Path of The Dragonborn

Vol 2 Chapter 958: Ghost-born

"Mishuram was attacked?" Dita repeated the situation reported by the visitor. "The "Red Constellation" asks for reinforcements? "

"Yes... the President. The contact person on the "Red Constellation" said that the attackers seemed to be Guy Bennings, Arios Marklein, and the On this basis, more than a dozen search officers and guerrillas. "The man repeated, "They mean that although they will do their best to protect the safety of Speaker McDowell, they don't know how many reinforcements the other party has. Besides, they also said that since they are usually Dispersed and difficult to solve, they suddenly chose a collective action this time, which probably means that they really acted this time-in this case, we should also give our full support and strive to win them. "

"Huh... it sounds good. I think it's just that they lost too much during the previous period, which made this guy have strange thoughts." Dita snorted coldly-for the performance of the "Red Constellation" during this period, he I was initially dissatisfied, "But forget it... Bennings and Marklein, these two guys, this period of time has indeed caused us a lot of trouble-out of the idea of ​​the son of God, and my personal emotional For some considerations, I don’t want their lives either, so I can’t let them do too much.”

"Then... you mean..."

"Just listen to him." Dita sighed, "Yesterday the Republic Army's invasion was repelled again. They probably wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to attack. But just so... the Republic should not come today. Now, it’s once again a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to seize the two of them — it’s better to just catch them all at once.

"Understood... I will tell the doctor."

"Father...did something happen?" Mariabel's voice came from outside Dita's office. "That guy just...why panicked."

"It's's nothing, probably because the victory is right in front of you, so I'm a little excited." Dita heard her daughter's voice, and said gently: "I just received a contact from Sigmund and the others—— The "Wind Sword Saint" and the exiled investigators seem to have embodied this time. "

"Oh... If I remember correctly, Secretary Sigmund is responsible for the defense of Mishuram-Speaker McDowell and others seem to have been there, right?"

"Yeah. It seems that the plan you set up earlier has succeeded..." Dita nodded, "Deliberately release the news to let them know the position of Speaker McDowell, and lure them to rescue, and then kill them all. "

"There is that kind of overwhelming power. It is natural for us to plan like this. Anyway, father, I'm here this time..." Maria Bell expertly took out a document, which contained a seemingly complicated one. Draft picture, "This is a possibility module of the improved body given by our partner "Association"...According to the doctor, this new design can improve the performance of our current riding **** by more than 100% No. 20-The maximum output power can reach 1.5 times of the current one. "

"It is worthy of being the master of "Thirteen Workshops". Dita praised, "Then, when will it be mass-produced?" "

"This is hard to say... But according to the doctor, it seems that it is safer to adopt their most traditional control method-only that way, the burden on the Lord Son will increase. They said that in order to improve this point, we had collected it before. The data that comes in seems to be of some use."

"In that case, you can sort it out and give it to them." Dita said boldly, "We pay, and they provide technology-we are the best partners. For them, we don't need to hide the secrets so much. deep."

"That said. So, father, what do you plan to do if you caught them this time?"

"Guy and I... should be regarded as the same for the first time." Dita was silent for a moment, and then said, "Although the methods are different, I also understand their love for this land and the uniqueness of their hearts. A sense of justice. In addition to considering the Son’s thoughts, I think it’s better not to overdo it with them... If there is a "divine machine", it should be possible to achieve harmless suppression of them, right? "

"You are asking the carpenter to embroider. It's no wonder that Secretary Sigmund has this attitude." Maria Bell smiled, "But...this way is like a father. So let me arrange it first and see if there is There is nothing I can do for you-as for the things for the doctor, I will sort it out later."

"What?" Dita was interested, "Anything else?"

"For the time being... Our technical department received a report of an intrusion before. The opponent's technique seemed to be very familiar to our technicians-but was repelled by the "Star Code" provided by the association. We have found out their disguised IP address based on the traces left by the other party, and it looks like... they seem to be in the village of Almorica. "

"I thought it would be Rozanbeck's workshop."

"That old grandfather kept silent unexpectedly after the start of our actions... It seems because he and the doctor are somewhat contradictory and unpleasant, he doesn't want to see the doctor." Maria Bell smiled. "But even though they failed to invade, I always feel that this is very dangerous, so I want to deal with it in advance and make the first move first--"


"Sister Fei, be careful behind—"

Before Tio's reminder was finished, Fei threw a grenade directly over it, blasting the monster to pieces.

"Tio, a spell of water attribute." Fei reminded, and then fired continuously in front of him, the special alloy bullets easily cut through the hard shell of the monster. Tio also tacitly drives the guiding magic, and the water-blue magic power turns into ice, freezing those beasts firmly and unable to move for a while.

"Retreat." Seeing that the situation is good, Fira started Tio and ran away-the two girls used the barricades made by Freezing Beasts to successfully block the large group of Beasts behind them, and a special smoke bomb not only allowed the enemy to confront the two. There is nowhere to find a person, and it is more able to break the route followed by these sensitive scent guys.


"Well... it looks like a beast's lair." Fei is not so tired, his face is not flushed, and he is not breathing. "I copied so many shortcuts... This time I was not lucky. Fortunately, I managed to escape... Sorry, Tio, I'm used know..."

"It doesn't matter... I knew I should have been driving the "Permanent System". "Tio eased slightly, "Compared to that, how far are we from the destination?" "

"It's not should be. We should be able to get there before noon." Fei took out the telescope and map and said.

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