Path of The Dragonborn

Vol 2 Chapter 966: Fight for family

The battle has been going on for a long, long time-even though it was timid and unfamiliar at the beginning, it should have been completely in the state at this moment.

The stick technique that would have felt trembling in both hands after a few hits, at this moment, it was hitting the hard steel shell continuously, but it was still very powerful. Estiel's growth is reflected in this amazing endurance improvement. As for Joshua, there is no need to mention it-he untied his knot, and completely recalled his skills and skills during the execution period. Although he was still not good at frontal combat assassin style, he was a bit more before. Unprecedented, amazing courage in frontal combat.

The blue magic machine paid a little price for underestimating Estier and Joshua-its leg joints, the alloy structure that has undergone a lot of stress and performance testing, was taken by Estir’s long stick with a spiral grudge. The stick staggered, causing the center of gravity of the whole machine to shift slightly; and Joshua’s double knives directly violently smashed several joints on the other leg of the magic machine, bringing out A burst of sparks broke out.

The power mechanism was damaged and the guiding force was blocked. Naturally, the shoulder light cannon seemed a bit weak due to its insufficient function. Of course, Ling didn't need to worry about it this time—because of Estiel's actions, the laser was not only weak and weak, but also missed, and fell on the ground nearby, causing dust to fly.

Of course, this kind of funny and ridiculous scene did not arouse Ling's laughter at this moment-the graceful little demon who is always calm and unhurried, but at this moment rarely showed a stubborn and serious look. Under her command, Patil Matil’s long-inactive shoulder-guided sabotage run was also launched one after another. Additional armed surroundings also fired rows of high-explosive missiles, attacking from all directions to temporarily unable to move. Blue magic machine. Estir and Joshua had already retreated to a safe distance. The blue magic machine was caught in a net of thick smoke and flames almost instantly, and the guiding shield under the blessing of the treasure was almost all covered by this series. The attack was lost.

It’s just—after all, the power source of the blue magic machine is almost inexhaustible power—even though it was accompanied by a wave of guiding force that came out for some reason just now, this ability seems to be affected to a certain extent, this is also Why did Estelle and Joshua temporarily break the shield of force that should have been extremely strong-but this unexpected surprise came and went quickly, and the force field around the blue magic machine began to gradually gradually It tends to be stable, and it seems that such an opportunity should never be seen again.

Moreover, in any case, although the efficiency has been more or less affected, the unparalleled resilience of the blue magic machine is still working. The output of Joshua, Estiel, and Ling is continuous and stable, but they all have the moment when they have to stop, which is different from the blue magical machine that is deep like a sea of ​​smoke. Even if it is to maintain this situation and fight the war of attrition, it is definitely not a magical machine that loses in the end-this is exactly what Lloyd and others worry about after they are applauded at the beginning and slowly realize the problem.

Of course, there is also the most terrible reason-Dr. Novartis is so obsessed with Patil Matil, not only because he stole the design from his teacher, but also because-it is almost What Novartis values ​​most, the first-generation experimental products and finished products of artificial intelligence-is the self-discipline device installed on Patil Matil. Therefore, maybe it’s just for testing, or for more profound reasons. Unlike the somewhat old-fashioned combat AI program of the purple magic machine, the program installed on the blue magic machine seems to really learn and analyze intelligence by itself. The ability of the three people's onslaught is a little worse. In addition to the loss of their own power, the output efficiency is reduced, and the blue magic machine has gradually learned how to deal with the joint attack of the three of them. .

Each attack will not cause substantial damage, on the contrary, it will always increase the opportunity for the opponent to learn and further combat capability calculations-this is what Ling slowly sees, the true purpose of Dr. Novartis.

However, it stands to reason that their actions cannot be said to be a failure. The essential purpose of stopping the divine machine is to prevent them from interfering in the battlefield and actions of other people-but in fact, the actions of Lloyd and others have been successful, and Arios and Guy have also heard from him that it is a victory. Jaguar, and those who have seen the true power of Heliga will not doubt that he will be able to kill the purple magic machine-in fact, even if it chooses to retreat directly at this time, it seems logical. After all, they did play a very restrictive role. Not only did they hold back the divine opportunity that might be able to support, but also caused a great impact on the soldiers of the Closbell National Defense Forces stationed here that might have been supported.

But-Ling was not reconciled. In her heart, no matter what the sixth pillar, Patil Matil will always be the strongest. Coupled with her own genius intelligence processing ability, she would not allow herself to lose in this regard.

Besides, Esther and Joshua had more or less such thoughts. After Ling followed them back to Libel, they were very pleased to see how she gradually began to learn to enjoy life. It was during this time that they gradually learned about Ling and Patil Matil’s stories, and learned how Patil Matil released the heating for Ling when she felt cold. Get rid of the cold; when Ling had to enter the battlefield filled with artillery fire due to the task of association, how did it use its huge body to block the stray bullets that might be disturbed by Ling; when Ling first entered the association, when she was mentally tranced and manic, Pa How did Till Mathier’s slightly clumsy but extremely gentle spiritual whisper soothing the injured girl——

In a word, Patil Matil is no less concerned about Ling than Estiel believes. They recognized Ling as a family member, and naturally also recognized Patil Matil who was in the same position as them. Fighting for their family, this is also the reason why they can't shrink back at this moment.

However, with the continuous improvement of the blue magic machine's learning ability, its grasp of the battle situation is getting stronger and stronger. Everyone can see the situation change: the duration of Patil Mathier’s attacks is getting shorter and shorter, which is the result of long-term overload of the guiding mechanism inside the body and self-decreasing power to avoid damage; Estiel He Joshua also had large or small scars on his body, which were caused by the deformation and sluggishness of the movement caused by the loss of physical strength.

Ling's reserves of EP fillers are also decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye-but she still does not want to give up this stubbornness, and still wants to win her own victory in this situation.

However, the battle finally ushered in the moment when the balance broke.

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