Pearl in the Palm

Chapter 10

When Ye Lizhu woke up, she was lazy. She half-opened her eyes and whispered, “Tea.”

The maid outside heard the voice, and Yusha hurriedly came over with a cup of tea: “Miss.”

Ye Lizhu’s clothes were loose, and her temples were messed up. Because she had just woke up, her expression was still a bit sleepy: “What time is it now?”

Yusha said, “You have slept for half an hour, and now it will be over.”

Ye Lizhu took a sip of tea in Yusha’s hand, “Jiayou should also come back from school.”

After she got up, she combed her sideburns, Yusha heard a sound outside, opened the window to look, and said to Ye Lizhu: “Miss, madam is coming to see you.”

Ye Lizhu stood up: “My wife is here?”

Yusha said: “This morning, my wife gave me two kinds of snacks. The snacks are not easy to digest. Mother Li is afraid that you will get tired of eating, so I didn’t mention them before.”

Ye Lizhu nodded: “I see.”

The two were talking, and the little girl outside really came to report: “Miss, madam is here.”

Ye Lizhu went outside. She raised her eyes and saw a middle-aged woman in a dark dress.

Wu is only in his early thirties, with soft eyebrows, fair complexion, and looks amiable.

Madam Chen said to Ye Lizhu, “Miss, this is Madam Wu.”

Ye Lizhu called out “Mrs.”.

Wu Shi smiled forward and held Ye Lizhu’s hand: “Miss must not remember me. The young lady was only five years old when she left. She was pitiful. Now she has come back, but she has grown into a big girl. Today, the empress is next to her. Aunt Lanxin also said that when you grow up, the empress wants to see you.”

Ye Lizhu smiled and said, “Mrs. Lao is bothering, please sit down, Mrs. Yusha, pour tea for your wife.”

Yusha let out a “hey” and brewed two lamps before the rain and Longjing came over.

Wu Shi looked at Ye Lizhu calmly.

She originally thought that Ye Lizhu would be an ignorant and rude girl who grew up in a temple, but now it seems that Ye Lizhu is a dignified and elegant conversation, and she is really a decent Miss Xiangfu.

The most important thing is Ye Lizhu’s face and that arousing body.

Ye Lizhu’s mother, Jiang, had the title of Wanzhou’s first beauty at the beginning. Jiang’s beauty and family background made him fortunate to marry Ye Fu’an as his wife. It can be said that more than ten years ago. Jiang is the woman most envied by girls who haven’t been out of the pavilion in Beijing.

Now that he saw Ye Lizhu, the feeling of being pierced by a needle in Wu’s heart returned.

Wu took a sip of tea and said with a smile: “Miss came back, and I didn’t prepare anything good. There is a set of jewelry here, and I will give it to Miss. Miss tomorrow will be dressed in the palace.”

As Wu said, she asked Myolie to hold up the jewelry, and Myolie smiled sweetly: “Miss, this set of jewelry was specially made by the craftsman by the wife, and it took a lot of silver. It can be seen that the wife values ​​you.”

Ye Lizhu smiled and thanked him, and the maid accepted it.

After Wu’s sitting for less than two quarters of an hour, Ye Jiayou came back from school.

Ye Jiayou was in the school today and was restless all day. He was worried that King Qin and the prince came to propose marriage. Although his father was able to cope with it, Ye Jiayou was still worried.

He didn’t want his sister to marry so early. If he marries the prince, the elder sister is bullied, the prince is the king, and the Ye family is the minister, so it is not easy to give the elder sister a chance. So, just after school, Wang Shizi Tao Hanwen still wanted to talk to Ye Jiayou. Ye Jiayou picked up the book bag and threw it to the young man, and walked out.

When I returned home, I came to Ye Lizhu’s Jingshui Xuan. Before Ye Jiayou entered, the maid at the door said, “The eldest son, the wife is also inside.”

Ye Jiayou nodded and went straight in.

All the way in, the maid’s mouth continued to “big young man”, also let the people inside know that Ye Jiayou is here.

Today, Ye Jiayou is wearing a green brocade dress with a golden collar on his neck, and a unicorn underneath the collar. His hair is tied with a golden crown. His eyebrows are picturesque, and his expression is childish. After all, he is only a seven. An eight-year-old child.

Wu Shi said with a smile: “Jiayou, you are back, and you will run to your sister as soon as you come back. I am not afraid to disturb your sister’s rest.”

Ye Jiayou bowed: “Please greet your wife, how is your wife’s health?”

Wu said: “Okay, everything is good, come sit down.”

Ye Jiayou sat next to Ye Lizhu, and Ye Lizhu raised his hand and touched Ye Jiayou’s forehead: “Sweat all over, did you come back by running or by car?”

Ye Jiayou said: “The car stopped when it reached the front yard. I ran back when the young man couldn’t enter the back yard.”

Ye Lizhu took the veil and wiped it for him, while instructing Yusha: “Go and pour a bowl of fragrant scallion soup for the son to relieve the heat.”

Seeing the affection of the brother and sister, Wu Shi touched the ring on his hand and smiled: “It’s not early, I should go back, Jiayou, I specially asked the chef to cook your favorite cooking tonight. Venison, your sister doesn’t eat meaty meat here, go back with me.”

Ye Jiayou said: “My wife’s kindness, I have already received it. But the weather is so hot that I can’t eat meat, so I can eat vegetarian food with my sister.”

Wu’s smile faded after leaving Jingshui Xuan.

Myolie muttered: “The son is really true. He has been with you for so many years. When that person comes back, he will forget you immediately. This is not a lonely wolf.”

Wu Shi gave Xing’er a glance.

Myolie quickly covered her mouth and looked around. It’s not convenient to say anything when it’s outside.

Wu’s heart was also uncomfortable, Ye Jiayou treated her respectfully on the surface, but actually avoided it. It was her last time that she missed and frightened the snake, which made this kid suspicious. Ye Jiayou is like Ye Fu’an, young and very thoughtful.

Wu’s childlessness did not mean that he could not give birth, but that Ye Fuan did not give her a chance to give birth. Ye Fuan prefers Jiang’s golden boy and jade girl, and he also prefers too much. If the brother and sister were still there, even if Wu had a child, he would still be crushed.

Ye Fuan’s most annoying brother’s escaping the wall happened. In the past few years, Ji concubines have increased, and there are still two heirs, so you can see the clues.

The Wu family squeezed the Buddha beads in his hands, whispered “Amitabha Buddha”, and went to his residence.

Seeing Wu’s departure, Ye Jiayou hurriedly picked up the golden crown and changed his regular clothes. He asked Ye Lizhu to put his forehead on him. Ye Jiayou said, “My wife is very smart, but she has not made any mistakes for many years. Zhuzhu, don’t believe her, she will give What you eat, you don’t want to eat, what is for you to play, you don’t want to play. Just find me and Dad if you need it.

Ye Lizhu nodded.

Seeing that Ye Lizhu had nothing else to do, Ye Jiayou had dinner together, and Ye Jiayou took a few bites. He disliked that Ye Lizhu was too vegetarian and had no oil or water, so he went directly to Ye Fu’an for a meal.

Ti Xiao dreamed of Ye Lizhu. She leaned lazily on the beauty couch, her clothes floating in the wind, and her pair of jade feet were exquisite like jade.

Tixiao walked over, Ye Lizhu raised her eyes, her snow-colored face gradually dyed crimson, she was staring at Tixiao.

Ye Lizhu’s beauty was fascinating, and Ti Xiao moved his gaze to another place: “Put your clothes on.”

Ye Lizhu’s gauze was floating in the wind, her waist was slender, and her jade hands were holding her snow gills: “Your Royal Highness, look at me.”

Tixiao couldn’t help but glance at her, Ye Lizhu actually got up, and she threw herself into Tixiao’s arms: “I fell in love with your Royal Highness at first sight. Will you marry me? Will you take me back to Xianzhou?”

Ti Xiao was held tightly by her, and her body suddenly stiffened.

This is the first time he has been hugged by a woman since he can remember.

Ti Xiao wanted to say that he couldn’t be rude, he wanted to let this bold little woman leave his arms. She was really rude. No woman had ever been close to Tixiao, but she dared to get into his arms.

Ti Xiao said with a cold face: “Don’t deliberately approach this king, this king doesn’t like you so presumptuous.”

After hearing his refusal, Ye Lizhu’s eyes suddenly filled with tears: “His Royal Highness didn’t like me… Then I don’t want to be with His Highness, I’m going to see the Prince’s brother.”

After speaking, she turned and left.

When Tixiao heard the words “Prince Brother”, he was instantly jealous and restrained Ye Lizhu: “This king is not allowed!”

He held the weapon in his hand all the year round, his fingers were rough, and he gently rubbed Ye Lizhu’s cheek: “This king is not allowed to call his brother.”

Before Ye Lizhu spoke, Ti Xiao pressed her on the couch extremely rudely.

Tixiao in the dream was almost impulsive like a hairy boy, forcing Ye Lizhu to call herself countless “good brother” before letting her go.

Ye Lizhu Pear Flower cried with rain, and there were too many tears to say. Tixiao hugged her and said, “Little Lizhu, you can change your name. If you like crying so much, you can call it Xiaokubao.”

When Ti Xiao opened his eyes, the sky was still dark.

Tixiao felt that something went wrong.

That Ye Lizhu was really a demon girl, and only after seeing both sides, she lured him into such a gaffe.

Although Ti Xiao is always a gentleman, he is definitely not a lustful person. He is in the center of power. Countless people want to please him with stunning beauties, but Xiaoxiao hates those women and has never accepted it.

Now, after seeing both sides of Ye Lizhu in a hurry, he was so gloomy, and Ti Xiao’s heart was inevitably a little impetuous.

He knocked on the edge of the bed, and the attendant came in to dress Tixiao. Although it is early now, the attendant is accustomed to it, knowing that His Royal Highness used to practice martial arts in the morning.

Tixiao is tall and has a naturally good figure. He is muscular, not too exaggerated and not thin. In his dream, Tixiao relied on this figure to bully Ye Lizhu into tears.

But no matter what, it was just a dream after all.

Tixiao couldn’t feel her temperature, couldn’t hear her heartbeat.

I don’t know if she is really so squeamish and crying.

After all, the attendant was a man. He was clumsy when tying his clothes and tying his belt twice. He tyed his clothes twice, and his consciousness gradually became sober.

Does he think he has put too much attention on Ye Lizhu? But there are only two sides, just thinking of her. This woman is really a small disaster.

However, if Ye Lizhu were allowed to dress him, she would definitely not be so clumsy.

Ti Xiao personally buckled the golden ring on his belt and snorted coldly, “Idiot!”

The attendant knelt down and listened to Tixiao to leave.

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