People in the comics, the opening three maids

Chapter 1758


Looking at the color feather that kept handing over the love letter in front of him, there were several choices in front of Shinhiro at this time.

One took it, but declined it.

The second is rejection, such as issuing a good person card.

Finally, take the love letter and then agree to dating.

Of course, you can also directly ignore it as if it didn't happen.

So at this moment, the choice of a girl's heart and love is in the hands of Zhenxun.

Although she couldn't see the girl's face, she also tried to calm herself as much as possible.

But the heightened heart rhythm, as well as the trembling hands and feet, all "betrayed" their owners.

It can be seen that the girl is very nervous at the moment.

Any of his next words or actions may hurt the girl's heart, and then evolve into autism or escape.

So after thinking about it, just after the atmosphere was delicate and quiet for a moment, Makoto still raised his hand without ignoring and took the love letter in Ichiyu's hand.


The girl who saw this scene suddenly lifted her beautiful face and rejoiced.

Although Makoto did not respond, at least he accepted her love letter, which was also a good start and good news for her.

Because accepting the love letter means that the other party does not hate her, it means that she still has a chance.

The most fearful thing is not 220 or throwing away the love letter, that is the saddest and no chance.

So next, it depends on whether Zhenxun agrees to date her, if he doesn't agree, naturally there is no need to say more, and if he promises, the two will start-


Yes, this is actually common or common in neon.

After confessing, start dating, continue if you want to be suitable or like, and break up if you feel inappropriate or tired.

Simple, straightforward, too.

Therefore, many boys and girls can change their relationships frequently in a short period of time.

Some powerful girls can even change boyfriends in an average of a few days, or powerful boys can also date many girls at the same time, and then break up with some of them one after another.

It can be said that this phenomenon is not uncommon in neon, and "Brother Makoto" in a certain anime is not uncommon in neon.

The difference is that these people are not so miserable in reality, because the two parties will soon break up after feeling unsuitable, and then find a new home.

Reality is not anime, there are not so many paranoid or paranoid people.

Of course, if you encounter it, then it can only be considered unlucky.

But since people can become sea kings and are still a successful sea king, they will naturally stay away from those who are easy to "blacken", after all, these people are not stupid.

Or after sensing that something is wrong, they immediately choose to break up decisively, and never fall into the tragedy caused by it.

After all, there are so many people in the world, if this is not suitable, change one, how can it be possible to hang from a tree?

Unless it is very unlucky, there are very few misses,

Pull away.



Seeing Maho accept the love letter, Ichiki Yu was very excited, and even a happy smile appeared on her beautiful face.

It's just that the girl couldn't wait for Zhenxun's answer, so she couldn't help but look at him suspiciously.

But Mahiro did not speak, but looked at the girl for a moment, and then put the love letter away, and also reached out to hold Ichiyu's hand, and then when the girl's eyes lit up, she still silently took his hand and walked towards the flower bed.


Did the senior say yes or no?

After all, he is holding his hand now, but the question is where is the senior going to take me?

Senior, can't wait? What should I do? I'm not mentally ready!

But I have already confessed, if the senior he promises, then we are a couple, so isn't some interaction between couples very normal?

No, no, no, no! This is the first time to confess, is the progress too fast?

But if you refuse, what if the senior gets angry and then feels that it is not appropriate to break up?

Who will teach me! What the hell is going on here? What should I do next?

It can be said that at this moment, Yi Shi Yu's mind became a mess.

There was joy and excitement, (CAFC) worry and unease, and this unfolding overwhelmed her.

Have something you want to say, such as saying that you have something, or you are not mentally prepared, and so on.

But for a while, I didn't know what to say, anyway, I didn't have a chance to open my mouth several times, so I was dragged by Zhenxun all the way out of the flower bed, and soon came to the shadow behind the teaching building.

"Oops! was discovered!"


"Yukino, what should I do?"


What else can be done?


The three girls who had been hiding behind the school building and intended to watch from afar saw Mahiro walking towards them with a colored feather.

Where do they not know that they have been discovered!

At this time, even if they wanted to run or hide, it was too late, because someone with an expressionless face had locked onto them.

Unexpectedly, after being stared at by Zhenxun again, the three girls felt a sense of weakness in their hearts for no reason.

No way, without someone's knowledge, they not only accept the commission without authorization, but also provide help to the client, etc., to be honest, even they feel complicated and entangled in their own hearts.

Promise, they are also panicked.

If you don't agree, the community activities of the Ministry of Service are to give a helping hand to those who encounter difficulties.

After accepting various commissions from the students of the school, it is necessary to fulfill the responsibilities, even if it is only to help.

It's just that what they didn't expect was that this time the commission "overturned", because-

They received a confession commission from Issai Yu!

And the object of the commission is the true search that they are all familiar with.

This commission once made several girls very depressed and helpless.

But the problem is that they have already accepted the commission, it is too late to refuse or regret, and even Yukinoshita Yukina himself has not found that there is something wrong with his mentality.

For example, help a color feather to find the real way to the flower bed.

If it were changed to the usual Yukinoshita Yukino, I believe that there would definitely be no such negligence and rashness.

But after hearing Issai Yu say that she wanted to confess to Makoto, her heart was confused, or she was very concerned about this matter.


So, when Shinho pulled Ichisei Ha closer, whether it was Yui Hihama and Hana Usaki, or Yukinoshita Yukino all turned their heads in disbelief.

Now what?

Can't say that you met here by chance, right?

If you say that, it will be even more embarrassing.

"Go to the ministry. "

Fortunately, when they were struggling with how to explain, Zhenxun, who passed by them, looked at them again and said lightly.

Then, without pausing or looking at them, he continued to walk towards the club activity building with a confused color feather.

"Ehaha~ he seems to be angry, Xiao Xuenai, what should we do?"

“...... Go back. "

"I said before that I shouldn't have agreed to this commission. "

"Senior Sister Hua, it's too late for you to say this now!"

"Okay. "

After a few girls hesitated slightly, they finally all obediently followed.

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