Pirate: I, the Celestial Dragon, develop the three-body technology

Chapter 54

Other than that, the five old stars watched the white-bearded and red-haired Shanks lead people away, and a smile could not help but appear in their eyes.

These pirates are all the masters who stirred up the storm, why would they want to run away like now?

"Tomoko's power, without a battle, it seems to have won a tough battle."

"Lynn, this time you have made great achievements again, with the monitoring of Chiko, the suppression of pirates in the future will step into a new situation."

"At first, we didn't believe it, it seems that our pattern is small, and Tomoko is very strong."

The five old stars praised Lynn repeatedly, and the corners of his mouth couldn't contain a smile.

"That's right, with Figa Lansage's wisdom technology to monitor those pirates, this has also invisibly put great pressure on the pirates, and many intelligence officers will be able to return in an upright manner."

The Warring States were even more smiling, and kept agreeing with the words of the five old stars.

"The old man is completely convinced, and each of Lynn's scientific and technological means surpasses the top of the world."

Kapu laughed, with water drops, with Tomoko, how many sacrifices will be reduced in the future?

The others did the same, and at the same time, they were shocked in their hearts, and both those at the scene and at the headquarters of the Navy showed their admiration to Lynn.

Once you invent a droplet, you can say that he was prepared, inspired, burst, or even lucky.

But the second time is to create a disturbing domineering, invisible monitoring of the wise son, indicating that this is Lynn's top talent for technology.

You must know that he is still a Draco, he could have enjoyed everything in the world, without hard work, without fatigue has reached the end.

But listening to everyone's praise, sycophancy or flattery, Lynn went in and out of his left ear and right ear, and there was no wave at all.

When I came to this world, as a Draco, I have heard these words a lot, even if it is the praise of the five old stars, I don't feel anything.

Not to mention, they also know that this is all because of the value they have shown, and they need their own technology.

The four emperors retreated, and there was no imaginary alliance or conflict, a dramatic end, and a withdrawal, this result is still possible.

The five old stars also saw the great value of Zhizi, and the eyes that looked at Lynn were even more fiery, with a smile and groaning, and when they were about to close, they finally spoke: "Is Tomoko difficult to manufacture?"

As soon as he asked this, Lynn knew that it was the five old stars who wanted to expand and wantonly configure Zhizi technology.

"The difficulty is that the materials used to make Tomoko are relatively rare, and I can only make them myself."

When Lynn talked about technology, her expression became much more serious, and she turned around and said to the image worm.

"We will give you the greatest support, how much money does a Chiko cost?"

Wu Laoxing also knew that the manufacture of these technologies often required a lot of money to support, and asked decisively.

"Five billion billion."

Lynn smiled and quoted the price directly.

Of course, a ten-kilometer Chiko does not need to be as much as 50 billion, and the difference in price is considered hard work.

Most importantly, Lynn also has a systematic task for manufacturing technology, which must be completed, which is related to the system can give higher technology.

"If you want me to make it, at least four."

Subsequently, Lynn also set the number.

The task of the system is to open the next stage after five times, so the left is also manufactured, the right is also to be done, and it is simply manufactured for the world government.

And no matter who it is delivered to, the technology that Lynn personally manufactures has the highest authority.

For example, for the world government, no matter where it is used, Lynn can also know from the system, and even open the control interface, if one day he has an accident, these technologies will also be used for himself.

Four, that's an interesting amount.

It just so happened that the most powerful pirates in the New World also happened to be four, and the five old stars nodded and said, "Then make four for the world government." "

Just enough to target the Four Emperors of the Sea!

Four also have 200 billion Bailey's account, which Lynn cares more about.

No way, doing scientific research is too costly.

Just buying those resources is more than half of the expenditure, some rare, a fingernail size is already tens of billions.

"No problem, the five elders have a need, and I, as a Draco of the Holy Land, will naturally do it well."

Lynn also smiled and assured the five old stars.

The deal is finalized.

The surrounding navies and Tezzoro and his gang couldn't help but swallow their throats when they listened to the light and hundreds of billions of transactions.

Technology is really burning money, and a 50 billion, Figa Lan Saint must also pre-make profits, which is also too profitable.

The Golden Emperor couldn't help but be surprised.

"Fifth Elder, Figa Lan Saint, I have a request."

Seeing that the five old stars finished talking with Lynn, the Warring States then spoke.

Lynn and the five old stars on the imageworm's side both looked over, and Sengoku continued: "Can this wise son be taken back and given to the navy first?" Nowadays, the storm at sea is becoming more and more frequent, and with Tomoko's monitoring, we can also alleviate a lot of unnecessary troubles. "

The navy will eventually return to the front-line combat power, and it will face the pirate forces of the world.

The five old stars have no opinion on this, these wise sons are shared with the Navy headquarters, mainly depending on Lynn's attitude.

"The navy has sent twice as many people, and now the two emperors of the sea with whitebeard and redhead have suffered a dark loss, maybe they will be targeted, and I also need to expand the laboratory."

Lynn did not refuse, but also put forward conditions.

Not to mention, the power of the guard must be sufficient, this golden ship must also be improved, the more you make yourself, the more powerful technology you harvest after completing the task, and the laboratory must also be upgraded.

Simply in advance, personal safety can also be guaranteed, the escort force is large, and everyone else has to weigh it first.

"Of course, this is what we should do, and the yellow ape will bring people over later."

Sengoku replied seriously and agreed without hesitation.

Not to mention double, it is twice as many Warring States have to find a way to arrange, compared to fighting the pirate forces, the most important thing now is to protect Figalan Saint.

He is not only a Draco now, but also the most powerful scientist in the world.

Therefore, the Warring States have prepared to let the yellow ape really stay on Lynn's side, and there will be no recall if there is no need for the three major generals to join forces.

Lynn smiled and continued to say to the five old stars and the people of the navy headquarters: "Well, there is one more thing, the materials I need are still not enough, they are all consumables, so I need the world government, including the navy, to open up more purchase channels for me, such as the major kingdoms and the four seas." "

Seriously, Lynn is really worried that the materials are not enough, such as making water droplets at the level of the Four Emperors.

The most important thing is to grasp a stable source of materials as soon as possible.

The five old stars nodded in agreement, and the Warring States also immediately agreed: "No problem, Figalan Saint rest assured." "

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