People are in Douluo, opening up the world

Chapter 7 When the selection is in progress

Chapter 7 When the selection is in progress

Yu Chen was not afraid of being embarrassing, so she knelt down in front of dozens of people, and everyone was dumbfounded.

This is too shameless!

As the saying goes, a man has gold under his knees, you have completely forgotten about it.

Not only the audience was speechless, but even Chen Xichuan was dumbfounded.

"What are you doing? Let me explain in advance that I don't have the money to give you a red envelope."

Chen Xichuan dropped his words and quickened his pace, he didn't want to stay in this place of right and wrong, he couldn't afford to lose this person.

"Brother, don't go! Wait for me."

Yu Chen got up and followed closely, and the shadows of the two gradually disappeared from the public's sight.

"Miss, what do you think of that person?"

On an observation deck, a middle-aged man looked at the woman in front of him and asked respectfully.

The woman turned around, with a graceful figure and an alluring appearance, with a pair of long legs straight and slender, giving people a stunning sense of surprise.

This person is Jiang Xinhe.

As the daughter of the head of the Tiandou City branch of the Wuhun Temple, she became a Soul Sect at a young age, with outstanding talents, and few of her peers can match her.

"It's very strong, especially his martial soul, which actually gave me the slightest threat when he activated his soul skills."

Jiang Xinhe commented, brushed her hair, and said: "If I guess correctly, his innate soul power should be very high, but there is one thing I can't figure out, why is he the cultivation base of a great soul master?"

She had been watching the whole battle that broke out in the open space just now, and Chen Xichuan gave her quite a surprise.

A person who can conquer the realm of the Seven Great Harmonies with his own strength is extremely powerful.

She asked herself, when she was a great soul master, she would definitely not be able to achieve such a record.

After listening to what Jiang Xinhe said, the middle-aged man on the side thought, "Could it be that he's hiding his true cultivation?"

Jiang Xinhe shook his head, not sure.

Then she was silent for a moment, and said: "Uncle Li, please help me pay more attention to this person. In tomorrow's selection, as long as his performance is not much different from tonight's, then let him join the Spirit Hall directly!"

A surprise flashed in the eyes of the middle-aged man named Uncle Li, and he asked in surprise, "Miss, will this cause other people's dissatisfaction?"

"Our Spirit Hall has always implemented the concept that those who are able should live there. He is good enough, why can't we start a small business? Others are dissatisfied, so they will naturally go to him, which will also facilitate our further evaluation of him."

Uncle Li nodded and no longer objected.

In fact, every time Wuhundian recruits guards, it's not just as simple as it seems on the surface.

At the same time, it is also for the purpose of discovering and selecting people with outstanding talents during the process of selecting guards, allowing these people to join the Spirit Hall, and better cultivate them so that they can become a powerful new force for the Spirit Hall.

The conflict in the middle of the night came to an end, and many people were tragically eliminated, injured physically, and missed tomorrow's selection.

After a lot of effort, Chen Xichuan finally got rid of Yu Chen and returned to his residence.

He was completely convinced by this fat man, and pestered him all the way, whispering non-stop in his ear, wanting to recognize him as his eldest brother.

In order to get a good night's sleep, he had no choice but to agree. As for whether he would fulfill his duty as a big brother, he couldn't promise.

"It's better to be quiet." He lay down on the bed with his head on his pillow, and said to himself: "I don't know if my performance tonight has been noticed by the high-level people in Wuhundian, it should be!"

On the one hand, he saved Yuchen to repay his kindness, and on the other hand, he wanted to increase Wuhundian's attention to him.

He has been a human being for two lifetimes and has experienced big and small storms. He is very clear about the true purpose of selecting the guards of the Wuhun Palace.

Finding a genius is far better than getting a group of mediocre guards!

Chen Xichuan's ambition is not small, he doesn't want to be just a guard, he wants to climb higher and get to know more contacts, so that he can grow rapidly.

It is his firm belief to become bigger and stronger and create greater glories.

Silent all night.

The next day, the dawn broke free from the shackles of the night and brought dawn to the earth. The autumn was getting stronger, and the path in front of the door was covered with dead leaves.

The candidates completed the assembly within the stipulated time, and followed the enforcers to a special place.

After the fighting last night, there were about forty or so people left.

At this moment, everyone looked at the wide competition platforms in front of them, and instantly knew what to do next.

"Are we going to fight each other? It's over. I'm only level 23, so I can announce my elimination in advance."

"At first glance, you have never seen the world. When you come to participate in the selection of Wuhundian, you don't know the rules beforehand. You still want to pass the naked test. Isn't this a daydream?"

"I just spent an unforgettable night, and now I have to face hand-to-hand combat. I just want to be a guard and do my part to protect the Spirit Hall. Is it that difficult?"

Lamentations sounded from the crowd, and many people with low cultivation were desperate, thinking that they could not pass this difficult hurdle.

Chen Xichuan stayed in the corner, acting very calm, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Why is it a heads-up match? Why?"

Yu Chen next to her was out of her mind, talking non-stop.

His fighting talent is terrible, far inferior to that fierce man like Chen Xichuan, otherwise he wouldn't have been chased and beaten by a group of people last night.

"Can you stop buzzing like a fly, haven't you ever had a fight since you were a kid?"

Chen Xichuan couldn't bear it anymore, and scolded Yuchen.

He didn't believe that this fat man was a rookie. A person who was born in the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family with a high probability and possessed the world's number one attacking beast martial soul, how bad could his strength be?

Yu Chen shut up, and stood obediently without speaking, with a slightly aggrieved expression on her face.

At this time, the referee in charge of this round of selection came, holding a deck of cards in his hand.

He glanced at the people below, paused his gaze on Chen Xichuan for a while, and then spoke with eloquence:
"I believe that everyone has already understood the content of this round of competition. I have a deck of cards in my hand, a total of 45 cards. Later, you will take turns to choose. If you draw the same number, you will compete with each other. The loser will be eliminated, and the winner will advance."

"If someone draws the number 23 card, they will have a bye and advance to the final round of trials."

As soon as the words fell, those who felt that they were cold before immediately rekindled their hopes, praying for the possession of the Emperor of Europe and getting their byes.

Yuchen is also one of them.

He is very devout at the moment, with his hands folded and chanting mantras nervously, if a layman sees him, he might mistake him for a lunatic.

Chen Xichuan only took one look and then withdrew his gaze.

Why bother!
It's better to ask God than to ask yourself. It's useless to ask anyone if you can't advance.

"Line up, come up and draw lots!"

The loud voice of the referee reached my ears, and everyone lined up in a long queue, taking away a card one by one.

Chen Xichuan drew number five.

Suddenly, Yu Chen, who carefully rubbed the cards away, screamed, as if she had found a treasure, "Damn it, I won the lottery!"

(End of this chapter)

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