Peng Lie on the Great Way

Chapter 384

Chapter 384:

Seeing that Giotto was injured, Im’s face suddenly showed a ferocious murderous intent, and the long sword in his hand slashed at Giotto again.

This time, he showed all his strength and used a large-scale and extremely lethal attack. The long sword in his hand cut through the sky and brought up dazzling swords.

Angrily, he slashed towards Giotto’s body.

puff! puff! puff!

An incomparably dense sound of breaking the air sounded, and the dense sword qi roared towards Giotto.

Seeing this scene, Giotto’s face could not help but become solemn.


Giotto again slashed towards the top with his sword, and then slashed fiercely on the sword qi that Im slashed over, splitting all the sword qi, and then charged in the direction of Im again. past.

At this moment, the two figures collided fiercely, causing a violent explosion, and the two flew out at the same time.

Just as the two flew out backwards, the long sword in Im’s hand again stabbed Giotto fiercely.

Seeing Im stabbing towards him, Giotto once again swung his sword against the past.

The two blades collided with each other, and suddenly made a crisp sound, and then separated again.

At this moment, Im’s figure flew towards Giotto’s body and stabbed him in the chest again. He stabbed hard into Giotto’s body.

A series of roars resounded in the sky, Giotto’s long sword and Im’s long knife collided in the air, and each collision erupted with fierce sparks, and dazzling lights bloomed in mid-air.

Im’s body kept shaking in the air, and the long knife in his hand vibrated violently, making a low humming sound, making a shocking humming sound, as if to stun people’s souls. .

Seeing that Giotto’s strength was so powerful, Im’s face changed again, becoming extremely dignified.

At this moment, Im finally realized that Giotto was not as bad as they had guessed.

Seeing Giotto attacking and killing him again, Im’s face changed slightly, a cold look flashed in his eyes, he let out a violent shout, and his body quickly dodged to the side.

The long knife in his hand swung suddenly, and slashed towards Giotto’s body fiercely, at an extremely fast speed, like a violent storm.

At this moment, Giotto’s body also moved, and the long sword in his hand slashed towards Yimu’s chest again, and the incomparable sword energy shrouded Yimu fiercely.

Facing Giotto’s incomparably sharp sword, Im’s face also showed a dignified look. The long sword in his hand swung wildly, turning into a sharp sword energy, sweeping towards Giotto. go.

Jingle Jingle!

A series of dense collision sounds kept ringing.

Just as Giotto and Imm were fighting, George and Ix were not to be outdone, and the weapons in their hands slashed towards each other fiercely, making clinking collisions from time to time.


This kind of confrontation seems to be very long, but in fact it is only a short moment and it has ended.

The two offensives collided with each other again, making a loud roar, and the incomparably fierce sword qi raged towards the surroundings, making a burst of jingle! The crisp sound is terrifying to hear.

At this moment, Giotto and Im have tried their best, completely disregarding any moves or moves, just to be able to kill their opponents.

The two figures fought fiercely together in mid-air, and the fight was inextricable, and neither could do anything to the other.

After more than ten minutes of fighting, the two still did not decide the winner, and the weapons in their hands were still constantly colliding.

Jingle Jingle!

The incomparably crisp sound resounded continuously in the air, and every time it sounded, there would be a huge sound, shocking people.

One after another terrifying sword qi kept colliding in the air, making a crisp and incomparable collision sound, making people feel the tingling of the eardrum.


Giotto’s right palm was hit again with Im’s sword, and a muffled sound came from his mouth, and his body suddenly retreated into the distance.

Just as Giotto exited just after, Im’s figure chased after him again, and the long sword stabbed towards Giotto’s throat.

On the long sword in Yimu’s hand, an incomparably cold air wave rippled on it, making a loud noise, and one after another fierce sword energy flickered on it, which looked amazing.

Seeing this scene, Giotto’s pupils suddenly shrank, and his face became extremely dignified. His eyes stared at Im, who was rushing towards him, and the long sword in his hand was also tightly held, ready to deal with it. on the next attack.

Giotto’s body also tensed at this moment.

At this moment (Wang Hao), the sword qi in Yimu’s hand also swiftly passed through the air.

The whistling attacked and killed Giotto in front of him, like a poisonous snake, biting towards him at an astonishingly fast speed.

Giotto’s figure turned sharply at this moment, dodging a sharp attack from Im’s man.

At this moment, Im launched a fierce attack on Giotto again, the long sword in his hand kept shaking, and the sword qi slashed wildly towards Giotto.

In the face of Imam’s attack, Giotto’s figure remained motionless, standing motionless, letting those sharp sword qi fall on him. Although his face was extremely pale, he did not show a trace of fear. .


There was a sharp and incomparable collision sound again.

The first thousand two hundred and forty-three chapters whirlwind

At this moment, a dark shadow suddenly appeared in front of Giotto, stretched out his palm and slapped his head fiercely.

Seeing this scene, Giotto’s body trembled slightly, a cold murderous aura flashed in his eyes, and with a flick of his wrist, the long sword in his hand was swung out again, and the incomparable sword qi again moved towards that one after another. His sword qi slashed fiercely and collided with those sword qi.

Bang bang bang!

One after another incomparably sharp sword qi exploded in the air, the air trembled violently, and bursts of incomparable energy raged wildly in the air, making a piercing sound, which made people feel a while after listening to it. Horrified, the hairs all over his body stood up.

Under the confrontation between the two, the speed of the two figures suddenly accelerated, and they became entangled again, and the long swords in their hands kept colliding with each other, making a clinking sound.

One after another incomparably fierce sword qi shot out again, frantically ravaging the surrounding void, and bursts of violent collision sounded again.

The two kept moving rapidly into the distance, and their bodies approached each other like lightning, and the weapons in their hands collided fiercely again.

The two figures fought fiercely in mid-air, the long swords in their hands collided constantly, and one after another fierce sword energy burst out continuously, distorting the surrounding space, and bursts of incomparable ear-piercing bursts. The sound also constantly echoed in the void, making people feel a harsh scalp tingling feeling.

When the two were fighting fiercely, the weapons in their hands were constantly colliding, and the power generated surging in all directions, making a messy collision sound, the whole sky was pale, it looked like It was generally covered by a piece of cloth, and it was pitch black.


A huge roar suddenly rang out, and the fierce and incomparable energy continued to rage, rolling around constantly, making people feel like they were in Wang Yang, and they might be surging at any time. As the surging waves swallowed, I felt an extremely terrifying sense of oppression.

The battle between the two figures is also becoming more and more fierce, more and more ferocious, and more and more fierce, which is beyond the reach of people.

In this way, one after another incomparably sharp attacks collided in mid-air, making bursts of incomparably sharp collision sounds, and a wave of terrifying power was also present.

It erupted from the two of them, madly raging, making people’s breath suffocated, and their faces became extremely pale in this instant, and the sweat on their foreheads was dripping non-stop. down.

The two kept fighting fiercely in midair, and the aura emanating from their bodies became stronger and stronger.


Suddenly, Im roared in the sky, and the long sword in his hand suddenly stabbed Giotto fiercely.

One after another, the incomparable sword qi whizzed towards Giotto, with a terrifying murderous intent in the air, pierced through Giotto’s head fiercely, trying to completely penetrate Giotto’s head. , completely pierced his head, and completely killed Giotto.

He knew that Im’s attack was very fierce at this moment. Once he couldn’t dodge the attack, he would definitely suffer serious damage and even be defeated, so he had to fight back.

Thinking of this, Giotto did not dare to be negligent, the long sword in his hand twitched a few times again, sending out one after another incomparably sharp sword light, towards Yi Mu’s long sword to meet, two

The incomparably sharp sword light collided fiercely again.


The sound of a clash of gold and iron suddenly rang out in mid-air, and the two figures shook slightly, flew backwards involuntarily, and fell to the ground again.


One after another, the sharp sound of breaking the air sounded again, and the two fought fiercely again.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

One after another fierce sword qi shuttled frantically on the arms of the two of them, making a series of fierce and incomparable air-breaking sounds.

Bulge n Peng mouth Peng!

Another series of dense muffled sounds rang out, the weapons of the two collided with each other again, and an incomparably fierce force swept away frantically, tearing the soil and vegetation on the ground into pieces.


Bang bang bang!

At this moment, the attacks of the two were sent out one after another, colliding with each other in mid-air, and a sharp and incomparable sound was also continuously transmitted in the air.

An incomparably fierce sword qi was raging in the air, and waves of energy aftermath swept across the surroundings, making people feel a biting cold, and people couldn’t help but fight. A shiver shuddered.


This time the two fought, the speed was faster, and the attacks were more intensive, causing the surrounding airflow to keep rolling, setting off a hurricane.

The bodies of the two kept flying in mid-air, while fiercely attacking each other, they swept out towards the surrounding frantically, causing the air to keep twisting, and the surrounding

The scene was completely subverted at this moment, and it became extremely strange, making people unable to see the attack trajectory of the two at all, only to see two silhouettes constantly intertwined in mid-air, making people feel His heartbeat stopped at this moment, and every inch of the heart muscle was involuntarily tense, and a heart was pounding non-stop, as if it would jump to the top of the throat in the next second.

One after another fierce air waves tossed wildly, swept toward the surrounding, setting off a fierce wind, making the surrounding leaves rustling and making a rustling sound.

The two slammed into each other again, and the long swords in the hands of the two made a piercing humming sound again, raging towards the surroundings, making the surrounding air squeak again! The sound of the sound, the surrounding soil and vegetation also all tossed up at this moment, and the sharp sword lights spun wildly in the air, and the sharp sword lights swept toward the surrounding madly.

The two figures collided fiercely again, making a loud noise again, and their bodies flew out to the side.


The bodies of the two flew to the side at the same time, their bodies flashed, and they reappeared in the air again, slaughtered towards each other, and fought again.

Weapons are also constantly colliding in the air.

The first thousand two hundred and forty-four chapters entangled flames

Giotto’s body was once again swirling with the flames of death, and layers of flames entangled, protecting his body layer by layer.

The flames filled his body infinitely, and a huge flame giant suddenly appeared in the field of vision.

The crazy flames swirled and exchanged, and a huge flame sword appeared in his hand.


The tip of the flaming sword was only a few centimeters away from Yimu’s chest, but Yimu still showed no signs of fear. The surroundings kept spinning and wreaking havoc.

call out!

A sword glow instantly greeted the sword of flame, slammed together fiercely, and made a dull sound that kept spreading in the air.

Chi Chi Chi!

Giotto held the sword of flame and slashed towards the opponent fiercely. The sword of flame roared wildly, and the sharp sword glow swept towards Im madly, stirring the air around him. It tossed up, and made a humming sound.

call out!

Just as Giotto was wielding the sword of flame and attacking Imam frantically, Im’s body disappeared in place again, and the next moment, a fierce attack rushed towards Giotto very quickly. A pair of eyes were extremely cold, exuding a cold light.

A sword beam stabbed at Giotto’s chest with fierce murderous intent, trying to pierce Giotto’s chest.

Giotto’s body was shaken, and the long sword in his hand suddenly slashed towards the front. The sword light whistled and greeted Im’s attack.

clang clang!

The two swords collided fiercely, and suddenly the domineering aura of the overlord continued to spread, making a sound.

Under the constant collision of two powerful domineering, a ping-pong sound was made.

The strong death energy on his body kept rolling, and the flames condensed into a huge sword of flame, which slashed towards the front and towards Yimu’s chest.


A loud bang sounded, the two slammed into each other fiercely, and the bodies of the two flew towards the back again, and Yin Hong’s blood involuntarily overflowed from the corners of their mouths.


At this moment, Giotto’s aura suddenly soared, and the long sword in his hand slashed fiercely at the opponent again. , making the surrounding space tremble violently, and a huge crack occurred on the ground around them at this moment.


A burst of metal clashing sounded, sparks splashed out, the two slammed into each other again, and the weapon in their hands made a bang again! The sound slammed into the opponent again.


There was another loud noise, and the bodies of the two men flew back fiercely, and the weapons in their hands collided in mid-air, making a harsh sound, and sparks shot in all directions. .

Both of them kept gushing out hot air, and the surface of their skin kept steaming hot, which looked very terrifying.

The two of them have already displayed all their skills, and they fought desperately with each other regardless, and the long swords in their hands were constantly attacking each other fiercely, and every move and every style was extremely brutal.

At this time, the two attacked each other again, and the weapons in their hands were madly waving.

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