Picking Up Attributes From Today (From Now On, I’ll Pick Up Attributes)

Chapter 8 - Volunteer service, go alone

满 16 years old!

Volunteer service!

Join the army, mining, slaves, guards …

This kind of law sounds incredible, it is completely the oppression and exploitation of ordinary human races. If any country on the planet dared to introduce such a law, it would have been overturned long ago!

But unfortunately, this is the sky heaven continent!

A Gao Wu world with uneven force distribution!

“At the age of 16, must I volunteer? …”

Wu Menlei’s brow frowned deeply. Of course, as a normal-earthed earth man, he certainly rejected this kind of absurd law and wanted him to serve freely. There was no door!

“Captain Hudders, what if I don’t want to serve?”

“In the Dragon God Empire, service is an obligation of every ordinary person!”

Captain Hudders shook his head: “Unless you are a noble, a noble son, or a magician of level 3 or higher and a warrior of level 4 or higher!”

“Can these three types of people not be in service?”

Menglei’s eyes brightened: “In other words, as long as I become a third-level magician or a fourth-level warrior within one year, I don’t need to serve?”

“Yes! But it’s too difficult!”

Captain Hudders slightly shook his head: “I know nothing about magic cultivation and cannot make an evaluation, but I know that it is impossible to break through Level 4 to become a Level 4 fighter in one year!”

“Is it difficult?” Monty frowned!

“It’s hard! It’s as hard as heaven! Fighting spirit training is the process of struggling the body and accumulating fighting energy. Without any foreign objects or external forces, each stage takes a long time!”

Captain Hudders smiled bitterly: “I was in the army and worked hard for 6 years before becoming a first-class soldier. After nearly 10 years of hard work, I managed to break through the second-class soldier!

16 years ago!

Do you think it is possible to cross four levels in a year? “

Menglei stayed: “It took you 16 years to become a second-tier soldier?”

“Yeah! For 16 years!”

Captain Hudders nodded slightly: “So the warrior’s path won’t work for you. Try magic, maybe there is a glimmer of hope!

It is said that some talented magic geniuses can become masters of magic within a few years. For example, the students of the Magic Academy of the Fire Dragon Kingdom must reach a certain level to graduate. The third level seems to be the minimum standard! “

“Magic? Do I have a magic talent?”

Meng Lei is not at the bottom of his heart. He can release fireball, and it has nothing to do with magic talent.

Magic Talent!

Do you have it?

“there must be!”

Captain Hudders looked at Monterrey and said seriously: “Although I don’t know where you learned the magic, but you can release the fireball is the best proof, so I believe you must have a good magic talent!”

As I said, Captain Hudders patted Monlay’s shoulder: “It’s early August, and the days of enrollment at the Academy of Magic are fast. I hope you will try it and test your magical talent!

If you are fortunate enough to enter the Academy of Magic, your life will be completely changed. Even after graduation, you can become a noble magician, even a thousand times stronger than you are now! “

Meng Lei nodded silently, because of the existence of the system, he has the confidence to change his own destiny, but the system is not enough, he needs to get out of the mountains and truly understand the world!

Studying at the Academy of Magic seems to be a good choice. Not only can you reach people and things you can’t reach now, you can also learn useful magic knowledge!

Open your eyes!

Learn magic!

And this premise is … magic talent!

“It looks like you’ve made your choice, that’s great!”

Seeing the expression of Monterrey, Captain Hudders is very relieved: “After one month, I will take you to King City, but the magic test requires 10 gold coins, you must bring this!”

“10 gold coins? It’s so dark!”

Uh …

The invasion of the beast tide has brought a lot of influence to the village of Warcraft. The meat is only one aspect. The next day, a caravan arrived at the village of Warcraft!

Receive fur scales.

Change salt drinks.

The adults are bargaining with the caravan, and the children are laughing and joking around the caravan. The quiet World of Warcraft Village ushered in a long absence.

Meng Lei also sold a few pieces of fur and changed some salt, but he really wanted to change the jug of wine, but the wine was too expensive, and a few pieces of fur could not be exchanged!

The good news is that there are many people, and a lot of physique light groups have been dropped. After all the integration of Monterrey has been collected, the physique column has increased by 5 points, which is also an unexpected gain!

After a day of caring, the caravan finally left. Meng Lei ate dinner, took a rest early, and brought some bacon jerks the next day, and set off into the World of Warcraft alone!

This is his thoughtful move!

The strongest pickup system is an excellent upgrade tool, but there will be no light group at home, you must take the initiative to attack!

Moreover, the magic test requires 10 gold coins, and Monterrey is now penniless!

No money?

Test a hair!

No matter what you say, you cannot wait!

Certainly ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ If you can choose, Monterrey doesn’t want to go into the World of Warcraft forests alone, but there is no way, the beast tide is transferred, every family has plenty of food and clothing, the guards need not go out for hunting for the time being!

Therefore, Monterey can only be alone!

As a villager living on the edge of the World of Warcraft Forest, Meng Lei is not ignorant of World of Warcraft Forest. He knows where it is safe and where he cannot go!

“There are many World of Warcraft forests, but the surroundings are basically beasts!”

“As long as I stay outside, there is no danger!”

Out of the village, a forest appeared!

There is a thick layer of fallen leaves under the lame feet, and there are countless ancient wood monster trees around, exuding the smell of wetness and corruption!

Quiet and dead!

But from time to time, the roar of the beast came from time to time, as if the sorrow from hell, making the scalp numb, dare not paralyze!

“Unwilling to be mediocre, you can only desperately!”

“The road to becoming stronger, from now on!”

Menglei took a deep breath, his eyes became firm, and then he went into the World of Warcraft Forest without looking back. The forest was leafy and covered most of the sun!

Through a few rays of sunlight, you can see the large walnut ants lined up in a long line; the spiked caterpillars slowly squirmed on the tree; earthworms with thick arms rolled under dead leaves, exposing scarlet bodies …

前 Everything in front of him makes Montray feel new!

What an incredible world!

“噗嗤 ——”

Suddenly, there was a crisp sound under his feet. Meng Lei even lifted his feet to take a look. It turned out that he accidentally stepped on a slap-sized … Baiyan!

“Ding! Kill 1 white line and get 2 copper coins!”

⊙ “(⊙o⊙) … can all this get money?”

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