Peerless Emperor System

Chapter 8: The power of Minamata Ninjutsu!

"Haha!! Lev, you guy! Don't drink if you can't drink it! It's too shameful!"

"Get out of the way! You are less! Just like this, I can drink it in one bite!"

"Ha ha ha!!! Lev! Come on! I support you!!"

"That said, have you heard of it, it seems that the people of the Fielding Kingdom have killed us, and we have to fight with us!"

"Hah? You are less joke! Those who dare to move our Simmons family, which dog kingdom has that courage!"

"Don't tell me, it seems that there is such a thing, I heard it. It seems that the boss knows about it. It seems that I am going to send someone to clean up the Kingdom of Fielding tomorrow!"

"Then I am going! I dare to be impatient with our Simmons family. I am impatient!"

"Haha!! I see that your kid wants to catch a princess to play!"



In the cabin, one mafia member is drinking and eating.

Ivli sipped a sip of wine and looked at his gang of gangsters. He took the bottle and walked away: "I went out to breathe."

Out of the cabin, Ivley came to the side of the ship's side, and the boat looked at the big manor in the middle of the island, looking forward to the place where the high-ranking sergeant of the Simmons family was located, like his small head. You can only keep the dock here.


I poured a swig of wine, and Ivley turned his eyes away, squinting and enjoying the coolness of the sea breeze, but suddenly, his ears moved, and the sea breeze blowing in the face seemed to be mixed with some sound.

It seems to be... What kind of water dragon bombs?

"Don't I get drunk?"

Ivley licked his head and muttered something strangely. Look at ‘毛.线,中.文,网

However, just as he wondered if he would go to sleep, suddenly...

Bang! ! !

The three ships were violently shaken, and the violent shaking caused everyone to fall into a big horse, but they had not waited for them to curse, and their last days came!

"what is this……"


The bottle fell on the deck, and the boat swayed so that Ivley fell on the deck. Ivley looked pale and looked up at the sky, shaking for a moment.

In the moonlight, I saw only three ships in all directions, a huge huge water dragon from the sea, and after a silent smash, in the pupil of Ivli’s sudden contraction, slammed into three ships. Biting the past.

Rumble! ! !

A pair of water dragons hit the three ships with boundless power. The wooden deck and even the mast directly broke. Then, the powerful water flow directly into the cabin, and the mafia members who had not reacted were rushed to the ground. The turbulent water flow pressed the three ships and began to slowly roll.

Finally, slammed.

"Ah! Help!"

"The ship is going to sink! Run!"

"Save me!! I am stuck!"

The three-turned ships began to sink slowly, and the mafia members on the ship struggled to escape in the water, and the screams of horror screamed through the night sky.

And at the same time...

boom! ! boom! ! boom! !

The violent roar came along with the screams of vagueness from the other three directions around the island. Obviously, the other three docks also suffered a thunder attack from the dark.

Oh la la! ! !

After a while, the sea that surged in the sea calmed down. Three ships had already sunk to the bottom of the sea. On the surface of the sea, the mafia members who survived the rest of the world were so frightened that they did not know what happened.

"What exactly is going on……"

The first Ivli, who was rushed off the boat by the water, looked at the three ships that were silent in a moment and less than half of the subordinates on the sea. They only felt cold and pale.

Suddenly, Ivley thought of the buzzing sound that seemed to be coming from the other three docks, and he could not help but flash a terrible thought.

Is it... they were attacked by a certain force?

"No, it's impossible! The dragon creatures formed by the seas just can't be artificial! Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Ivley paled and rushed to take this terrible idea.


"Is there still so many people left?"

A cold voice suddenly sounded in the night sky.


All the surviving Mafia members, including Ivley, were shocked by this voice and turned to look at them. All of them couldn’t help but widen their eyes.

Under the moonlight, the dark army leader walked out of the darkness with eleven dark feet on the sea surface, and the eyes under the mask shimmered with chilling light.

"Is standing on the water?!"

The mafia members were suddenly shocked, and Evli was pale for a moment.

"Oh... it’s really artificial..." Yvli whispered.

The mafia were shocked. The dark part did not mean to stand with them. As the dark troops waved their hands, all the dark parts pulled out the short knives on their backs and quickly rushed over to the mafia members.

Hey! ! !

A dark part ran on the surface of the sea and rushed to the half-body mafia in the water. The cold light shone, the blood splashed, and the screams, a member of the mafia suddenly fell into the sea.

"Run fast!!!"

"Ah! Help!"

"No! Don't kill me!!"

The mafia suddenly frightened and wanted to escape. They just lost their weapons in the sea. How can they be able to stand on the surface of the ninja? Only one horror fleeing, and then a throat is easily cut by a famous department.

Blood, suddenly reddened the sea.


A cold light flashed, and Ivley, who was escaping with other people, only felt that his neck was cold, and his strength was instantly taken out.

"You...what is it?!"

Looking at the dark part that was swaying in front of him with a short knife, Ivley looked up at the night sky in confusion, and the body slowly sank to the bottom of the sea. In the vagueness, an indifferent voice came into his ear.

"The Kingdom of Fielding!"

"Ninja assassination tactical forces!"

PS: The new book is released, everyone helps to collect it. The collection during the new book is really important. I hope everyone can support it!

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