Path of The Dragonborn

Vol 2 Chapter 961: Follow the trend

Almost when Arios, Guy and others were puzzled by the weird actions of the "Red Constellation"-what they didn't know was that in the west and east of Crossbell, two locations far away from the city were right. There are two unknown battles.

On the side close to the Republic, it is the purple magic machine that has caused the Republic’s army to be extremely troubled with its amazing speed and mobility-but if the pioneers of the Republic aim at this place today, they will see a very strange scene. . That caused their airship to lose one after another purple magic machine, and now it turned out to be the passive party.

Things have to start from two hours ago-just as Guy and the others started their operations, the orders for cooperation with the surroundings also reached the east of Closbell, the Tangulam Gate in the direction of the Republic's defenders. Regarding orders from higher authorities, the defenders of Tangulam Gate did not dare to neglect. As soon as they received the order, they began to set up roadblocks in the direction of the Republic, and relied on Dita's newly purchased new guidance force to construct. Layers of protection-if you only look at the appearance and layout, it is a textbook standard. After all, it has been arranged with some guidance from the "red constellation".

The commander of Tangulam Gate is confident-even the strongest fourth mecha division of the Erebonian Empire, I am afraid that he will have to pay a high price to chew his own hard bone-not to mention the current situation. The divine barrier that hindered Clos Bell has not been lifted, and it is impossible for them to actually get here.

"Captain, you said...just to catch the guerrilla and the search officer. Does it take so much effort?" A soldier holding a guided rifle wandered along the established patrol route. Carefully asked the people around him, "We are all dispatched, don't tell me, even the "sacred machine"..."

"Don't ask so much... You just entered the garrison... Well, it hasn't been a few years since the National Defense Forces, naturally, don't know the energy of Guy Bennings and the "Sword Sage of Wind". "The person called the captain shook his head. "If it is in the past, I will respect their people and their contributions to Clos Bell... But now is an extraordinary period after all. They and our President Dita's philosophy Very inconsistent, so..."

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by a loud noise-"Captain, look over there!"

Another soldier pointed in a panic somewhere in the sky. Seeing his flustered Yangtze, the captain himself did what he was told, took out the binoculars in his hand, and looked in the direction the soldier was pointing—it doesn’t matter—seeing that the purple magic is unfolding at this moment. He was a little weird in a fully prepared posture.

"The purple magic machine... actually fully unfolds three pairs of light wings... and what seems to be avoiding...?" After watching for a long time, he concluded that this is only possible-instinctively, he felt this. absurd.

Since the purple magic machine went into battle for the first time a month ago, in addition to exerting its full strength in the first battle, it achieved the shooting down of three flying boats of the Republic’s army within five minutes and destroying ten guided chariots. In addition to his feat, he has hardly exerted his full strength after that, and can easily resist the Republican army's continuous attacks after that. However, the state this time is indeed a bit abnormal.

Could it be that there are still forces stronger than divine machines in this world? Anyone who has seen the power of the divine machine is unwilling to admit it.

However, what he didn't know was that the possibility of his wild thinking was actually the truth.

The purple magic machine unfolded the maximum power output, not to destroy any powerful target, but really just dodge-in other words, passively beaten.

And this Closbell defense army commander is destined to be unimaginable, and the opponent who can match the magic machine is Heliga who has entered the state at this moment.


"Doctor...I have always had a question." Looking at the broadcast picture in front of her and the dense professional data on the next screen, Maria Bell frowned and asked: "Purple magic machine... why do you do it? What about this arrangement?"

"Miss Maria Bell." Seeing that in this experiment, Maria Bell, who directly helped herself solve the problem of funding sources, was called the leader of the "Thirteen Workshop" of the Doctor, and she was also the apostle of the sixth pillar of the association. F. Nottiworth also showed a cordial smile-some of them are true or false for the time being, but at least they seem very honored, "What do you mean?"

"Although I probably understand what you mean...just to get the experimental data as much as possible. But since the experiment is to be done, let the magic machine go to Misuram first, and teach the brother of that annoying investigator? Mariabel raised her eyebrows, "I think this shouldn't be a difficult thing-the guardian knight is dealt with by the Lord "War Ghost", and the rest are definitely not opponents of the magic machine. "

"Um... Although I don't understand your feelings either." Novartis gave an exaggerated smile, "But unfortunately...I don't think that can be done. But after all, you didn't pay attention from the beginning. This time...To put it simply-through the calculation results provided by the "Star Code", we have already judged-the probability that the purple magic machine can defeat the boy is basically zero. "

"This is really..." Maria Bell was originally unwilling to believe this, but since this is what the doctor said, it shouldn't be false, "He is so good?"

"Hmm... I didn't believe it at first. The warning from the "Seventh Pillar" did not take me seriously at first. Now it seems that thanks to my luck, and thanks to the Lord "Abyss" being able to reach such an agreement with him. . "Dr. Novartis said, "That kind of power is definitely not something that humans can have-in terms of output power, it is far stronger than the current shield of Shenji can withstand. "

"So... what do you mean?"

"Just as you think-although it is somewhat different from the original plan, the purple magic machine is not the sample we need to recover. As long as the "white magic machine" can be kept. Novartis said, "As for purple and blue...Since they were originally intended to discard them, they are now deviating from the original plan...just take this opportunity to collect some data that is usually difficult to obtain. If the result is satisfactory to me, maybe I can listen to the first pillar and let go of my previous obsessions..."

As soon as the voice fell, the energy shield surrounding the purple divine machine was swept past by a golden light, causing a sharp drop in the display on the side display.

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