Percy Jackson: As a Gamer In This Dark World

Chapter 32: Chapter 32:Update?!

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'So my mouth is like a portal to my inventory.' I said to her.

'In a sense yes it is, but it doesn't work on herbs and food. It only works on monster drops that you consume when eating a corpse. Also it will give you all the possible drops a monster can give you, regardless of the rarity of the drop you will obtain it in the maximum amount that is possible 100% of the time.' She said.

'Wait that is like a cheat code central over here! Getting all drops from a monster every time I eat one? That is almost worse than cheating! It almost takes the fun out of hunting monsters to get that one rare drop that you have been hunting for!' I yelled at her.

'Indeed, but do you really care?' She asked me.

'Well…not really. Sounds kind of cool to be honest.' I said as she seemed to give an invisible nod.

'What happens when I decide to not eat a monster I kill?' I asked her.

'Same thing happens normally and the monster dissolves but you only get normal drop rates. The skill only works on monsters you eat, but if you want to increase the rate of rare drops just spend bonus points on the drape rate bonus.' She said as I nodded.

One thing very similar to this world and my old one was when monsters were killed they dissolved but in this world only after 10 mins of being dead did they dissolve.

But when they dissolved they gave drop items that could be used for just about anything. But each time I actually killed a monster in the arena this happened but Gabe kept the drop items.

'What about other adventurers who have item boxes?' I asked remembering that everyone had an [Adventure Card] which gave them an item box just like mine.

'Actually your skill doesn't affect this. But all their items in their inventory will drop for you to pick from they will also drop items just like a monster would. Be it a heart, fangs, wings, or just about anything special about them it will drop.' She said as I nodded.

'So basically I got a cheat to enable all drop possibilities come from all monsters and beings as long as I eat them. Everything else is the same.' I said.

'Yep, so that means with all the money you will make you can't be cheap and skip on birthday presents for me.' She said as I laughed.

As I did I finally decided to bite into the monster leg as it tasted just like…chicken.

Surprised at the taste I continued to eat and eat soon I found I didn't even need to chew or swallow as the meat disappeared in my mouth if I wanted it to.

But enjoying the taste of chicken I decided to chew as the taste of freshly baked chicken entered my mouth.

'Not as bad as I first thought, but why the no chew no swallow setting?' I asked as I continued to eat.

'It enables you to eat quickly while in battle or if you are in a hurry, but if you want to enjoy your meal like you are doing then just keep eating like you are doing. But since all this information came up the skill will update.' She said as I raised an eyebrow.

'Update?' I asked her.

'Sometimes skills can evolve on their own and change so they go through an update. If you check the [Consumption Absorption] skill it will show the new things it does.' She said as I had to check this out. But just as I did a ding went off in my head.

Alert! The skill [Consumption Absorption] has evolved a new ability but to make the skill easier for player to understand it will be separated from [Consumption Absorption] and made into a new skill tab.

Derived Skill: Picky Eater lv. Max (100%)

Derived from: [Consumption Absorption]

Even the greatest glutton in this world doesn't like eating some things. Save all drops from a monster that a monster can drop!

100% chance for monsters to drop all possible drops!

100% chance for special items on named monsters to drop as well!

'Picky eater?' I asked myself as I bit into the drake leg as I didn't even notice I just bit right through the bone.

'While the name is a little…lame, it works.' Gaia said as I slowly nodded.

'Hmm interesting…so Gaia quick question.' I said.

'Ask away.' She said.

'No offense but I have noticed a considerable difference in your talking, attitude, and simple emotions after you took me over. What happened to make you chance so much?' I asked as I had to get the question off my chest.

'Stuff.' Gaia said as I raised an eyebrow.

'Stuff?' I asked her.

'Y-Yeah. Anyways it is personal so no more asking.' She said as I let a small smile appear on my lips.

'Haha to think the blabber mouth Gaia who didn't even understand person space a year ago would keep something personal to herself…well I will leave it alone. It is your secret so I won't pick at it.' I said as she seemed to let out a breath of relief.

'So where to now?' I asked her as I polished off the entire leg, I guess I was hungrier than I first thought. But even my belly didn't budge as I consumed the entire foreleg, go me.

Unfortunately I didn't get the stat bonus until I polished the entire body off.

'Depends what are you plans for the moment?' She asked me.

'Get as strong as possible as fast as possible.' I said simply as she laughed lightly.

'Any reason why other than to kill Gabe?' She asked.

'So nobody can control me ever again. I want enough power to be feared and respected in this world.' I said.

'What about companions? Will you ever try to find your friends who were reborn?' She asked me.


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