Path to Becoming the Greatest Space Mercenary

Chapter 56 Finishing Up in the Prazan System

"That's the last one."

After fully sweeping through the Prazan System and the surrounding area to make sure that there were not any other energy lifeforms lurking around, Avery and Kasandra had gone around collecting their spoils.

In total, they had eliminated four hundred seventy-nine energy lifeforms. With all but fourteen having been small ones.

"It's too bad that we only got two of the thirteen medium sized cores." Kasandra said, looking over the list of cores they had recovered.

"Well, we did obtain the queen's, and that thing is bound to be worth a lot. Plus, over three hundred small cores. I think we're going to be making it out of this with quite the earnings."

While it had certainly been dangerous for a bit, there was no questioning the gains they had made.

Each of the small energy lifeforms had been worth one thousand five hundred Krenin, and the medium ones twenty-five thousand.

That put their kill bonus alone over a million Krenin. Plus, there was no doubt that the Alliance Police would figure out some sort of reward for them taking down the queen on their own.

"You did have to use those phasic torpedoes though. Currently, you can't replenish them."

Avery could only nod his head and purse his lips at this.

The Alliance Police had agreed to once again reimburse him for any expended ammunition, but that did not mean they would replace them.

During his first encounter with the energy lifeforms, he had needed to fire one, and naturally, the accounting department had been none too thrilled to hear that it was necessary to pay him back for such an expensive weapon.

In the end, it had been decided that he would be paid the price the Alliance Police spent when buying phasic torpedoes in bulk. Which came out to around five hundred seventy thousand Krenin. A far lower value than their typical eight hundred thousand price tag when purchased individually.

Of course, at this point, Avery was unable to replace them even if he had enough funds.

Phasic torpedoes were not the kind of weapon the Dramid Alliance wanted ending up in the wrong hands. Only trusted five star and above mercenaries could buy them.

"Well, those aren't the kinds of things that need to be fired very often. I'm honestly surprised that I've already gone through my entire supply. But I'm sure that we can obtain more eventually." Avery said, looking to the future.

It would certainly take some time, but he did aspire to join the ranks of the elites and become a five star mercenary himself. He possessed a good enough ship and training from a competent veteran already. What he lacked right now was simply time and experience.

"At the rate you're going, yeah, I could see a promotion to five star not too far in the future. I mean, the Alliance Police have already been treating you like an upper rank already. They don't hand out personal requests with such good terms very often." Kasandra said, a hint of pride and envy in her eyes.

She was ecstatic to be a part of Avery's crew and getting to join him as his renown grew, but a part of her wished that she had received such recognition when she was still piloting a vessel of her own.

Still, she could not turn back the clock and was more than happy with her current situation. In fact, if given the chance to do it all over again, she honestly might not change a thing. It had been a long time since she was as happy as she was now.

With all of the energy lifeforms' cores collected, Avery and Kasandra simply sat back and waited.

Right now, repair vessels from the Alliance Police were working on getting the damaged ships back in working order.

Unfortunately, the work was going slowly since only small class craft could reach the system quickly. Meaning no larger vessels with full repair facilities that smaller ships could dock in would be arriving for quite some time.

At the very least, there were only a handful of mercenaries that needed such extensive help. Most of them would be ready to go again in a couple of days.

"Since it seems like we've got some time, do you mind if I go and try on some of the clothes I purchased before we got caught up in this mess?"

"Oh, yeah. Sure, go ahead. I don't think there'll be anything to worry about at this point." Avery replied, remembering that Kasandra had only been wearing three outfits, one of which were her pajamas, since ending up as part of his crew.

Obviously, she had been keeping everything clean by washing the articles she was not wearing, but it was undoubtably tedious to have so few clothes.

When she had taken care of resupplying the Dauntless, however, she had ordered several personal items as well. Yet only now did she really have time to collect the items that had been sitting in the cargo hold.

For around the next two hours, Avery simply amused himself with games and books he had downloaded on his terminal. The fast-paced excitement of battle had ended, and now he was simply waiting around with nothing much to do.

Except, something far more interesting than anything he had on his terminal was about to walk in.

As the doors to the cockpit opened, Avery naturally turned around to greet Kasandra but was left in stunned silence once again by her appearance.

This time, though, it was nothing as tame as a long shirt that sat above her knees.

Kasandra was wearing incredibly risqué lingerie. Truthfully, it left little up to the imagination.

"How do I look?" Kasandra asked, doing her best to act bold and hide the embarrassment she was feeling from doing something so daring.

"Stunning." Was the only response Avery could give.

This led to them both blushing heavily and fidgeting around somewhat awkwardly.

Still, Avery forced himself to recover swiftly. So far, it had been Kasandra making all of the advances. On his pride as a man, he needed to take the lead now.

Without saying anything else, he walked over and picked Kasandra up so that he was carrying her like a princess.

With her so close, he could feel the heat from her body and the accelerated thumping of her heart.

It was not long before the two of them were on Avery's bed and embracing each other. Allowing passion to take over once more.

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