Phantom Opera: White Soliloquy

Chapter 14: Down the drain

Leaping across some obstacles we arrived on the land of the castle. The drawbridge was already raised before we arrived. Was it the locking of the school gates or something else?

"It wasn't like this last time, right?" Sakamoto asked as he landed on the ground.

"No. Either it happens as the school closes, or he sees us as enemies." Even if we weren't enemies strictly speaking. You still wouldn't open your gates to a third party.

"What so he knows we're here?!" More likely he just viewed us as threats to his regime, he wouldn't know our exact locations. That was more than likely the reason we hadn't been transported directly to the dungeons as we had been on the roof.

"At most it'd be the cognitive version that does. After all, you're already wearing that get-up." The same outfit that appeared in the gymnasium was suddenly on Sakamoto once again. Though the figure was nowhere to be seen, I can only assume he would materialize when called upon.

"Hmm? Oh, rad! Didn't even notice, it was on before I could sense it. Haha! Jealous, much?" He said whilst posing.

"If you like wearing bondage gear that much, you'd probably get along with Kamoshida more than you think."

"Dude… Not funny." I thought it was. In fact, I'd probably roar with laughter if I could muster the action from those atrophied muscles. Sakamoto looked tired and attempted to get back on track.

"We busting through the front door?" It was an option, but it wasn't conducive to the goals of this operation.

"Nah, there's probably a few different entry points. We'll start looking around right now, we need options. The more the better." I already had a few ideas in mind. Ideally if there were some sort of entrance to the dungeons from above ground, that's what I'd choose. Although, other factors such as the smell of my clothing after we finish and the like need to be considered. No one will link my activity to this, obviously. But it's hardly natural to go in the back alleys every few days smelling of sewage. It'll attract too much attention. I was lucky enough that none of the blood directly painted my clothes the first time around. I didn't have a change of clothes, so it would've ended pretty badly…

"It's a castle. Surely it wouldn't have many openings, or it'd be vulnerable."

"That's an astute observation for you. What brought that on?" He's gaining sentience. Just like Ike's revelations made me decay mentally, perhaps I was becoming a positive influence on Sakamoto. Almost brings a tear to my eye.

"Give me a break! Even I listen in history sometimes! Besides, it's common knowledge that sieges are done on these things, why bother if there're other entrances?"

"We have what an army doesn't, stealth. As two operatives we can easily scout this place. That and there will definitely be openings. Assuming what we know anyway."

"And we know… what exactly?"

"It's modelled after the school for one. Second, palaces usually have hidden pathways for people of interest in the case of an enemy infiltration. Finally, it's a person's mind that created this. Everyone has an opening."

"Whatever you say genius…"

"For example, notice anything off about that wall?"

"I mean all those supplies are around it, but other than that… Hold on… Is that a vent?" Exactly. A vent in a castle modelled around the 14th or 15th century. Alarm bells should be ringing.

"Yeah, that's probably one of the pathways. However, I wouldn't pick that one."

"Huh? Why? It's literally right there." He said whilst pointing in an exaggerated fashion.

"It's too obvious. Almost as if his mind is subconsciously telling us to go for it. The barrels and boxes around are practically asking us to climb them." Might as well put a neon sign saying 'INFILTRATE HERE' above the opening.

"…You sure you ain't just overthinking it? Like you do all the time…" Surface level thoughts classify as overthinking for you. I was scared of his impulsivity. Does he have ADHD or something?

"First, ask yourself why this castle even has security in the first place."

"It's a castle and he's a king. Makes enough sense to me." He shrugged his shoulders as if it was obvious.

"…Listen. How long has Kamoshida been a teacher at this school?" The longer his tenure at this school stretched for, the more difficult an opponent he would be.

"I mean he's been there longer than I've attended the school. So that's two years at the least, why?"

"And within all that time he hasn't been caught or had any accusations levied against him. Assuming this behaviour isn't a new revelation then there are reasons for it."


"He's likely exceptionally careful, enough to the point that the only backlash he gets is supposition. There is no proof of any bad practice on his part. Why do you think that is?"

"Probably the shitty teachers and parents covering for him…" I admit I don't have the best understanding of what a healthy and loving family looks like, but I can hardly picture that parents would allow this to continue if they knew just how deep it goes. As deep as I'm assuming anyway.

"No. It's impossible. The level of abuse shown in this place can't match to public perception. No matter the benefits he brings the school, this would be one of the largest scandals of abuse in the country. If the headmaster and others were clearly aware of what's happening, they wouldn't allow it to continue. Whether it be for self-preservation or not is uncertain." It most likely would be predominantly out of self-preservation, although I still held out hope that a teacher with good intentions existed in this school.

"You think they don't know anything about it? That sounds impossible…" Clearly the students know something. Even the assertion that Takamaki was 'Kamoshida's bitch' was enough to draw that conclusion. But it hardly painted a full picture. To draw a parallel to ANHS it would be like the students gossiping about Hoshinomiya-sensei's frivolity. Her outward appearance and actions with male students could certainly add credence to any suspicions. But those searches would remain inconclusive. At most she might be reprimanded for acting in an unprofessional manner, but nothing immediate or permanent would come from it unless substantiative evidence and testimony was given.

"I'm guessing that they just don't understand the severity of his abuse, or he hides it rather well." Parents would likely notice something off with children over time. It was just whether they pursued it… In which case; the student's pride and other feelings would get in the way, plus the assertion that they were injured in the sport was permissible. Thus, preventing further investigation. What really concerned me was his view on the female students.

I wasn't dense enough to miss the presupposition that they held a different role in this castle. Not a single female student was subjected to the 'punishment' in the dungeons after all. There were no feminine enough voices that sounded out when the king arrived. The only female present was 'Ann Takamaki'. That led to plenty of questions itself. This was a castle; a king needed a queen. Was that her role? Taking word from the horses' mouth was the best option in this case, those words revealed the specific term 'trophies'. That was what he referred to her as. Something to win. An object to claim ownership of. The use of the plural also made it apparent that there were multiple of these achievements, as he would dub them. Searching the castle would no doubt provide insight into my hypotheses.

"Assuming they don't know. Even then, what's your point?"

"He's careful, so it only follows that his mind would also be the same. I already told you of the few times I've been to club recently, right?"

"…Yeah, yeah. I know, nothing conclusive." He looked resignedly to the side as he waved his hand, clearly showing distaste for the direction of the conversation.

"He was strict enough, reprimanded a few students if they needed guidance but otherwise his behaviour was amicable."

"You think he's on guard. Because of you?" The proposition seemed incredulous from his perspective. I was confused because I was sure he felt the same about me. In Kamoshida's case, undoubtedly. In fact, we may even see the first signs of that manifesting in the castle today.

"What are the weapons that Kamoshida has against students?" That was the first step. Detect the threat and his means of damage. Take away the instruments of his power and he would have no other options. Safety was secured, so was victory.

"I dunno, he's pretty strong. Annoyingly enough. That and the other teachers eat up whatever shit he says." He lacked delicacy and terminology, but he was correct enough.

"That's the gist of it. Political or social power and he has some physical strength. When you add them together, he would be intimidating to most students. Plus, the fact that he can rescind any possible recommendations and he's someone you would rather get along with." Especially those affiliated with the club and its members.

"And you're different?" Intimidation means nothing. As long as a charge is never against me.

"At the very least I can tell you that his recommendations are pointless to me." I could manage any position I needed without his approval.

"You forgot to mention that he clearly doesn't scare you." I wasn't exactly hiding it.

"Don't I look afraid though?" I said whilst attempting to put on my most scared appearance.

"…" I guess sarcasm wasn't the way to go there, huh…

"If I'm being honest. Sometimes, you scare me more than him. You're a bit of a freaky guy y'know." He had likely been suppressing his disbelief until this moment. The first time we had entered this place we were thrust into the jaws of danger without a warning. The adrenaline had pumped through our bodies as we ran for our lives, then we defeated the guards. Only now… No, after significant time he's judged my own actions as concerning. He had awakened powers and simply charred the soldiers not looking back to see the damage he had done. In contrast I had personally ended Eligor, his blood splattered against my own face, I shared words of farewell with him. And his entrusted weapons still lay by the castle gates even now, he would be reminded of that event every time he would see these weapons. Of my body rushing towards an armored knight with no protection of my own and dancing within inches of death. Manipulating the enemy to a preplanned burial ground with Sakamoto's assistance. It might have been do-or-die but it would always play in the back of his mind as an exceptional circumstance.

He would be assured of my competence but wary of my goals and whether they truly align with his. I was sure he would question that very same thing countless times in the future as well.

"If that's the case then you don't have much to fear from him. Instead, you should be worried about what'll happen if you screw up the plan."

"It'd help if you could tell me what that is…"

"The start of it will come together after this visit. Just a precautionary warning. For now, focus on finding another route inside."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm going." He waved his hand dismissively. Before searching once again he turned to me. "Almost forgot, what's in the bag?" I wished he would just continue with the work, especially because that was a troublesome request. I couldn't refuse at this junction.

Placing the bags on the floor and slowly unfurling each one. The largest bag held what I assumed from the shape was a sawed-off shotgun. The next bag held a revolver, I was worried for its efficacy. The more visibly they could see the ammunition might affect the damage component. Then that left the last one.

"O-Oh Shit! That's real! Ayanokouji! What the hell do we do?!" The weight and metallic lustre of the quite real object was reflected in my gloved hand. A loaded pistol.

"Calm down… Also, stop shouting like that."

"The fuck? The hell did that guy give us this for?" He whispered hoarsely.

"For one… Skull. We didn't get anything from him. Are we understood?"

"Huh?! The hell are you-! Ah! Argh! I give. I give! Let go of my hand!"

"From now on address me as X whenever we meet in here."

"Seriously, what's up with you today man? Stop staring at me… Fine, fine. Gotcha'. Could've just said you were enjoying yourself… Frickin' chuuni." He continued to mutter to himself. Whispering something along the lines of 'What the hell does algebra have to do with this?" Whilst he was in his own world I grabbed the dangerous bag. The surprisingly light, dangerous bag.

"Take whichever one you want; this however is staying with me until I can find a safe place to get rid of it. Understood?" I said whilst keeping the bag close by my side.

"Don't need to tell me twice." Sakamoto grabbed the sawed-off shotgun with a childish glee on his face. As if he had just forgot about the previous incident, because he probably already did.

"Now that you've got your toy, search around for the opening, Skull."

"Hey, it ain't a toy. At least not here, X." We still had to verify that. Sakamoto turned once again, trudging about the outer walls searching for an opening.

That just left the last and most troublesome one. A sigh escaped my pursed lips. Troublesome indeed.

Looking back to the cognitive city as the blackened sky peered back at me. Nietzsche posed the idea of an abyss looking back at thee. A passage indicating that the darkness of a situation was ingrained and reflected in a person when they experienced it. What would be the outcome of these students? I pondered that thought for a moment before noticing fabric waving in the wind a distance away, the first flag is raised. I turned once again to search for the pathway forward.



 [Phantom Opera: White Soliloquy]



The faint trickling of water echoed through the tunnels, followed by the soft sound of our footsteps across the damp cobblestone floor.

"You think this leads to the dungeon?"

"There was rushing water near the running track. I can only assume it leaves the castle somewhere." The sounds of a large body of water rumbling came into earshot, we were getting closer.

The great network of pathways expanded into our view. Individual cobbled islands were conjoined by bridges elevated from the crashing waters that continued to rush all about the great expanse.

Where did the water lead? It didn't matter really. Thinking as such I threw the problematic bag and the equally troublesome expectations that came with it into the rushing waves.

"…That's one way to do it." Sakamoto looked on, struggling to find the words. "That won't come back to bite us, will it?" He asked with concern dripping from his voice. I wasn't too worried about that, right now. There were more immediate concerns.

"Maybe one of the guards will end up facing us with a gun." The idea of a 14th century European guard in full plate armour holding a modern gun almost made me chuckle.

"That ain't funny man! What if it washes out into the real world?!"

"I'm surprised you can think that far ahead."

"This isn't a joke!" He said hounding on me anxiously.

"Relax. We don't have any fingerprints on it. The only people that saw us were those private investigators, if they find it, they'll assume the shopkeeper forced us to take it. In which case we can just tell them the truth of what happened at the shop. Above all else, that's not how this place works."

"Say what?"

"Think. If objects randomly enter into reality, then people would see, there would be countless events like that happening. The bag will follow the stream, if that's the case wherever the stream ends the water would also enter the real world. That would likely be into another body of water. In which case the problem will be taken even further away from us. There's no need to worry, leave the thinking to me." Then there was the possibility that the bag got lodged during transport and got stuck in the castle, if the bag ripped and the contents sunk to the bottom. There were plenty ways this could go, and none of them would come back on us later. Even if that weren't the case. The most important part was that, neither of us would know where that bag will be. Out of sight, out of mind. The fault lay with the shopkeeper and that was the end of it. So long as we avoided him, all was good.

"Phew. Haha…" A dry laughter escaped from the skull mask. "You- you really had me there for a second." Deep exhalations of relief sounded out beside me.

"That's enough joking around. We need to get to work, there's limited time before I need to return for curfew." A sly look came from Sakamoto as if to say, 'You were the one joking around.'

Me, joke around? See how that holds up in court.

"In simple terms, today is an experiment."

"You get some chemicals there or something?" Chemicals? That sparks an idea or two. Another time.

"We need to know the rules of this world."

"Okay… Not really sure where we go from here, though."

"The weapons are one of these experiments. Another will be technology." I pointed to his trouser pocket.

"Ahh! I'm an idiot! Does it work here?" He whipped the mobile phone out from his pocket, quickly navigating the home screen. Trying any and every app he could find. None of which would even boot up. Not even the camera, never mind the call function. Messages were another dead end. Not that I had given him my number anyway.

"Attempting to snag some pictures?"

"Yeah, it would've been an easy way to prove it…"

"It's a good thing we can't."

"The hell do you mean by that?" His temper rose slightly.

"There are more questions that'll come from that than good, it wouldn't even get Kamoshida fired. No corroborating stories, not to mention the absurdity of it all. They'd probably choke it off as CGI or a student film."

"But-" Before he could get a word in edgewise, I continued.

"Not just that, we want to avoid as many people finding out about this place as possible."


"You have good intentions with this, correct?"

"I guess. I just don't want my friends to suffer more." Honest to a fault.

"Consider the fallbacks. What if someone like Kamoshida found out about it? If he awakened the same powers? If he lured others in here with the intention to keep them?" His face paled. It was entirely possible. There was no guarantee that we were the only people to experience this world either. A simple phone app made it possible… Why? How? Who made it? Who gave it to us?

It was clear there must be some goal they had in mind. Why they chose me as one of the recipients of that goal, I was unsure. It was clear that Kamoshida and that school were involved somehow.

"Shit! Shit… What do we do?"

"For now, we continue. There's no need to assume that everyone has access to this place. Instead, just be more careful. If our actions are traced back here, it'll be the start of a major issue."

"Is it even possible to trace it back to us?" He asked hopefully, his eyes pleading that to be the case.

"Whether possible or not, I don't want to find out." If the police or government got a hold of the technology to look into the subconscious of the population they'd grab it immediately. We would be extensively questioned of our origins and how we got the technology. We wouldn't see the light of day ever again. Lost in our thoughts and the intensity of the conversation picking up steam. A figure attracted by the noise bounded the corner towards us. A guard.

"What is this racket? INTRUD-!" In just a moment the revolver in my hand dispensed hot lead into the armored figure. The sounds of the guard quickly drowned out. Gunfire echoed throughout the spacious dungeons.

Well, I guess we know it works. Before the guards could form up and gather on our position I led Sakamoto along a pathway. The same direction the unfortunate guard came from. Cells lined up; chains dangled from the ceiling. Large birdcages holding students captive in the rushing water, sprouting like a lighthouse in the raging sea. The student's screams illuminating the guards to our position, acting as living security alarms. A network of cages that informed the guards of danger. Clever, considering the time period.

Not wanting to slow down we continued rushing down the variable pathways, jumping over gaps to the islands, trying to find the dungeons we were kept before. Or any other pathway to the main hall. The truly important treasure would be kept higher, near the throne room. Kamoshida was that type of man. He flaunted 'trophies'. Lived exuberantly for other people's sake. In which case the King wouldn't be far from his treasure.

Knights emerged from the confounding pathways like cockroaches scuttling out of the woodwork. Gripping the broadsword tighter in my hand I unleashed slashes and stabs as they approached, dispensing the last few rounds in my revolver without stopping. A group of four blocked the pathway forward with their bodies. Landing my foot on his presented shield. Calling to Sakamoto I immediately leaped back, above his line of sight. "Skull, fire!" The sawed-off shotgun released dragon fire into the unsuspecting victims, their armour riddled with holes and collapsing into heaps onto the cold floor.

Rolling and bounding onto my feet once more. Running down pathway after pathway. The pursuit of the soldiers, becoming laxer as we pulverize them. Until the scenery once again looked similar. That door, we emerged from there last time. Meaning the main hall was… this way. Opting for silence from here on in, we creeped around the edges of the corridors, waiting for guards to show the slightest opening and slip past them. Which was easy enough as they rushed for the sounded alarm underground. I only hoped that the upper levels hadn't heard the missive, this staircase was the only one I knew of so far. Fighting innumerable opponents whilst they have high ground, and we have to worry about a pincer maneuver. No thanks.

In an ideal world we wouldn't have sounded the alarm until exiting, but that was the nature of working with Sakamoto I suppose. Surprises around every corner. Wasn't too pleased with that.

Only one thing to do… The longer we wait, the greater the chance of failure. Waiting for the last guard that warily glanced around the dungeon at the staircase to show an opening. He glanced once again to the right pathway, I sprinted silently from behind my cover, reaping his head with a single stroke. No time to hide the body. Gesturing Sakamoto, we quickly and carefully ascended. Eyes focused like a hawk on any possible traps, tripwires etc. Fortunately, there was nothing.

Reaching the main hall I mentally praised my foresight. Struggling to keep a smug grin from taking over my features and looking at Sakamoto I regarded the soldiers over in the next room. The room ajar as a large menacing figure stood at their centre. I had no doubt the strong force that Eligor alluded to was in that room. Thankfully, this main hall was desolate. The reason for it? The door was barred from behind. A thick, heavy, wooden plank locked the large oaken entrance in place. The formation of a plan in place I quickly grabbed the large beam and quickly closed the door into the ambush, locking it in place with the bar as a fulcrum.

"INTRUDERS. IN THE MAIN HALL! QUICKLY, BUST DOWN THIS DOOR. TWO REGIMENTS PINCER THEM FROM THE OTHER ENTRANCES! HURRY!" Footsteps in chaos resounded from the barricaded door, armour clinking as the soldiers danced around in a mad dash to apprehend us.

"Are you insane?! What are you doing?" Sakamoto asked whilst grabbing my arm, outdone by my quick thinking.

"The ambush can't reach us. We have a bit of time to ourselves now."

"They'll be through that door, in two seconds! The hell are you doing?"

"In which case we can leave through the main entrance now, no?"

"I didn't come here just to leave already!"

I kicked the main entrance open as the wind gushed inside the building. Roars of the soldiers attempting to break through reaching from all sides.

"Follow me."

Silently moving across the empty room. Slashing quickly with the broadsword in hand, splinters splattering across the marble floor. We exited the main hall. The soldiers finally breaching the door, were greeted by naught but the cold breeze from the open doors and the three-letter word slashed into the door.


The intruders were gone, and the veil of peace could return to the castle. Briefly.

The failed soldiers could apologise to the gaudy portrait of their master overlooking the entrance. Multiple entrances were proven. His trap didn't work. Splitting the forces was the only option. Piece by piece, I'd take it. Until the board was mine.






Word count: 4291


Might've been a bit more dialogue heavy than some would like, to be honest I just like how Sakamoto and Ayanokouji bounce off of each other. That said there is a little bit of action.

Writing action sequences is one of those things I kind of struggle with. There were plenty of things I thought were lacking in the Eligor fight a few chapters ago as well, I suppose it's a learning experience.

In case anyone was wondering with the gun, yes it wasn't real in canon. In this however, it very much is. I didn't want someone to think they were just mistaken because it's a good imitation. I think it's more believable someone like Iwai would get caught up with that sort of thing, given his past.

As always, let me know any thoughts or feelings on the story so far. Hope you guys enjoyed.


P.S. Chuuni for those who don't know is short for Chuunibyou, which is essentially delusions of grandeur that effect younger people. Eighth grader syndrome is the other term for it. Basically, cringe people that pretend to be in an anime or something. Nothing like me, I'm just like Ayanokouji fr fr.


Until next time.

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