Pirate: Is it okay for a girl to become the strongest swordsman?

Chapter 79 Wake Up, Hunting Time

With the sound of the explosion, Erza has merged into the backlit land on the shore through the night.

Under her gaze, a large number of pirates in this team began to gather towards the shore.

"What the hell is going on...why are all our ships destroyed?"

"Where is the enemy... where are the others?"

Watching the number of pirates gathering more and more, Erza ignited the explosive fuse on the ground.

At this time, a pirate gathered on the coast said to everyone: "Do you smell a burning smell? It's a bit like gunpowder?"

"Yeah... I smell that too!"

"Could it be..."

All the pirates looked at the ground at the same time, only to see that the gunpowder in the ground had been burned out.


Just before this group of pirates came here, Erza had already bought a large number of bombs in the ground, waiting for the moment when they gathered here.

After all, there are a lot of pirates on this island, and it would take too much effort to solve them all one by one.

Erza also came up with this strategy, using their own bombs to deal with themselves.

Hundreds of pirates were instantly blown away by the bomb, and Erza walked out from the shadow of the wall when the explosion was completely over, and began to harvest their lives.

Although these bombs are large in number and powerful, Erza can't guarantee that these pirates will be killed by these bombs. Some pirates with a strong system may only be seriously injured and fainted after encountering the explosion.

These are blind spots with endless troubles.


In a mission, you must never be soft-hearted, and you must never suffer from future troubles!

The pirate lying on the ground was honored to suffer Erza's plan to flog the corpse again.

Erza wiped off the necks of those who were dead or not.

And because of the sound of the explosion this time, the strange pirates on this island also began to gather towards the shore.

The number of pirates on this island is about 200, and the casualties caused by the bomb are about 100, which means that there are still 100 pirates still alive on the island.

But fortunately, the leader of this island was the first to be killed by Erza.

In other words, the rest of the people are nothing more than small Loulou, and they pose little threat to Erza.

Erza sensed the coming person, so she quickly merged into the darkness again.

At this time, there was a lot of chaos in the town. The pirate who just wanted to take over as the boss found that all the phone bugs on the island had been destroyed, and he couldn't contact the central island at all.


A white cat watches the chaotic town from a rooftop, and it has now completed a task its owner gave it.

It turned out that before Erza left Bangwei's room, she gave Maomao a task to destroy all the phone bugs on the island.

Live up to the mission.

Maomao completed its first mission perfectly.

Now the island has completely lost contact with the outside world, and what happens next on the island will not be known to outsiders.

Erza took out the phone bug from her bosom and began to contact the navy's main ship.

"I'm Erza, please answer."

On the main ship, Zehua took the phone bug into his hand: "Elusha, what happened?"

Then Erza informed Zefa about what happened on this island.

"Next, I will eradicate all the pirates on this island, because I am still in the process of assessment, and I will leave the finishing work to you. There are still many oppressed people on this island. They rescued them."

The purpose of Erza's call is mainly for the people on this island. Even if she wipes out all the pirates on this island, she is not sure that what happened here will not be caught by the Derich Pirates. Others found out.

If it is discovered, the anger of the pirates will definitely be transferred to the people, and the people of this island will be in danger...

Therefore, Erza not only needs to solve the pirates on this island, but also transfers the people.

Zefa's voice came from the phone bug on the other side: "Elusha, what you did is right, but I hope you keep the pirate alive."

"Mr. Zefa, you also know that this assessment is not just a joke. If you are not careful, the person who died may be me. I can't make fun of the people on the island and my life!"

The other side of the phone fell silent, and this was the first time Erza refuted Zefa's idea.

In Zefa's philosophy, he has good intentions towards pirates. He believes that the life of pirates is also a fresh life. As long as you redeem yourself for your actions, you should live in this world. This is why he won the title of not killing. reason.

In fact, Karp and other old friends of the same period have also persuaded him many times that he should not be so soft-hearted towards pirates, but the justice in his heart has already taken shape, and it is not easy to change.

Even though his family was later retaliated by pirates, he did not change his philosophy.

However, today he was refuted by the student he was looking for...

In fact, in Erza's eyes, Zefa's kindness is a wrong choice. Zefa has never killed a pirate in his life, but his life is also tragic.

If Erza remembers correctly, a tragedy will happen to Zefa and his next batch of students, but Erza will never let that tragedy happen again.

"Teacher Zefa, the pirates in the archipelago are guarded very tightly, you have to be careful!"

Seeing the silence of the other party, Erza directly hung up the phone bug, and then she will start to eliminate all the pirates on the island before the navy arrives.

The pirates who came to the shore began to inspect the corpses on the ground: "They are all dead... Who did this!"

Dozens of pirates fell silent after observing the situation here...

More than 100 members of the pirate group lost their lives in a short period of time.

Who is it?

At this moment, dozens of pirates heard movement from the side, and a woman in a leopard print skirt stepped out from the shadow of the wall.

"Who are you? You did what happened here?" The leading pirate had never seen Erza, but it was a strange thing that a woman suddenly appeared on the shore.

"I remember this woman is the one who was brought into the room of the Boss Boss, why did she appear here?" A pirate recognized Elsa's appearance and exclaimed.

Erza didn't pay attention to the words of the few people, but walked slowly towards the dozens of pirates step by step.

The leading pirate frowned. He is now one of the few people who knows the truth about what happened on this island.

Boss Bonwi is dead!

Then this thing must have been done by the woman in front of me!

"Everyone come to me, there will be a lot of rewards for killing this woman!"

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