People Are In Marvel, Behind the Scenes

Chapter 19

Chapter 19: Is A Hallucination

S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, Tri-Wing Building.

Fury was working on office papers when there was a sudden knock on the door.

“Please come in.”

Fury said without looking up.

Then, the office door opened, and Hill walked in hastily, “Fury, something big has happened!”


Fury was stunned for a moment, then looked up at Hill, his face full of surprise.

Hill is one of the few level 10 agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. She has access to many extraordinary things.

For so many years, it was the first time that Fury saw her in such a panic. While curious about what happened, he also felt the seriousness of the matter in his heart.

He immediately asked seriously, “What happened?”

“There’s a gang fight in Harlem!”

As Hill said, he opened the file in his hand and rummaged through it.

Fury sat quietly on the armchair, waiting with peace of mind.

Hill is not only a tenth-level SHIELD agent, but also his assistant.

There must be something special about it.

Otherwise, Hill wouldn’t have hurried to report to himself without even completing the preparations.

“…found it.”

Hill rummaged through the folder for a long time, took out a USB flash drive, and inserted it directly into the projector on the table.

After pressing the switch, she explained when the machine started: “This is what happened half an hour ago. A group of mafia from nowhere, calling themselves the “Pengeli” family, came to Harlem and announced that they wanted to All the gangs that ruled Harlem, and then there was a firefight with the three largest gangs in the area. This is the surveillance video at the time. ”


Fury nodded slightly, then looked at the image on the wall.

On the old, dilapidated street, two groups of people, about 600 people, walked towards each other with guns in hand.

On the one hand, they were mainly black strong men, and they were all sturdy in their clothes.

The other side is a little strange.

They wore black suits, bowler hats, and a movie mafia outfit. The members of the tri-color race, men, women and children of all ages.

There is nothing wrong with three-colored people. After all, some gangsters talk about brotherhood, have a good atmosphere, and do not discriminate.

Male and female gender doesn’t matter.

Although there are very few women in the gang, they are not absent. There are even the bosses.

But you old man and child are going too far!

Especially the baby who looked only about a year old, but was wearing a camouflage uniform and carrying an anti-tank sniper rifle that was several times taller than himself.

This Nima is too outrageous!

It looks magical!

Are you sure it’s not the foam toy gun?

And this man with a ceremonial stick, who looks like an old European nobleman, doesn’t even seem to be able to walk.

Are you sure you didn’t go to the banquet, but to fight with the gang?

And the careful Fury also discovered that many of this group of people were not armed.

Especially those who are at the forefront, like leaders.

One by one with bare hands, wearing fancy rings on their hands.

Are you really going to fight?

Fury wanted to complain, but because there were too many points, he didn’t even know where to start.

“The black-dominated gang is the savage gang, and on the other side is the Pengele family.” Hill introduced.

Hearing Hill’s introduction, although Fury knew that there would definitely be a reversal in the future, he finally couldn’t hold back his desire to complain and asked, “Are you sure this isn’t a movie?”

“I thought so too at first, but I can promise, no.”

“All right!”

Seeing Hill’s sworn assurance, Fury was speechless and could only look at the projection again.

At this time, a firefight was already unfolding on the screen.

The Savage Gang took advantage of their firepower to make a decisive move, and the other side was powerless to fight back. In less than five minutes, they completely wiped out the opponent with zero casualties.

That’s it?

Fury looked at Hill again speechlessly.

Although the gangs fought in the streets and killed more than 300 people is indeed a very serious and bad incident, but S.H.I.E.L.D. is a United Nations organization established for supernatural things, not an American agency.

Without a proper reason, it is impossible for the United States to leave this matter to them.

“Keep watching!”


Fury turned back to watch the video.

The boss of the savage gang stood in front of the gang and shouted and celebrated.

At this moment, a vague figure appeared behind him, and then solidified little by little, revealing his true body.

It turned out to be a charming young man with long hair and ponytail holding a trident.

Fury frowned.

He picked up the remote control, pressed backward, returned to the fire, and found the young man holding the trident among the members of the Pengele family.

In the second row, walking alongside the other six.

In front of them is a young man in a black cloak, with a calm face, orange hair and orange eyes, like a leader, with a baby in a black suit sitting on his shoulders.

“Are there at least eight other guys like him?”

Fury’s face darkened.

The Mafia is a gangster family that attaches great importance to strength and status. Travel, attendance and other matters must be strictly followed by status and strength.

If this group of people is really the mafia, the person who walks in the front must be the leader with the most prestige, status and strength, and the person walking side by side is second only to the leader of the family. Core member.

Since one of the core members showed extraordinary strength, the other six made no sense.

Otherwise, why do they stand in the same position?

Thinking of this, Fury also carefully looked at the appearance of the other six core members, and kept it in his mind before continuing to play.

The young man turned from the virtual to the real, and suddenly appeared behind the gang boss…

Fury played it repeatedly, trying to find clues, but it was repeated a dozen times, but nothing happened.

Helpless, I can only continue playing.

The young man seemed to say something.

Because there was no sound in the surveillance video, Fury and Hill didn’t understand lip language, so they didn’t know what the young man said.

But the boss of the gang heard it, and decisively turned around and fired, firing a bunch of bullets along the way.

As a result, the evil and charming youth dissipated like fog.

The gang members standing behind suffered heavy casualties.

The gang boss panicked.

The evil and charming youth reappeared behind the gang boss and reminded him aloud.

This time, the evil and charming youth did not dissipate into fog, but the moment the gang boss turned around, he pierced his shoulder with a trident at a very fast speed, and pinned it to the ground.

At the same time, the bodies of the previously deceased members of the Pengele family faded and disappeared, appearing behind each member of the Savage Gang, holding their guns to the point.

The situation reversed in an instant.

“This, is it all extraordinary people?”

Fury stood up with a bang, watching this scene in disbelief.

“It’s that young man’s superpower, it’s an illusion!” Hill explained at this moment.

“how do you know?”

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