People Are Eating Halberd: the Beginning of the Establishment of the Dark Cooking World

Chapter 223

Page 223

The bottomless black pupils made her feel like she was about to be sucked in.

“Sister Xiaolin.”

【206】Your dishes are really exciting!

“Miss Xiaolin.”

“Sister Kobayashi?!?” Seeing that Kobayashi Rentan didn’t reply to herself, Miyoko Hojo shouted again.

“Ah?! I’m here.” Xiaolin Rentan smiled awkwardly, what happened to him, he was distracted by looking at Mo Yu, and so many people were still looking at him.

“Huh? What did you say?”

Xiaolin Gentian embarrassedly touched his wine-red hair to hide his embarrassment.I thought that even when I saw Si Yingshi, I had never shown such embarrassment, how could I suddenly be like a woman in a boudoir that I have never seen before.

Yes, it’s the eyes.Mo Yu’s eyes seemed to be bottomless, but they were as cold as ice ridges, and they had a strong “[-]” aura, which made people completely unable to ignore them.

There is also a majestic aura that is as unattainable as ice and snow exuding from the slender body. It will also make people want to look at it a few more times. He really deserves to be the president of the Dark Cooking Research Association. This is beyond the aura of ordinary people. Management controls so many good people.

Even when he mentioned Mo Yu, there was no dissatisfaction in the slightest, and his eyes were full of praise and admiration.In addition to the appearance and aura that are beyond ordinary people, what kind of personality traits does Mo Yu possess to be able to do this? It is really curious.

“Ah! Okay, first meeting”

My God, are you talking to himself? Xiaolin Rentan bowed his head and made a very annoyed expression that is not easy for ordinary people to notice.

But after all, it is the second seat of the top ten. After seeing too many people of all kinds, Xiaolin Rentan quickly adjusted his state and returned to his usual appearance.

“God, you’re finally here. It’s really exciting. The president of the famous Dark Cooking Research Association has managed his club so successfully in less than a year, and he has also cultivated Having met so many capable generals with excellent cooking ability, it really deserves its reputation at first sight.” Kobayashi Rentan said in a humorous tone.

I don’t know what kind of cooking Mo Yu will use to conquer himself, but just thinking about it makes me look forward to it.

When Mo Yu heard the words, he responded, “The famous Xiaolin Longdan-senpai is well-deserved at first sight.”

“Hahaha, alright, alright, don’t talk to each other about business, it’s getting late, let’s cook quickly, I’m really curious, what kind of delicious dishes will the president of the Dark Cuisine Research Society make? To conquer my stomach!?”

“Please look forward to it.” After Mo Yu said, he stepped into the cooking area of the clubhouse with his long legs.

“Okay, I’ll wait!” Xiaolin Rentan sat on the big round stool again, shouted to Mo Yu’s back, and took out a candy from his pocket and continued to hold it.

The other people in the club are also looking forward to it. After all, the strength of Lord Mo Yu is there, and Lord Mo Yu has not cooked dishes for too long. Just thinking about it makes my stomach growl.

I remember that when Mo Yu first came to the school, he wanted to have a venue for the Dark Cuisine Research Association that he founded, and he defeated the eighth seat of the top ten Chinese Cuisine Research Association, Jiujiao.

Although it was an unofficial halberd at that time, and it was requested not to disclose information, but such a big thing: a freshman actually defeated the well-known eighth hero of Togetsu Academy.How could it not be reported.

After that, he led the Black Realm House to an overwhelming victory at the Summer Festival. The name Mo Yu became more and more known, and this person also made more and more people curious.

Si Ye has been managing his French Cuisine Research Association recently, and has not researched any new cuisine.I don’t know who Si or Mo Yu is better.

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After waiting for a while, Xiaolin Rentian became bored again, so he began to play with the lollipop in his mouth. The candy collided with his teeth and made a “click” sound, loud and quiet for a while , quite rhythmic.

Seeing Xiaolin Rentan, everyone was very helpless. Obviously, he was an authority figure in the second seat of the top ten in the third grade. In order to eat the dishes of the Dark Cuisine Research Association, they came here for lunch at noon.

Although he eats a lot, he has an enviable figure, and he can have such a good time playing with candy. It really makes everyone wonder what to say.

Seeing that Rindo Kobayashi was so boring, Nao Sadazuka came over to discuss academic issues with Rindo Kobayashi again.The voices are getting louder and the discussions are getting more heated, so that there is no way others will not notice their conversation.

“Why did Kobayashi-senpai and Nao Sadazuka chat so hot all of a sudden? Isn’t it the first time they met today!?”

Eizan Edizin also expressed his doubts.

“Senpai Kobayashi Rindo is good at making dishes that others have rarely heard of with all kinds of rare ingredients, and Nao Sadazuka is good at cooking all kinds of ingredients in a way that is full of incongruity, and boils them out. ‘4.6 Dark Food’, which has an ugly appearance and is hard to see, are two people with completely different styles, but why do they have such a good relationship?”

“I’m also very confused. Before Mr. Mo Yu came, the two of them had chatted for a long time until Mr. Mo Yu came, and they stopped talking, but that’s fine, Nao and Xiaolin. You can also increase your knowledge by talking with Rindan-senpai, right?”

“That’s right.” Eizan Edejin also looked at Kobayashi Rentou and Sadazuka Nao, who had no idea what to talk about, and nodded in agreement.

At this moment, Mo Yu, who had already done all the preparations, was finally ready to start cooking. .

【207】Vansi Mapo Tofu!Incredible feeling! (2 more, please subscribe!)

Mo Yu rolled the sleeve from his wrist to his arm.The knives for handling the ingredients, the heat for cooking the ingredients, and the handling of various details of the ingredients all need to be perfect.

The first dish to prepare for cooking was Mapo Tofu, a Chinese dish that defeated the eighth seat of the ten heroes when Mo Yu first came to school.

After such a long lapse, Mo Yu believed that the flavor of his dish would only increase, and he would definitely be able to conquer Xiaolin Gentian.

Mo Yu closed his eyes, as if he was recalling the process of making, and he seemed to be enjoying the moment when he could start cooking right away.

Thin, white and smooth tofu will make the finished product more tender.So Mo Yu asked Tian Suohui and they bought the freshest, whitest, and tenderest tofu on the market.

After blanching in light salt water in advance, it can be broken by blowing, and the white, smooth and tender tofu is placed on the chopping board.

Mo Yu took the cooking knife and saw a few flashes of white light. The tofu was cut into the size of a thumb. It is no exaggeration to say that even with the most precise measurement of 20 feet, each piece of tofu would not be the same size. There will be the slightest difference.

Next, chop the beef first, and then chop it into pieces. The beef is a three-month-old calf. The beef is tender but not fat. It is the most delicious. .

After the ingredients are ready, it’s time to start the seasoning.

Use your own special oil, add minced beef, turn on medium heat and fry it for crispy, then remove it. The crispy beef crispy of Mapo Tofu is also a very important point.

The special oil made by Mo Yu not only removes the fishy smell of the beef, but also makes the beef more tender and delicious.Mo Yu’s special oil can be said to be the finishing touch in this tofu.

There is no need to add ginger or other similar seasonings to destroy the flavor of the dish itself and mix other flavors.While retaining the fresh fat of the beef itself, this oil can make the beef more tender and beautiful, which really kills two birds with one stone.

In Mapo tofu, the essence is the word “numbness”, which is numb but not spicy.Mo Yu’s chili peppers are those with strong aroma and moderate spiciness, which are mellow and refreshing. Put them in a hot pot together and stir fry them on low heat.Stir fry the water inside, and fry the chili and peppercorns until fragrant.Its spicy and numb flavor evaporated.Add a spoonful of hemp pepper powder to the prepared knife-edge pepper to highlight the taste of hemp.

During the stir-frying process, Mo Yu held the handle of the pot in one hand and flipped the spoon in the other. As the pot went up and down, his body also went up and down.The action is beautiful, it seems that it is not cooking dishes, but

Doing a beautiful dance.

In the seasoning step, Mo Yu put a lot of thought into it, because the most important thing about Mapo tofu is numbness and spicyness.After preparing the accessories, Mo Yu began to add it to the pot and continued to stir fry.

The spicy and milky aromas are perfectly neutralized, and you can know what a delicious dish this will be if you haven’t even started cooking.Accompanied by the smell and sound of the oil bursting, everyone outside took a breath. They didn’t feel very hungry at first, but their stomachs started to growl.

The spicy aroma is accompanied by the tenderness of beef and the milky aroma of tofu. Gentleness and wildness are combined, just like an active volcano that may erupt at any time, but a beautiful flower that is not afraid of high temperature grows. Beauty and the Beast A story that makes you want to find out.

Rentou Kobayashi and Nao Sadazuka stopped talking to each other when they smelled the fragrance, and they both started to drool silently.

“It’s so fragrant, this is Mapo tofu! It’s actually possible to make a home-made Mapo tofu into such a refreshing fragrance, numb but not spicy, mixed with the fresh fat of beef but not greasy at all, mixed with The milky aroma of tofu is the most fascinating mapo tofu I have ever smelled.” I hope Mo Yu’s first dish must conquer himself, and it’s not worth waiting for these hours.

When everyone heard Kobayashi Rentan-senpai’s words, they began to discuss.

“It’s really fragrant, I’m drooling all over the place.”

“It seems to be more fragrant than that of Yuga Teruki-senpai who is good at tofu cooking.”

“It does smell better than the old one. I ate the mapo tofu from the old one. The smell is really better than the old one.”

“What do you think, the president’s Mapo tofu must taste even better.”

“Hahahahahaha yes yes”

Although there was a lot of discussion about Mo Yu’s Mapo Tofu outside, Mo Yu, who was concentrating on cooking Chinese cuisine, didn’t hear any sound at all, because cooking a dish requires people’s full attention. If something goes wrong then the taste of the dish will suffer as it will lose its best taste.Even if it can continue to be delicious, it is still not as good as the one that comes with all my heart.

Finally, flip the spoon to the pot, and Mapo Tofu is done.Then complete the final step: arrange the dishes in a nice shape on the white jade plate.

Although the shape of the dish on the plate does not affect the flavor and texture of the dish, placing the dish in a good-looking shape can greatly increase the appetite of the person who eats it.

After completing this last step, Mo Yu asked someone to take it out, and he was about to start cooking the second dish.

When Miyoko Hojo, who was in charge of serving the dishes, took one end of the dishes out, everyone’s eyes seemed to be glued to them, and they all wanted to see the delicious mapo tofu.

And Xiaolin Rentan couldn’t wait. The moment she saw the dishes, she had already picked up 630 chopsticks. She sat upright, her eyes glowed with gold, and she showed an expression of anticipation, staring intently at Hojo Miyoko’s hands. Mapo Tofu.

“Oh my God!!! It’s not too fragrant!!” As Miyoko Hojo walked in, the unique fragrance of Mapo Tofu became more and more intense.

Everyone quickly gathered around, waiting for Hojo Miyoko to put the mapo tofu in front of Kobayashi Rentan-senpai, waiting for her to taste, and then telling the feeling of tasting this dish of Lord Mo Yu.

After all, Lord Mo Yu doesn’t cook often, and it has been a long time since Lord Mo Yu last cooked.

If it wasn’t for Kobayashi Rentan-senpai to agree to serve as the guarantor for the evaluation and evaluation of Eishan Zhijinya’s top ten judges, if Master Mo Yu had to cook in person, then wait until Master Mo Yu cooks and tastes Master Mo Yu’s dishes again. Don’t know when to wait.

As Miyoko Hojo walked in, everyone’s eyes became brighter and brighter. Finally, everyone saw Mapo tofu with such a fragrance. The tofu glowed with crystal clear light, and a thin layer of red oil floated on the surface. The slightly rolled beef is evenly distributed in every corner of the white jade plate, which makes people very appetizing at first sight!

Under the lure of the fragrance, Xiaolin Gentian followed the fiery gazes of everyone, picked up a piece of tofu and slowly put it into his mouth. .

[208] Miarayaki!Neon special food!

Xiaolin Gentian picked up the crystal white and red tofu from the white jade plate, and slowly put it into his mouth.

At that moment, time seemed to slow down, because everyone’s expectations were so great, they were all looking forward to the taste of this dish, and they were all looking forward to Kobayashi Rentan’s evaluation of his dishes.

With such a powerful existence as Lord Mo Yu, everyone wanted to urgently know what Senior Sister Xiaolin Longdan said about Lord Mo Yu’s dish.

“How is Senior Sister Xiaolin?!” Everyone asked eagerly even before Senior Sister had eaten the dish in their mouths.

But Xiaolin-senpai couldn’t reply to them in time, because Xiaolin Gentian was slowly and carefully tasting the taste of this delicious food.

Everyone only saw Xiao Lin-senpai slowly put this piece of tofu into her mouth, and her expression gradually changed from anticipation to enjoyment.

Her eyebrows rose lightly and soothingly, her closed eyes squinted into a curved line from too much enjoyment, and his churning but slightly upturned mouth.Finally Kobayashi Rindo-senpai opened her eyes.

“God, it’s so delicious, it’s the best bowl of Mapo Tofu I’ve ever eaten!”

This melt-in-your-mouth tofu filled my taste buds with a warm taste in my mouth.

It retains the original taste of tofu, but it is very cleverly blended with spicy. This fresh and dry beef is tender and not greasy. The milky aroma of tofu is combined with the fat and tender taste of beef, which hits my taste buds.

Eating such a dish is like appreciating a work of art. The combination of sight, smell and taste is simply not too beautiful!

The taste of this Mapo Tofu is very well adjusted. There is a slight spicy taste in the entrance, but when it melts in the mouth, the spicy taste just starts to strike. It is not too violent, but a soothing spicy taste. The smell hits, and then slowly fades away.

“It’s like the quiet moment after the volcanic eruption, the loneliness of the night in the forest of beasts when the night comes, and the arena after the battle. After the violence, it is accompanied by gentleness and tranquility~ˇ!”

Xiaolin Rentan opened his eyes and said excitedly: “Mo Yu’s cooking this dish really really conquered my stomach, because I haven’t eaten Mapo tofu with such a taste for a long time, and I feel In the future, the taste of Mapo Tofu will rarely be better than Mo Yu’s Mapo Tofu in my heart.”

“Really delicious!”

Xiaolin Rentan couldn’t help but praise again, and at the same time, he also thought to himself: If Mo Yu also participates in this top ten evaluation meeting, then I don’t know who Mo Yu or Si Yingshi is better.Really looking forward to it.

Everyone knows that Si Ying Shi is good at French cuisine.But what kind of cuisine is Mo Yu good at?Since the last time Mo Yu led the Black Realm House to victory in the Summer Festival, everyone was very interested in him.

But he doesn’t show up often in school. He only shows up for those who are more important or interested in him, but he doesn’t easily show his cooking skills in front of outsiders.

Mo Yu’s true level should only be known to those in the Dark Cuisine Research Society who have had more contact with him.However, the strength is comparable to that of the French Cuisine Research Society, and it may even be stronger than the Dark Cuisine Research Society of Si Yingshi’s French Cuisine Research Society.

He can train strong subordinates into better cooking experts, and even handle the relationship between them well. How powerful is such a leader?

Thinking of Si Yingshi, he had already agreed to the man’s plan. According to his words, there should be other ten heroes who also joined this man’s plan. Sigh, so do you want to agree?It’s really confusing.

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