Pension Strategy

Chapter 27

Chapter 27: Old Woman 27

When the time comes, you can take it out.”

Although Zhang Yougui is usually very silent, the level of delicacy in his mind is unmatched by other brothers.

Ning Qiu nodded, “Yes, we will find this batch of grain now.”

Liu Zhu stroked his white beard, frowning like a deep ravine, why: “The town is not big or small, there are many mountains around, I want to find out It’s easier said than done. And we are still being targeted, and there will be poisons from time to time, and this should be guarded against.”

Zhang Tieshan also agreed: “And these things… it’s not easy to tell the mayor, let alone ask for help.”

They are just a village, they are all in the sky when they can see the official side, and they have no right to speak, and no one will believe it.

“So we can only save ourselves, cut off this batch of grain before the war, as long as this line is broken, we are safe, this is also something we can’t choose, not active is passive As for the poisoning, it will naturally come to light at that time.” Ning Qiu didn’t say anything about the town mayor’s collusion with the Turks, it was not something they could solve.

Poisoning is a trivial matter, and it is also invisible, and it only targets their villages, so it is not easy to put on the table, but if Sanwan Village can solve the problem of Turkic people transporting food, it will help Contributing to the war at the border is already an honor for the entire clan, and if the younger generation in the village wants to develop, it is a guarantee.

“Looking in a good direction, this matter is a good investment opportunity for us. Investment itself has risks, and risks are often accompanied by high returns.”

The big reason why it is difficult for poor children to have noble children is not that they have no money, but that they do not have a background that can be guaranteed.

With this honor, the journey will always be much better. This is the way Ning Qiu has paved for Zhang Congming’s cheap grandchildren from the very beginning. She is not someone who likes to lend a helping hand, but in the end it is for… those kind grandma.

Everyone understands what it means. There used to be big figures in the village who were proud of their ancestors, but now they are in decline, and everyone wants to revive their former glory.

They are already like this, but they can spell a future for future generations, and no one will refuse.

“We can form several teams and find them separately.”

“Find out those Turks first and ask them directly. Now that the war is imminent, the Turks must be waiting for this batch of food before they launch an attack. We can’t wait.”

“No, the Turks are not that easy to catch, and if they catch someone, they will startle the snake, which is even worse for us.”


This method is the most dangerous, but also the fastest.

The discussion lasted for a long time, and it didn’t dissipate until midnight.

As soon as Ning Qiu went back to the house and closed the door, she realized something was wrong.

When the words fell, no one came out, but Ning Qiu didn’t care. Instead, he sat down and poured a cup of cold tea to moisten his throat.

After a long time, the figure slowly walked out, holding a machete in his hand, wearing a black hood like the description of the eldest daughter-in-law, and his voice was hoarse and could not distinguish between men and women, “I never thought about it, It was a seamless plan, but it was defeated by an old lady.”

He thinks that he can use poisoning to achieve seamlessness. When the time comes, the whole village will die silently. When this place becomes a dead village that no one dares to step into, he will come again. One stealing the beam and changing the column will not be discovered by anyone.

But after he confirmed the perfect and flawless plan, an unusual old lady appeared.

As early as a few days ago, he wanted to come and test, but the woman who was poisoned would not go out, and the village was full of roosters, so it was not convenient for him to enter, he waited for a long time before he arrived Now this opportunity.

“Plans are never perfect.” Ning Qiu took a sip and put down the teacup, “Of course, if it weren’t for me, the current Sanwan Village would indeed have been exterminated.”

Extermination of a family may not sound like an easy task, but it is an easy task for those who possess strange methods.


He swung the machete and stabbed Ning Qiu.

The tip of the knife came on the face, but Ning Qiu turned the teacup calmly. When the man in black thought that Ning Qiu had no ability to resist, the water in the teacup turned into a water rope. , wrapped around the machete, unable to move, and then climbed onto him, his hands and feet were tied, he was fixed in place, and he could still see the water flowing.

“You, you are not human!” The man in black was shocked and panicked.

He has never seen a person who can control water in the world. Could this be the rumored god?

“I never said that I am human.” Ning Qiu tapped on the table with her finger, and at the third stroke, the water rope spread out and disappeared, while the man in black It was paralyzed on the ground, and the traces of being strangled by the water rope left bloodstains.

She glanced at it and said indifferently, “I promised your brother not to kill you, so go away. If you do anything to this village again, you won’t be so lucky.”

Ning Qiu doesn’t like killing people, nor does she like to do it herself, but when she really wants to do it, she won’t leave a living room.

The man in black was obviously not reconciled, but he also knew that it would not be wise to stay any longer, and finally left with gritted teeth.

Stumbled and ran out of the village, he leaned against a tree to rest, and was closing his eyes, when he heard someone coming from behind, he immediately clenched his machete, turned around and said vigilantly, “Who is it? !”

This time he didn’t deliberately hide his voice, the voice he heard was a young woman.

An Lord lifted his hood and could see what he looked like in the moonlight, “It’s me, An Lord.”

“Brother!” The woman in black was shocked, she immediately lifted her hood, revealing a beautiful face full of sultry style, “Brother, why are you here?!”

She hadn’t seen her brother for a year, but didn’t expect to meet under such circumstances.

“Didn’t I let you stay in the stockade, why did you sneak out alone, and why did you get entangled with the Turks and poison the whole village!” Antuhan did not answer Confused, but sternly reprimanded.

Being scolded by her elder brother, An Tuluo was naturally aggrieved, but she still stubbornly said, “Brother, I am Princess Loulan, and I will also contribute to rebuilding Loulan, instead of hiding. Watching my brother die!”

She is no longer a child, she can’t watch her brother wandering on the line of life and death, while she hides and enjoys protection.

“It’s just nonsense, your help is to poison innocent villagers! I forgot everything my brother taught you on weekdays!” Seeing that she was still stubborn, An Lord waved The slap was about to be slapped, but looking at his sister’s aggrieved and crying face, he finally sighed, raised his hand and rubbed her head.

“The reconstruction of Loulan, my brother is already planning. If you want to help, you can tell me, but don’t act alone in the trap of thieves, let alone kill innocent people.”

The two brothers and sisters who depended on each other for life, he still couldn’t bear to be too harsh.

With her brother by her side, An Tuluo couldn’t hold back, she

Weeping loudly, like a child, aggrieved and helpless, “I, I can’t help it, Anada is dead, brother, Anada is dead. If we don’t find a suitable The clansmen will continue to die of illness, brother, I don’t want to see them die, I can’t just watch them die like this.”

She didn’t want to kill innocent people, she hesitated for a long time, but Anada, who raised them, died in front of her eyes. Her mind was tormenting her heart. Compared with the lives of strangers, the lives of the clan were naturally the most important.

Hearing this, An Lord also had wetness in his eyes, he stretched out his hand to embrace An Tuluo in his arms, and gently touched her hair, his voice choked and firm, “I believe my brother , soon, we’ll be moving out soon.”

“Wow~ I, I don’t want to poison. But for the sake of my family, I have to do this, brother, I’m sorry.” An Tuluo grabbed his brother’s shirt and cried.

Her heart is also uncomfortable. She wants to let the people out, but she is also afraid that her hands will be covered with the blood of innocent people.

So when using Miao Cuicui, is it not an option?

She has no choice but to let others help her choose.

“Fortunately, it hasn’t caused a major disaster yet, so don’t act impulsively in the future.” After comforting her for a while, when her sister’s mood stabilized, An Lord worried, “Where did you come from the old lady? Are you okay?”

“I’ve been injured a little, but I’ll be fine.” An Tuluo wiped away her tears, looked up at An Lord, and said with some doubts, “Brother, that old lady is so weird, so just Like a god, with magical abilities.”

“By the way, brother, she also said that it was because of you that she would let me go. What’s going on?”

She. If there is another time, she will definitely do it, and then there is no way for my brother. ”

“Well, I know.” An Tuluo nodded, thinking of something, she suddenly said in surprise, “Brother, you said that if she is really a god, with mysterious and unpredictable abilities, than Priests are even more powerful, can they help our people heal?”

Among them Loulan, the king and royal family have the highest status, followed by priests and wizards. If you are more powerful than the priest, there will definitely be a way!

An Lord frowned and fell into deep thought, “Perhaps, this is a way.”

He wants to rebuild the Loulan Kingdom, and the main thing is to bring the tribe back. Where can there be a way for the priest to cure the disease, maybe it can save his tribe.

But now there are multiple ways, and he will try his best.

“But, I seem to have offended the gods.” An Tuluo was a little excited, and then he blamed himself.

But according to his preliminary understanding, if he can bring conditions that satisfy the old lady, he should consider it.

Turks, they are too cruel and I don’t like them, so I won’t cooperate with them.”

After she came out, she ran into a Turk, but she couldn’t beat her, and she couldn’t control it with poison, so she wouldn’t cooperate with the Turks.

“Isn’t it a Turk?” An Lord’s face was solemn, and he thought for the first time whether it might be that wave of people.

If this is the case, then it is really not peaceful here. The ordinary town, the humble village, is actually surging, what is it that attracts so many people’s attention? ?

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