Pieces of Sonder

Chapter 53: Performing the Last Right

Things to keep in mind:

Rite: a religious or other solemn ceremony or act

Right: a moral or legal entitlement to have or obtain something or to act in a certain way


Freya stared at the empty floor.

Hurk, hurk, hurk, the High Orc Lord withdrew his spear from the spot K13 once laid and turned its gaze to Infamous Biscuit. It aimed its spear again.

Burning with hurt and anger, Freya prepared to discharge her Shockwave. It burst forward before she even touched the High Orc Lord.


[Lvl 9 →  Lvl 10 ]

[Shockwave can now

Freya swatted the text box away. Leaping up, she punched again, hitting the orc in the stomach. Pain shot up her arm, but the sting only incensed her. 

Momentarily stunned from her last Shockwave, the High Orc Lord stood defenseless against her onslaught. Still, Freya felt like she was attacking a brick wall. The High Orc Lord’s solid skin had no give as if he wore armor. Red splotches dotted the orc’s black cloak as well as Freya’s clothes.

Suddenly, a hand slapped down at her. Freya leaped out of the way. The paralysis from her Shockwave was over, but so was her skill’s countdown timer. She looked for a spot to punch him again, but the huge orc moved surprisingly fast.

Around her, Infamous Biscuit and Heilong tried to restrain the last three orcs from interfering. Seeing tangling vines laid on the ground by Infamous Biscuit, Freya stood with her back to them. Picking up a rock from the ground, she threw it at the High Orc Lord. Despite the large target, she almost missed. Luckily, the small hit completely trained the orc’s attention on her.

She waited for the last second to jump over the vines. The High Orc Lord pounded through them. She didn’t expect the tangling vines to hold the boss monster, but they created enough of a distraction for her to land a punch. 

[High Orc Lord]

[Lvl 20] [970/2500]

Blood smears painted the High Orc Lord’s cloak. Much of it was not its own. Unfortunately, this time the stun seemed to last even shorter. Freya was itching to continue attacking, but she could not afford to take one hit.

Dodging and weaving around the orc, her legs trembled. Her stamina wasn’t going to last much longer. 

Still, her movements left the High Orc Lord frustrated. Roaring at her, it lifted its foot. Freya thought it was going to try to squash her but instead, it stomped the ground.


The whole room shook. 


Even the two remaining orcs swayed from the shaking. Dust and dirt fell from the ceiling. 

But Freya saw her chance. A little earth-shaking would not stop her. Adjusting to the rocking, she zeroed in on the High Orc Lord. 

During its stomping, the High Orc Lord’s cloak opened to reveal its stomach. A crack had formed in its skin at some point during the fight. If she could target that again…

Freya leaped as the boss monster raised its leg to stomp. It noticed too late.



A wave of nausea overcame Freya. Clutching her hand, she watched as the High Orc Lord collapsed to the ground. The crack in his skin now leaked a sickening red and green substance. Freya kicked at the spot, sending a final Shockwave through. 


The last two orcs were easy to pick off after the High Orc Lord disappeared. Infamous Biscuit and Heilong didn’t even need Freya’s help.

[Ruins of Old Kai Nai Dungeon cleared!]

[Reward: +2000 exp]

Infamous Biscuit made Freya sit by the new Healing Sage until his MP could recover. Both of her hands were bloody and swollen. The pain extended up from her knuckles to her wrist. She wondered if she broke some bones. Freya put her head between her knees to stop her head from spinning. The room still felt like it was shaking from the orc’s stomping. 

“K13, he had an extra life, right?” Freya’s voice croaked. She didn’t look up at the others.

“I never asked, but I think he did,” Infamous Biscuit said.

Freya heard footsteps, then Infamous Biscuit continued, “He didn’t drop anything when he disappeared. When Azer died he dropped his belongings and his Player Card, right?”

She hadn’t considered that. 

“That’s right. Also, when Azer died his body turned into smoke, like a demon. K13 just disappeared as if he fast-traveled.”

“He’s probably just on a temporary forced logout then,” Infamous Biscuit said, putting a comforting hand on Freya’s shoulder. “Once he’s back in-game we should be able to DM him.”

Suddenly Freya felt her forearm tingle.

Had her injuries spread up her arm?

She looked and saw writing on her wrist. Words continued to show up with the tickling sensation.

Someone back in Safka was writing with the pen linked to the paper skin on her wrist. Freya almost forgot about the Secret Skin and Stylograph Set she traded for a gold coin. 

{Dear Shaman Evenkey, my father is not doing well. He has not eaten anything for the past few days and now he isn’t responding to us. I’m afraid he is suffering. Please help us.

- Illias Ferenc}

The kind face of Nori Ferenc came to her mind. He was one of the oldest residents of Safka. She treated a bedsore on him a little over a month ago. The elder was quite chipper during the visit, but Freya couldn’t say this turn of events was unexpected.

Still, she felt unprepared. 

“You got a message from Safka?” Infamous Biscuit asked, noticing the writing.

“Yes, I really should go, but K13- what if-,”

“It’s okay. You should go. That’s why you got this item, right? Let me just heal your hands first.”

The Healing Sage had closed up the open injuries on her knuckles, but Infamous Biscuit’s Nature’s Blessing finished the healing process. Freya felt something shift in her hand. She moved her fingers and wrist around to get used to the feeling again.

“Thanks,” Freya said holding her hands close.

She stood but hesitated.

“It’s alright, go. We took care of the dungeon boss, well more like you did. After we pick up the dungeon rewards, we’ll try to meet up again with K13 and see how he’s doing. We’ll let you know through DMs.”

Freya frowned but nodded. She navigated through her game screen and set her fast-travel destination to Safka.

“I’m sorry, I think it’s just his time.”

Freya bowed her head. Illias Ferenc solemnly touched his father’s face. Nori Ferenc breathed slowly, his face strained.

“I knew it was coming. I just kept thinking it couldn’t be just yet,” Illias said. “There’s really nothing else you can do?”

“The best we can do is make him comfortable. I can give him his last right.”

Illias nodded, “Please.”

Freya adjusted the cloth on Nori Ferenc’s forehead then moved to the Ferenc’s kitchen to prepare a dose of Angel’s Breath. 

She took out the ingredients from her bag and even a few extras she didn’t need. Her master always reminded her of the importance of keeping the recipe for Angel’s Breath a secret. It was a potent painkiller but also highly addictive. Shaman never kept any in stock. They always made it fresh, not because it couldn’t be stored, but due to the risk of it being stolen.

“Angel’s Breath should only be made to fulfill the last right of a living being,” Master Linik had told Freya when she was a young apprentice. His eyes bore into her as he said, “It is the last privilege we can offer to the dying. The last right of a living being is to die in peace.”

Freya ground the ingredients to a paste. She put everything back in her bag, then gave Nori Ferenc the dose by putting it on his tongue. He didn’t need to swallow it; the small amount of powder would easily dissolve.

After just a few moments, Nori visibly relaxed. His breathing seemed a little less strained as well. 

“I’ll give him another dose in a few hours. Would you like me to stay here, or do you want some privacy?”

Illias held his father’s hand, “You can come back later. Thank you.”

Freya politely nodded and stepped out of the house.

While walking home, she manually checked her messages on the game system, even though it was impossible for her to miss one. Still nothing.

In the distance, a bird started to sing. It reminded her of the loneswell and K13’s music. Her chest hurt even more when she remembered the pain when he played then. The song K13 had played then had been full of sorrow and hollowness. 

And now he had to experience death itself, Freya thought despairingly. Hopefully, he isn’t actually dead, but I don’t think getting skewered by a spear could feel good either. I couldn’t even give him a dose of Angel’s Breath. 

She wanted to fast-travel back to the jungles of Naihei, but the twice-daily fast-travel limit stopped her. 

“It’s okay,” she told herself. “K13 is alright. I’m sure he’s okay.”

Freya closed her eyes and took a big breath. 


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