People Are In Konoha, Devouring Uchiha Shisui At The Beginning

Chapter 22

Chapter 22: Soaring Strength


The palm covered in black mist pinched Zabu’s neck.

The terrifying suction force made the one who looked horrified but speechless, and at the same time couldn’t resist, sucked it into the refining space of the mysterious beads.

In an instant, the same irresistible force of rules decomposed Zaibuxian’s body into countless molecules, turning them into black and blue halos, from the inside to the outside, from the soul to the body, all-round lifting of Liu Sheng’s body .

“This energy…is this the maximization of devouring!?”

Liu Sheng’s body became warm, and a rare look of horror appeared on his face.

He can clearly feel that the energy of refining and not cutting is bigger than beasts, than wandering ninjas in commercial towns, than ghost brothers, and even… bigger than Uchiha Shisui!

Yes, bigger than Uchiha Shisui!

If the body energy and mental energy gained by Liu Sheng were digitized by devouring Uchiha Shisui’s body, it should be at the level of Elite Jōnin.

Like the power of the soul, not at all.

Of course, if Uchiha Shisui still has breath, the body has not lost its vitality, and Chakra has not disappeared along with the soul, then the physical energy, mental energy, and soul power gained by Liu Sheng are definitely at the Kage-level level.

If Uchiha Shisui’s eyes are still there, then Liu Sheng will get Distinguished Heavenly Gods, one of the strongest illusions.

This shows how much Liu Sheng’s loss has been.

In other words, how much Liu Sheng lost after devouring the dead individual.

Fortunately, Uchiha Shisui’s brain is still there, and his head was not smashed. After Liu Sheng devoured his body, he also obtained part of the memory through his brain, and obtained the Blood Succession Boundary and Phantom Body Flicker Technique, as well as some How to practice illusion and Fire Style.

And now, Liu Sheng devoured it and didn’t cut it, what did he get?

The physical energy and mental energy of the Elite Jōnin level, and then the physical energy and mental energy refined by the Chakra of the Elite Jōnin level, in terms of energy alone, they got a double crit.

Then there is the power of the soul at the Elite Jōnin level, and the complete memory movie, the complete life-long learning, the complete combat experience, etc…

If it weren’t for Zabu Zhan being an Elite Jōnin without blood successors, Liu Sheng would still get a new blood successor boundary, as well as the opponent’s use method and secret technique for the blood succession boundary.

Because of devouring the white queen, Liu Sheng obtained the opponent’s Ice Escape·Xue Ji Boundary, as well as Ice Escape Ninjutsu and Secret Technique.

The current Liu Sheng is also a rare owner of the double blood succession limit in the ninja world.

After Liu Sheng fused the body energy and spiritual energy refined by Zai Bu Zhan and Bai into his own Chakra and extracted it.

Then Liu Sheng’s Chakra amount far exceeds Kakashi’s, and the calculation method is officially in units of ‘cards’.

In the next period of time, Liu Sheng will usher in a period of soaring strength just like devouring Uchiha Shisui when he was a child.

“Is this the ice escape?”

With a pinch, the moisture in the air is condensed into thousands of books of ice. Liu Sheng commented: “It’s a very convenient ability.”

Ice escape is a blood succession limit formed by the fusion of two Chakra Nature Transformations, Wind Style and Water Style.

After devouring Bai, besides obtaining the Ice Escape Blood Inheritance Boundary, Liu Sheng will practice Wind Style and Water Style Nature Transformation, which will be the same as turning on the speed-up hang, which will get twice the result with half the effort.

To be precise, practicing Wind Style’s Nature Transformation will be the same as turning on the accelerator.

Because of Water Style Nature Transformation, Liu Sheng already has it.

Swallowing it and then not cutting it, Liu Sheng directly got the opponent’s Chakra Nature Transformation.

This is the greatest benefit of devouring a living whole individual.

As a person dies, Chakra will disappear with the soul, so by devouring Uchiha Shisui’s body, Liu Sheng cannot obtain the other party’s Chakra, and naturally cannot obtain the other party’s Chakra Nature Transformation.

Although Liu Sheng obtained part of the other party’s memory and his comprehension improved, he still quickly mastered the Fire Style Nature Transformation.

But compared with the Chakra and Chakra Nature Transformation that swallowed a living complete individual and directly obtained the other party, there is still a significant gap.

As for swallowing white, why is there no Wind Style Nature Transformation?

It’s very simple, because Bai also doesn’t have Wind Style Nature Transformation, let alone Water Style Nature Transformation. After all, it’s not the Ice Escape·Blood Successor Boundary she synthesized.

Once the Blood Successor Boundary is synthesized, it is a brand new ability that can be passed on to future generations without the need for future generations to synthesize it.

Bai just awakened Ice Escape·Blood Succession Boundary, and did not master the Chakra Nature Transformation of Wind Style and Water Style.

If Liu Sheng devours him, he will naturally not get these two types of Chakra Nature Transformation.

In Liu Sheng’s eyes, the only disadvantage of devouring a living and complete individual is that it needs to re-integrate physical energy and spiritual energy into one’s own Chakra.

But Liu Sheng knows that this is a necessary process of filtering.

Without filtering, Liu Sheng dared not use it.

Closer to home…

Ice escape is certainly good, but this blood succession limit is actually very tasteless to Liu Sheng.

Shiro’s most powerful move is the secret magic mirror ice crystal that can move quickly within a certain range.

But this way of moving, to Liu Sheng who mastered the Phantom Body Flicker Technique, is simply a fancy thing.

The biggest use of this ability at present is to condense the moisture in the air to make thousands of books and other things, so that Liu Sheng can save the cost of buying shurikens in the future.

Only when he develops a powerful ice escape ninjutsu can the power of this blood follower limit boundary be revealed.

Therefore, Liu Sheng did not continue to use other ice escapes, but gave Dazina an order to go home by himself.

After devouring Zai Bu Zhan and Bai Hou, Dazna was useless to Liu Sheng.

After looting Kaduo, Liu Sheng’s purpose for this trip was successfully completed.

Therefore, Liu Sheng formed the mudra with one hand, and used the Transformation Technique to change into the appearance of not chopping again.

Then the consciousness sank into the refining space of the mysterious beads, flipped through the memory fragments of Zabuzhan, and found Kaduo’s location and information about Kado’s forces from the memory of Zabuzhan.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.

Just like all the wandering ninjas who devoured the commercial town, Liu Sheng didn’t intend to let Kado’s warriors and other ninjas go.

After looking through these memories and grasping the general information, Liu Sheng immediately started to act, picked up the beheading sword that fell on the ground, and disappeared into the dense forest road in an instant.

A few minutes later, a glutton broke into Kado’s territory.


Thousands of water condensed, like a downpour, flooded everyone on the site, and tied them like hedgehogs.

Just like being hit by the Golden Binding Technique, Kado’s subordinates lost control of their bodies one by one, and then witnessed their companions being twisted and devoured by the black palm of ‘Zen Bu Choi’.

Not long after, there was no one to be found on Kado’s territory except for the weapons all over the place.

When he came to the luxurious house, Liu Sheng quickly found Kado who was hiding in a secret room with the Perception Technique, and then used Hypnosis without giving him a chance to beg for mercy. looted some of his assets.

On the surface, Cardo is the president of the shipping company in the land of waves, but in fact he is a big drug lord who uses gangsters and ninjas to smuggle drugs and contraband.

He has many assets, spread all over the ninja world.

And many assets are real estate, or some factories that manufacture contraband.

Unless Liu Sheng takes over all his business, it is impossible to loot all his wealth.

Liu Sheng wasn’t interested in those things either, so he only took away the cash and title deeds that Kado had left in the headquarters of the Land of Waves.

After the looting, Liu Sheng burned Kaduo’s territory with a fire, left the Land of Waves in an instant, and walked back to the Land of Fire by treading water.

It has only been a day and a half since leaving Konoha.

After returning to the Land of Fire, Liu Sheng did not return to Konoha immediately.

Instead, he used the Transformation Technique to turn into an ordinary person, running around various cities in the Land of Fire, and cashing in all the land deeds looted from Kado.

In the end, Liu Sheng returned to the commercial town where the escort mission was, took out all the cash deposited in the bank, and deposited it in the storage scroll.

After doing this, Liu Sheng used Sharingan Hypnosis to kill the guard and returned to Konoha’s house.

On this trip, Liu Sheng ushered in a real fortune.

Not only in terms of wealth, but strength will also be the trump card of the Five Ninja Villages.

When Three Tomoe Sharingan evolves into Mangekyō Sharingan, or obtains the S-level esoteric ninjutsu and Forbidden Technique, or other powerful Blood Successor Limits, Liu Sheng will be able to become a Kage-level powerhouse.

PS: Today’s chapters are a bit short, but the number of words is a lot.

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