red-footed Zapp shouted.

Zhepu came over, and they definitely couldn't offend such a young naval commander, and apologized to Joel: "Sorry, it's Sanji who was reckless."

Joel smiled when he heard the words, waved his hand and said: "It's okay." Then he glanced at Hobodi, "You shameful thing, get out of here, do you want me to treat you to dinner?"

Upon hearing this, Hope left in a hurry, not even caring about his girlfriend.

"Serve the guests!" Zapp said to Sanji, who left with a displeased expression on his face.

"By the way, boss, does Luffy work for you?" Joel asked.

Zhepu replied: "Well, it's in the back kitchen."

Joel said with a smile: "I will compensate him for the damage, let him come out to eat with me, and serve more meat."

"it is good."

Looking at Zhepu's back, Joel smiled, Luffy, we will finally meet.

(End of this chapter)

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