Peach and Plum Do Not Speak

Chapter 25

Chapter 25:

In the middle of the next semester of the fourth grade, An Zhi took the initiative to tell the head teacher that he wanted to participate in this year’s primary school entrance examination. The math teacher who had brought her for four years also supported her decision, and said that Xiaozao no longer needs to be opened, and has already started to talk about the knowledge points of junior high school. The head teacher pondered for a while, and agreed that An Zhi would talk to her parents before making a decision.

An Zhi nodded, and suddenly, she said to the head teacher, “Teacher, I’m a little uncomfortable, can I go home?”

In the afternoon, there were no people during class on campus, and occasionally there would be the sound of reading from the classroom window. An Zhi came out of the school gate with a schoolbag on his back.

The head teacher should call Yan Xi. Although she knew that An Zhi’s home was not far from the school.

An Zhi lowered her face slightly, her honey-like cheeks did not show any smile, and her hair had grown long enough to be combed into a ponytail. Slowly rushing home with small steps.

Grandma Liu’s son gave birth to a child, and she has to take care of her, so she will pick her up after school in the afternoon, make dinner for her and go back. Yan Xi originally wanted to find another person to replace her, but never found a suitable one. An Zhi doesn’t like other people either. Fortunately, she has been learning how to cook with Grandma Liu in recent years, so she doesn’t have to worry about eating.

Yan Xi’s program was very successful, and the TV station also hired a publicity company to promote it online. It caused a heated discussion for a while, so there was a second season soon.

Her show is at 9:30 in the evening, which is the bedtime that Yan Xi has set for her, so she can’t watch the TV live broadcast, she only watched it once or twice.

Yan Xi’s appearance is outstanding, his demeanor is graceful, and his voice is clear and exquisite, which is very calm. An Zhi felt that she was both familiar and a little unfamiliar to her on TV. She felt very proud and happy, but faintly melancholy.

Yes, melancholy.

She was still very busy, and An Zhi sensible did not bother her, but she was not happy.

The classmates in the class said: “My dad is busy with work and doesn’t take me to play, I cry! I cry until he takes me to play! If it doesn’t work, he has to buy me something!”

“Me too! Or leave it blank in the exam! The teacher will tell my mother anyway! Let’s see if she will give me pocket money!”

“They’ll follow me anyway! I’m not afraid of being beaten, my mother hurts more than me! I just don’t do my homework!”

Her classmates seem to be very good at dealing with their parents.

An Zhi wasn’t sure if he could do this. However, Yan Xi has always been generous to her materially, giving her clothes and pocket money, basically what she wants, and some things that she has not considered, Yan Xi will buy her for her. She disliked the ugly children’s clothes in shopping malls, and asked Liu Yiyi, a fashion editor, to buy her children’s clothes from big-name designers, so Anzhi’s clothes were the best-looking in all grades since childhood. When she was in the third grade, she participated in the English recitation competition for elementary school students. An Zhi wore a fragrant lotus root purple gauze skirt and black Mary Jane shoes. She was as beautiful as a little princess among a group of participating students in bright red and green.

Yan Xi held a camera underneath and took pictures of her the whole way.

Although she was busy, she never missed An Zhi’s important occasions and always appeared by her side.

In April, the catkins in Beicheng are accompanied by the wind, and the green poplars are in the shade. The sun is shining and the sky is fine.

An Zhi didn’t walk in the direction of the house. At the crossroads, she turned to the other side.

There is a garden over there, and in the center of the garden is a fountain a few steps down. There is a statue of a female figure in the pool, and there are many water lilies in the water beside the skirt.

She sat on the wooden bench for a while. The catkins and poplars swayed and fell on the lotus leaves.

An Zhi just woke up, and he hasn’t come home for a while after coming out. Maybe Xi’s phone call has already reached home.

She hurried home. Sure enough, he just got in and got a call.

“Tao Tao? Where are you feeling? The teacher said you’re back?” Yan Xi’s voice had a hint of anxiety.

“I…” An Zhi murmured, “I… I’m not uncomfortable, I just…”


“…I don’t want to go to school.”

“…” Yan Xi was silent there.

An Zhi suddenly became uneasy, Yan Xi was she angry?

“…I see. It was three o’clock when the teacher called me. I called home at half past three and no one listened. Where have you been this hour?”

An Zhi: “…”

Yan Xi couldn’t hear her answer over there, and was silent again.

After a few seconds, she said, “I’ll be back later. Grandma Liu can’t come over because her grandson is not feeling well. Dinner…”

“I’ll cook dinner…I’ll go grocery shopping…” An Zhi said hurriedly.

Yan Xi interrupted her: “No, you stay at home, I’ll buy it back.”

An Zhi was stunned by her sudden, slightly serious tone, and he murmured that he didn’t dare to speak any further.

The stinging sound of electricity on the phone.

Yan Xi seemed to sigh slightly over there, “Hang up the phone and wait for me at home.”

An Zhi pursed his lips.

“Tao Tao…” Yan Xi’s voice softened a little, “Be obedient, I’ll talk about it when I get home.”

After hanging up the phone, An Zhi scratched his hair and rubbed his face, not knowing what to do.

It was over, it seemed that Yan Xi was really angry. She remembered the time when she wanted to go back to her hometown when she was six years old, Yan Xi was anxious and angry. Annoyed, she twisted her fingers.

But okay okay? She doesn’t seem so angry after that? When they called, Yan Xi would not take the initiative to hang up her phone.

An hour later, when Yan Xi came home, she was telling herself to calm down when she stopped. She wondered if Anzhi’s rebellious period had begun? She made several calls just now and no one answered at home, and she remembered that time when the whole world was anxious to find her.

Think about recent events as you walk. There must be a fuse, she’s still just a child, and there must be something disturbing her.

Before entering the house, Yan Xi quickly sorted out his mood.

An Zhi was waiting for her on the first floor.

“Let’s eat, I bought you your favorite croquette.”

An Zhi looked at her slightly blankly.

“Eat it first, it won’t taste good when it’s cold. The convenience store just fried it.”

Freshly baked croquette filled with chicken puree. Deep fried to golden crispy and served with tartar sauce. Very tasty. Yan Xi also bought preserved egg and lean meat porridge with pickles marinated by Grandma Liu. The two were well fed.

“Eat first, then talk.”

This is what my grandfather said. Every time the four of them made a mistake, her grandfather would not let them eat, but would solve the problem after they were full.

“Come here…” Yan Xi beckoned her to come over. An Zhi walked up to her.

“Your teacher told me, are you going to take the junior high school exam?” After thinking about it, Yan Xi decided not to tell her that she was not feeling well and skipped class.


“I’ve agreed. Take the test with confidence.”

“…If I don’t pass the test…” An Zhi suddenly said.

Yan Xi smiled: “Then continue to the fifth grade, but…” She touched Anzhi’s hair, Xiao Anzhi’s hair was past her shoulders, and Wu Liang was draped softly behind her back. She began to draw strips, her limbs were flexible and soft, her eyes were more rounded, and she was timid and innocent when looking at people.

“I’m sure you can do it.”

An Zhi lowered her head slightly under her touch, and she whispered, “How…how do you know I can do it? You haven’t watched my homework for a long time.”

Yan Xi was stunned for a moment, and then showed a clear expression. She reached out her hand to bring her over, still doing the same thing, sitting on her knees: “I’m sorry, I’m too busy…”

An Zhi rested her head on her shoulder and said, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t skip class.”

Yan Xi smiled: “You can skip class.”

Huh? An Zhi looked up.

“You can skip class.” Yan Xi blinked, “Who is a student who doesn’t skip class… That’s right,” Yan Xi said slightly sternly: “You have to tell me, I’m very worried… I can’t leave alone like last time. ”

An Zhi’s eyes were soaked with a layer of water mist, and she nodded.

Yan Xi ran down her hair and murmured, “Well… now I’m really too busy, what should I do?” She frowned slightly, as if she was thinking in annoyance to find a solution.

An Zhi looked at her carefully, her heart seemed to be stabbed by something sharp, she grabbed Yan Xi’s sleeve and said, “It doesn’t matter, I will have more homework after I go to junior high school, and I will be busy too. got up.”

Yan Xi must have her own life. As Aunt Xiao said, adults always have to be busy with their own work and have their own career. And the words on TV are really beautiful.

Yan Xi looked at her, his eyes comforting her. She rubbed the top of her head without speaking.

“You’re not happy…” Yan Xi said.

“That’s because…” An Zhi paused, “Why haven’t I grown tall yet? Can I really be as tall as you? Big Fat and Little Fat still call me dwarf.”

Yan Xi chuckled and said, “Don’t pay attention to them, I don’t want to hug them now, they’re dead.” Of course, the twins are even more bearish now, and even dogs at the age of seven or eight are disgusted by them.

“I hope you don’t grow taller so quickly. I want to hold you for a few more years, Tao Tao.” Her voice was very gentle in the quiet, dark and warm room.

Suddenly, An Zhi opened her eyes slightly, and her forehead was touched by a tender stamen, like a snowflake, gently falling on her skin. .

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