Path of The Dragonborn

Vol 2 Chapter 964: Warning (2 in 1)

The machine body made of Kolleruda steel, a material that fully imitates the performance of Semuria stone, is like a kite with a broken line at the moment of losing its spiritual power supply, under the action of gravity. It landed straight on the ground, arousing a puff of smoke and dust--making the already riddled ground once again hit hard.

This is the danger in Hailijia's mouth-this is a divine tool that can affect even the earth veins and even the power of the most precious treasure. If someone has been monitoring this area from a distance, one can see a large-scale energy receding from the sphere centered on Heliga and radiating outward.

However, using such power, naturally, it is impossible to be unrestrained-the function of breaking the divine machine is only a means, not an end. Almost at the same time, just as the magic machine fell within the range of Helika’s spell, the green on the tip of the Magnus’ rod disappeared, and the force field that could shield and absorb all energy was also there. It started to dissipate in an instant.

The energy of the earth veins began to reconnect, and the power of the supreme treasure patronized again-everything was returning to normal. Heliga’s actions are like dropping a meteorite in the sea. Despite the magnitude of the momentum, most of the material is consumed by friction with the atmosphere. Only the last bit of debris fell into the sea, aroused, although vast. , But the waves are insignificant for the entire sea. If left alone in this way, the sea will slowly return to calm, and the purple **** will once again get the bonus of the treasure, possessing extremely strong mobility and speed.

But, will Heilijia give it this opportunity?

A gust of wind rose out of thin air and set off a shocking wave in the calm weather. Under the double blow of the "Mark of Death" and the dragon roar of "Unstoppable Power", the divine machine that was originally not very strong turned into scrap metal like a squashed metal beverage can in an instant-don't worry Heilijia also went up to make a few stabs. After a few flames and thunder lights went down, the two pairs of wings of the purple magic machine could no longer light up, and all the guiding and power mechanisms were destroyed to the point where they could not be repaired.

In this case, it is almost impossible to repair it-even if someone wants to do this, I am afraid that it is better to build a new one. In any case, this machine should not be able to cause any threats under the current circumstances.

"I said." After all the dust settled, Heliga's voice was still very vigilant-it was toward the plains where the battle was on top of a certain boulder, "Have you seen enough?"

"...Hahahaha... really found it. I was holding a little luck just now..." After a while of silence, a burst of laughter burst out in the air-the owner of the laugh is undoubtedly an An elderly man - but the emotions in this laughter are not the old man’s peculiar sighs and old age, but a young man’s voice full of strong curiosity, "Could it be that from the beginning... …"

"It's not... it was just discovered." Heliga curled his lips-just when the Magnus rod was excited and the energy-absorbing force field spread out, except for the strong induction from the underground. ——That is undoubtedly the power of the earth veins—— and after waiting for a long time, apart from the induction from the sky, the only thing Heilijia has discovered is all kinds of wonderful and tiny feedbacks from all directions. . After a little thought and the abnormal behavior of the purple magic machine, Heliga has almost been able to think of the only possibility-since the purple magic machine is directly used by the association for data feedback this time, then he wants to come to this data collector, should also Like Wiseman, there is a bad taste to witness live, right?

"Um... Although the collected data is very satisfactory to me, but at the last moment, there is no data feedback." The voice of the owner, Dr. Novartis, revealed a trace of regret, "It's not just a magic machine. ...Even all the monitoring probes and sensors are—"

"In this case, change to a new product next time and don't use these junk goods." Heliga interrupted Dr. Novartis's self-talk impatiently, "Since you let me help you so much this time I’m so busy--how can you tell me some things by the way?"

"Haha... didn't you expect you to be interested in this kind of topic?" Dr. Novartis's tone became more interested. "Indeed... If you say so, it is really an excellent one based on your strength. Provide a test product of combat power-if you can create a mecha equivalent to yours, then I have no regrets. So, should you consider coming to "associate"? Or just cooperate unilaterally with me. "

"..." Heliga was completely speechless--what he said he had concluded a tacit agreement with the association and a non-interference treaty. This time, if it hadn’t been for Wei Ta’s repeated hints, and Arian Hurd’s previously ambiguous attitude, and the fact that he had made up his mind and knew that the purpose of the association had been achieved, he would really not have responded to Kay. Wen their invitation. In other words, even if the well water does not violate the river water at present, Heliga did not show the intention to socialize well in any way, and even the two sides may turn hostile at any time-but this sixth pillar, "Thirteen Workshop The person in charge of "actually sent such a direct invitation to Heliga directly.

However, from surprise to surprise, Heliga didn't even want to continue listening to his nonsense. If it is normal or in a situation where he is not in a hurry, he doesn’t mind responding to a few words to clear up the tension of other people-but first, only himself is standing here now, and there is no need to do this. When he came, he was really anxious to figure out things, and he didn’t have time to entangle with them, so he simply said: "No... I just want to know what the purpose of these experiments you are doing... But if you want to come, you won’t tell me. Now that you have a way to monitor my situation, you should know something about the other side, right?"

"Yes... The blue magic machine is just a new product that I modeled on the "Extreme Class" and is even better. This is true whether it is appearance, power mechanism, or firepower. It's just that-the "Extreme Level" data, I haven't collected all the data before "Annihilation Angel" leaves the association, and there is no chance after that. "

"That's it... So, your collection of Patil Matil's data is the reason for the arrangement of the blue magic machine." Heliga confirmed this, "plus, after leaving the association, Ling asked for an appointment. Master Guru has upgraded Patil Matil more than once, and Dr. Russell has also provided more help in the past year. So you are more interested in this."

"That's right... Although the design of my staid master is my heart's love, Dr. Russell's design is also where I want to "learn with an open mind". "Dr. Novartis deliberately bit the word "humbly" very hard, the irony in it is not difficult to see, "but it is different from you-no matter which one of the three magic machines, it is impossible. It’s your opponent. I have to admit that... But no matter how you say "Extreme Level", it is based on conventional power. No matter how you say it, it is impossible to defeat the infinite functions of the treasure. The data has to exceed it. 10% of the magic. "

"That is to say." Heliga's heart sank, "Do you still want to take the opportunity to kill Patil Matil?"

"Yes. Since the "Annihilation Angel" has left the association, I naturally don't need to treat it as the property of the "Association." Besides, this can be regarded as a battle for my apprentice to surpass that old-fashioned master. "Dr. Novartis's tone brought a hint of joy and malice. "In just this period of time, the purple magic machine can be considered as a successful completion of the task-the current "limit level" should be in the rampage of my masterpiece. Struggling under the bomb. "

"So... you think so." Hearing this, Heilijia laughed instead, "Do you think I can't get there in time?"

"Do you have one?" Dr. Novartis asked rhetorically.

"Thanks to you for providing these "intelligence"-originally I was still hesitant to do this. But now..." Heliga's tone gradually became colder, and his body gradually turned into an empty transparent color.

"... Could it be that... Space Teleport... But..."

"You probably also know that I have a way to forcibly open the channel of spiritual power with the cooperation of another person-but if you think that I can only use this method because of this, then it is wrong." Heliga squinted, "Because---a way of driving directly ignoring space distance, I will too.

"..." Looking at the sensor that was restored before me, it failed again under an inexplicable energy fluctuation-this time it was not stopped because the transmission of energy was blocked, but was completely destroyed by the after wave of this energy-Novartis Dr. Tis regretted a whim and talked too much with this guy.

"I don't know if the **** you created can beat Patil Matil. But well... anyway, it must not be able to beat me." Heliga said, a dark crack opened around him, "Since The purpose of the association has been achieved. I advise you to leave with your broken copper and iron. Otherwise, Mr. Wiseman’s fate is a lesson for you."

"What?" Novartis blurted out instinctively.

"Don't use your boring and evil tastes to test the feelings and fetters between people and things-otherwise, there is only a dead end waiting for you." Heliga said coldly, with his body accompanying him. The expansion of the shadow of the void disappeared with the crack in the void.

Before leaving, a few ice cones flew out in his hand, accurately smashing all the surrounding, various surveillance probes hidden in the grass and in the cracks of the stones-at this moment, Novartis is living in the "Orchid Tower". The two surveillance screens in front of Dr. Si all showed two pale in a moment.


"What is this?" Under the Orchid Tower, the former IBC's technical department was reorganized into members of the National Security Intelligence Agency after Closbell declared independence. At this time, they were staring at the screen in front of them and muttering to themselves.

"The guidance from B2 to B12 is all paralyzed-what is going on? Such a large-scale lead influence...could it be..."

"Don't guess randomly." A little older, it looks like the leader slapped him, "It can't be the ghost of those hackers. It's not that I haven't fought them before-in Dong... After your Excellency the President bought us the latest large terminal for guidance calculation, that **** brat never beat us again."

"Yeah... I think that a few months ago, we were still helpless by the guy stealing a lot of data." Another employee said bitterly, "It's all right now... Sure enough, all good firewalls are It's piled up with money."

"So, since they can't do anything with us by conventional means, it is naturally impossible to make a move that surprises us all." Seeing that his words were unanimously approved by everyone, the talent continued, "This time 80% is probably because of the new What’s wrong with your system—Don’t worry, report it to Miss Maria Bell first, and then—"

"That... the system seems to have recovered by itself." The technician sitting in the chair in front of the screen said weakly, "Although the recovery is slow, it seems to be recovering..."

Everyone immediately turned their eyes to the screen-what he said was indeed correct. Starting from B2, several regional programs have been "survived" one after another. Although the operating speed is still a bit slow-this is the inevitable result of the sudden interruption of the supply of guiding energy in the case of high-speed computing tasks. Therefore, they even felt that this was something like a bug in the new program, so they didn't care about it and left to do their own work.

But what they didn’t know was that at the same moment, outside the city, somewhere near Almorica, Jonah, whom they called "the **** brat," was staring with Director Roberts. Seeing the same data feedback in front of me, I was stunned-except that although Director Roberts was just a useless decadent uncle in Tio’s mouth, in fact, everyone knew that he could not be able to study something like the "Permanent System". waste. In addition, although Jonah is not as good as Tio and Ling, but at least far surpasses the calculation ability of the group of IBC technicians, during this period of escape, under the cover of the villagers, the two provided a lot of useful information; and this Once is no exception.

"Could it be... the ground vein has a problem?" After excluding all possibilities, Director Roberts was left with this idea that he was not sure about himself. Unsurprisingly, when he said this, he was despised by Jonah on the side.

"No... it may indeed be the case." The voice of a girl who was indifferent, but very reliable to Jonah and Director Roberts, suddenly sounded, and another relatively strange voice said: "Cause The reason for all this... I think I have a clue too."

"Ah! It's Tio!" Director Roberts rushed up as usual-hesitated coldly under Tio's disgusting eyes.

" are..." Jonah saw the interaction between the two and felt that he was left out in the cold, so he cast his curious eyes on the fellow from Tio. Teenage girl.

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