Perfect World: Dream of the Immortal Era

Chapter 117: The Boundless Heaven

Boundless Heaven stands as one of the most prosperous ancient realms among the thirty-three heavens of the Primal Ancient Domain, completely surrounded by celestial territories, isolated from all borders, and situated in the very heart of the Primal Ancient Domain.

The World Tree, a symbol of stability and the prosperity of the grand path, takes root in this realm.

Immensely broad and towering, it stretches its canopy into the vast cosmos, enveloped in chaotic energy; its branches are stout like writhing dragons, luxuriantly filled with leaves, each leaf bearing a star, and countless branches extend, supporting the mountains, rivers, sun, and moon.

Beneath the World Tree, countless races and creatures have spawned, living symbiotically with the spiritual offerings, thriving extravagantly. This proximity to the World Tree brings the law of the Grand Dao to them like a boundless ocean, nurturing sovereigns of unparalleled might that have reverberated fame across the thirty-three heavens.

Moreover, this realm harbors many great and fearsome clans, isolated territories all designated as forbidden zones, with none daring to approach.

There have been instances of cultivators intruding on such zones, only to vanish on the spot, not even stirring a ripple. Since then, no one dared to tread on the taboo, lest they unwittingly court disaster.

Rumors abound that when the World Tree was still a proto-world tree, it arrived in the nascent Primal Ancient Domain, ready to take its final leap and truly evolve into the World Tree.

At that time, many powerful beings came to aid it, helping fend off heavenly adversaries.

Ultimately, the World Tree succeeded in merging with this realm, supporting the heavens and earth, solidifying endless mountains and rivers. The powerful beings who aided the World Tree settled in the ancient realm, propagating their lineages.

Their ancestral lands were not originally here, yet they developed a sense of belonging to this realm, thereafter identifying themselves with the races of the Primal Ancient Domain.

At least, the renowned few formidable entities known to people have such origins.

Beyond the great and fearful, Boundless Heaven also hosts the abodes of many unparalleled figures, such as the illustrious Six Paths Reincarnation Immortal King and the Boundless Immortal King, among others.

They all once secluded themselves within Boundless Heaven for cultivation. Of course, being immortal kings, their abodes are numerous.

Particularly the Six Paths Reincarnation Immortal King, obsessed with the path of reincarnation, his presence was seen in every quirky location related to reincarnation across the thirty-three heavens, even specially choosing a reincarnation site as his dwelling.

Two great titans, several fearsome entities, the founders of ancient traditions—these are not all that Boundless Heaven encompasses. A popular saying circulates among the people, claiming Boundless Heaven to be rich, nurturing a land of Tao, concealing Qilins within its wild mountains, where traversing this land might unexpectedly lead one to meet a reclusive supreme master.

At this moment, Gu Wudi feels this very sensation, wandering amidst the azure hills and verdant waters of Boundless Heaven, frequently catching glimpses of places free from the world's clamor and untouched by dust. Perhaps it is a solitary Taoist temple, a secluded ancient monastery, or a few dilapidated thatched cottages.

From afar, these places don't evoke desolation or chill; instead, an inexplicable Taoist aura flows around them, preventing any underestimation.

How keen is Gu Wudi's spiritual perception? In any place inhabited by hidden supreme masters, he can vaguely sense their presence, unless they have truly returned to the simplicity of nature.

Along his journey, he discovers many recluses. They possess unfathomable cultivation levels yet are content to dwell here, far removed from worldly uproars, quietly enjoying the serenity of these years.

In their view, cultivating immortality is all about freedom and a peaceful mind.

In contrast, Gu Wu Di felt he was restless. His cultivation was driven by a desire for power, to surpass everyone and become the strongest, thus controlling his destiny—even if it meant countless killings.

But these recluses embodied what true immortals should be.

“Perhaps Qing Yue’s master is such a person,” Gu Wu Di mused to himself.

However, it seemed that Qing Yue’s master was in danger.

After leaving the ruins of the King of Ten Thousand Tribulations, he and Qing Yue traveled relentlessly from the borderland of Da Chi Tian to the core of the Primitive Ancient Realm—Boundless Heaven—to check on her master’s situation.

Every time Qing Yue recalled the various strange behaviors of her master before departure, an ominous feeling crept into her heart.

Thus, she dare not delay for even a moment along the way.

Seeing her anxiety, Gu Wu Di comforted her, “Your master’s divination skills can pierce the heavens, surely he can foresee the situation. No need to worry too much.”

Qing Yue shook her head.

“Divination involves calculating the heavens, the earth, people, spirits, immortals, everything except oneself. Every divination invites karmic repercussions, further obscuring one's destiny. In matters concerning oneself, nothing is clear.”

With that, she continued rushing forward.

Gu Wu Di said no more; he simply stepped forward, grasping Qing Yue’s wrist, and abruptly accelerated.

With his body as a seed, his entire being transformed into a vessel of Tao, nurturing worlds within him.

His power was beyond mere cultivation levels.

In theory, the myriad particles in his body were still newly sown Tao seeds at the realm’s inception stage.

In reality, Gu Wu Di's strength was unmatched even among Daoist Beginners, owing to his fusion with several perfect ancient seeds that provided him power far beyond imagination.

The sudden acceleration startled Qing Yue, who gasped in surprise. Gu Wu Di’s speed was breathtaking, akin to lightning.

This cut down their journey time to her former valley residence significantly.

Yet, the warmth and touch on her wrist intermittently made her slightly uncomfortable, causing her face to flush slightly.

However, Qing Yue's expression quickly returned to normal. Being no ordinary person, she was naturally not troubled by trivial thoughts.

It was unclear how much time had passed, but by the time the sun was about to set, the two finally arrived.

The scene before them was a tranquil valley, lush with vegetation, birds singing and flowers blooming. All was silent, with the air filled with an intoxicating medicinal fragrance.

Gu Wu Di gazed in surprise towards the dense forest where a small, entirely purple plant was about to mature. Its aroma was filling the air, and above it, a giant creature lay quietly in wait for the plant to ripen.

"That's a striped python," Qing Yue said softly. "When I left, the herb it guards was about to mature, and now it's about to bear flowers and fruit."

She paid no further attention to the scene and swiftly moved past it towards the depths of the valley.

Gu Wu Di did not linger either. While the herb might have been of paramount importance to the striped python, perhaps even critical to its evolution, to the wealthy Gu Wu Di, there was no need to seize it. At best, it was merely a near-divine medicinal herb.

Following Qing Yue's lead, Gu Wu Di reached the heart of the valley. The scenery here was even more delightful, with lush green grass and clear waters amidst verdant mountains. A few cottages stood beside a brook, nestled between the mountains and water, exuding a serene and harmonious otherworldly aura.

However, his face showed a hint of concern.

He watched as Qing Yue silently approached the cottages and stood motionless, tears shimmering in her eyes, on the verge of falling.

Before her stood a grave marker, with a simple wooden post staked into the ground, inscribed with a line of bold characters: "Grave of the Recluse."

They had come here hoping to meet a reclusive Taoist master and perhaps even a chance to see an Immortal King.

But instead, they were faced with this unexpected result.

Gu Wu Di remained where he was, quietly watching, offering no words of comfort. It was not his mentor who had been lost, so he could not truly share in the sorrow. Any words would have been futile.

After Qing Yue composed herself, she performed the grand courtesy between master and disciple before the solitary grave, then entered the cottage.

Indeed, within lay a message left for her by her master.

Gu Wu Di continued to stand silently at a distance, not intruding. At this moment, the best thing to do was to give Qing Yue enough space and time to accept the reality.

Soon, Qing Yue emerged, her elegance undiminished, as if not of this mundane world, yet her spirits were low, and the glimmer of tears remained visible in her eyes.

Returning with success, she didn't even have the chance to share the good news with her master before she had to accept the devastating news of his passing. Such a blow would leave anyone listless and dejected.

"My master said his fate had reached its limit, and our destiny was at an end. The path forward would be mine to walk alone."

As for where to go or how to proceed, he left no instructions, only advised me to follow my instincts. The Thirty-Three Heavens of the Ancient Realm are vast and bountiful. I have no idea where to head next. Although Boundless Heaven possesses the World Tree and a law as vast as an ocean, along with great powers, major sects, and ancient traditions, I have no desire to stay here."

Qing Yue murmured to herself, her gaze somewhat lost. Her master had told her to follow her instincts, and all she knew was that she didn't want to linger in Boundless Heaven.

The reason was simple: the waters in Boundless Heaven ran deep. Without a background, merely talent, joining those great powers came at the cost of losing freedom, of losing much, although it also offered much in return.

Gu Wu Di pondered for a moment before responding, "I feel the same way—I don't want to stay in Boundless Heaven.

The cultivation atmosphere of the Primal Ancient Realm seems peaceful, with the demeanor of immortals, but in essence, it remains a world where the strong devour the weak.

Becoming a legend using my body as a seed, once the world knows, the praises may come thick and fast, but so too will endless dangers.

I remember a prodigy whose path was too arduous. After developing immortal qi, both his form and spirit were nearly destroyed.

Yet that immortal qi was severed and absorbed by his body, nourishing him to survival and incredible strength.

Unfortunately, in the end, this proud talent was targeted by a powerful figure, captured for study, and eventually killed.

I have a similar experience, simply unknown to the world. If I cultivate and mingle in Boundless Heaven, who's to say I won't be captured for research one day?

If I knew someone who turned themselves into a seed, breaking eternal myths, my curiosity would also compel me to capture and study them."

Hearing Gu Wu Di's words, Qing Yue could only agree.

"Indeed, the path you've taken is astonishing, existing only in theory, yet you've made it a reality." She couldn't help but voice her admiration.

Using one's body as a seed, suppressing all Dao Seeds, wielding them, shattering the former relationship of mutual coexistence, was undoubtedly revolutionary in terms of Dao Seed cultivation methods.

"Therefore, I wish to head to the frontier—Great Dao Heaven. It's a place where three realms converge, rich with opportunities yet to be discovered—immortal legacies, caves, immortal gold, elixirs of eternal life...

Compared to Boundless Heaven, Great Dao Heaven offers more freedom and countless opportunities. We can practice quietly there, and when we achieve greatness one day, we will have fewer worries." Gu Wu Di shared his thoughts.

Though he wasn't without connections, supported by numerous Immortal Kings, it was primarily the backing of 'God' King Heng, not Gu Wu Di's personal network.

If he were to bring this forward, it could lead to unwanted associations.

He recalled Wang Gen's warning that before achieving the unity of the Three Bodies, no one should know the secret of his division into three forms.

"Great Dao Heaven..." Qing Yue suddenly understood, perceiving Gu Wu Di's intentions.

Indeed, this location serves as the intersection of three realms: the Alien Domain, the Burial Grounds, and the Primal Ancient Realm. Known for its mystery since ancient times, it holds countless Immortal family relics, waiting to be uncovered by cultivators. Moreover, Great Dao Heaven is abundant with prodigies and talented individuals.

There's a saying that of the myriad paths in the world, Great Dao Heaven houses three thousand.

This is evident from the number of ancestors among the Borderland Clans. A single place boasts of seven kings, even more than the center of the Ancient Realm, Boundless Heaven.

In Great Dao Heaven, one can encounter champions from the Alien Domain, engage in battles, and witness the splendor of another cultivation system.

Thinking of these, Qing Yue's heart was stirred; this was precisely the vast stage she longed for.

"I'll go with you. I have a premonition that Great Dao Heaven will be where I achieve my path," Qing Yue affirmed, a faint azure moon rising between her brows.

Gu Wu Di nodded, recalling her second master—Lord of the Forbidden Zone.

If he guessed right, the Lord of the Forbidden Zone was now in Great Dao Heaven, establishing his own restricted zone. At the end of the previous era, he returned, bloodied and defeated in the Boundary Sea. Before long, he passed away, but his lingering will was unwilling to disperse, transforming into a forbidden zone, waiting for successors to continue the severed path.

From the invincible Ao Gu at the beginning of the Immortal Ancient Era, to the later Qing Yue, he had encountered eight extraordinary beings in total. To each, the Lord of the Forbidden Zone had imparted a supreme great art. Unfortunately, all those beings eventually perished, their paths extinguished. Only Shi Hao from the following chaotic era succeeded.

Currently, seven such beings should have already visited the place of the Lord of the Forbidden Zone.

This decision to head to Great Dao Heaven was truly destined.

No unfamiliar powerhouse, not even the infamous Immortal Ancient's Ten Fiends of later generations, could be trusted completely. After all, the Alien Domain had yet to launch a full assault. At this moment, they hadn't united against a common foe, nor stood on the same front as the creatures of the Ancient Realm. Their mindset was entirely different.

However, the Lord of the Forbidden Zone could be trusted.

Driven by his unyielding obsession through the ages, he awaited the arrival of a remarkable individual.

This extraordinary successor would endeavor to reconnect the broken path, battling across the Boundless Sea to uncover what lies at its end.

He bore no malice towards the chosen ones, nor did he seek to profit from them for his own gain.

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