Chapter 62: 63
January 4th, 3048
Coromodir System
Overlord DropShip Chieftain
On route to Coromodir VI, capital of the Arano Province of Taurian Concordat (three months after the unification)
'Jaime, explain me again why we have to satisfy this little prince's desire and come to a meeting with him in person, for something that could be handled by an administrative official?' asked Natasha Kerensky with a bored look.
'Natasha' Jaime responded with a patient air of long years of experience dealing with the infamous redhead 'first, the proposed business includes several items that are of interest to us, including the production of Assaults that Jamison so badly wants, and which Blackwell cannot supply because they have dedicated a big part of they resources, first to upgrade the factories in Outreach to Clan specs, and later using said factories to produce Omnis, at a very slow rate. While we / Blackwell continue to produce 'standard' 'Mechs and equipment, our resources are finite, and the Omnis lines take a big chunk of these. Omnis that we cannot put into service as you well know.' After Natasha acquiesced Jaime continued 'The prince's companies, as you call them, not only do the maintenance to our JumpShips and DropShips but are already one of our largest suppliers of equipment, principally of advanced technology, outside of Blackwell. If he also wants to negotiate a contract for training his forces and asks for our presence, we might as well satisfy the request, don't you think so? So, please don't accuse him of been a Wolverine, ok? Wolfnet has concluded that the hardware he got was obtained from the Baumann's cache.'
'That is why you were chosen to lead our small gang, I do not have the patience for political or palatial games.' Natasha answered 'Ok, ok, I promise to behave'.
Upon entering orbit, the Chieftain passed near TCS Zarantha Calderon.
'The Taurians showing their newest toys?' commented Natasha.
'Considering that this is the first WarShip built in hundreds of years, it is natural that they want to show it, in the capital of their new province' answered Jaime.
The Chieftain was directed to a military spaceport, landing next to a similar looking, but much bigger DropShip.
'Why do I get the impression that someone is trying to give us a not very subtle message?' asked Natasha with an ironic look.
'Or someone important, like one of the Calderons came to pay a visit, which would explain both the WarShips and that one' replied Jaime calmly, looking with an envious look at the huge Lee class DropShip next to his Overlord DropShip. 'I wouldn't mind having some of these in our TO&E.'
A luxurious and discreetly armored limousine was waiting for the pair and took them immediately to the palace.
The protection of the palace was impressive, with several heavy defensive towers, several 'Mechs patrolling the area and battle-armor and PA(L)s at the entrances.
'Now this is definitely showing off the new toys - that I know nobody outside the Concordat and Comstar uses battle-armor or PA(L)s' exclaimed Natasha.
'Comstar and by association the new Earth government have PA(L)s too, but you are right, ' replied Jaime looking at the defenses, 'and if I am not mistaken some of these 'Mechs are Royals. There is definitely something going on,' he said.
Without making them wait, they were immediately brought to a large and comfortable office, very well-equipped, but without ostentation with two PA(L) outside of the door . At the desk was a tall man, in his fifties, without a white or gray hair over in his blond mane, and with a military air that the civilian suit he wore, with a comfortable yet good cut, couldn't disguise, who stood up to welcome them.
'Colonel, Colonel, welcome to Cordia City, the capital of our province. I apologize for the excessive security you saw, but because Edward Calderon is currently in conference with my wife, the security had to be increased. Please sit down, and we have a lot to take care of'.
'It has been a while since we met, your Highness.' said Natasha '17 years, if I am not mistaken. That time it was in 'my office', so to speak'.
'Mantharaka, 3031, good memory Colonel, or should I say Star Colonel Natasha Kerensky of Clan Wolf ? We have a lot to talk about the weather in Strana Mechty and what the Crusader Clans are planning to do, and your position on that, don't you think?'