Path of The Dragonborn

Vol 2 Chapter 956: Volley

"Dad, call for support?" Xie Li repeated, and then a carp shot up and bounced from the camp bed under her. The beautiful young girl's figure made the young hunter who was responsible for delivering orders a little bit heartbroken. Reluctant—but even he just instinctively followed his own hormone requirements. In fact, he knew very well what kind of personality is hidden under the appearance of this beautiful lady, so he just scolded a little in his heart. Self, drive away those strange thoughts, "Did you hear clearly?"

"Yes...Miss." He repeated, "The commander's order is to bring at least one squadron's chasers to support."

"Um...what's going on, could it be that "Sword Master of Wind" finally gave up playing peekaboo and showed up? "It is not so much that she is asking the hunting soldiers in front of her, but it is better to say that she is talking to herself, "But it seems that there is no need for such a thing... What my father said also brought his most trusted squad ..."

Shelly's mind that had nothing to expect, she gave up thinking on the premise that she couldn't figure it out. Anyway, my purpose is to find a suitable opponent on the battlefield to fight for a while-since my father asked him to go, it means that this should be necessary. Xie Li didn't think much, just ordered a group of hunters, and hurriedly left their gathering point in Iron Mine Town.

However, perhaps this is the instinct peculiar to cats-Shelly, who is always privately called "tigress" by Randy, just walked up the mountain road to the southeast, and felt a hostile peep in an instant. Soon, her intuition was confirmed-a bullet whizzed by with a sudden burst of gunfire, and Shelly, who had been prepared for a long time, just turned her side slightly, and the bullet just wiped Shelly naked. The skin outside flew over, "I said... Isn't it a bit rude to say hello like this?"

"Cut... Didn't you hit?" The instigator of the shooting, B-class guerrilla Scott, curled his lips in the grass lying ambush about three hundred square meters away.

"Don't be discouraged... It's the "Bloody Shelly" after all. Really speaking, if it is the two of us, it is not necessarily her opponent. "Beside him is another B-class guerrilla, Winzer who uses a large sword, "In any case, Mr. Arios and the others have expected this step... If one strike is not successful, let's withdraw. "

"That's what I said." Scott muttered, and the two of them put away their weapons and walked back quietly.

"Failed... also, it is indeed impossible to succeed like this." A little bit farther away, Arios could see everything that happened beyond five hundred sub-moments with his naked eyes. "Compared to this... …Lin, Aiolia, how do you two feel?"

"It's really amazing... The reaction speed is not much worse than I am now." Bandages are wrapped around the arms and ankles, and the metal pieces needed to deal with important battles have been tied inside-Lin Expression Seriously, "Is she really only seventeen years old? What a monster... When I was seventeen, I was far from this level."

"After all, he has been on the battlefield for almost all his life... Alas." Arios sighed-although Lin thought she was a little bit ugly, she had always said something, since she didn't directly confirm "I am sure Not an opponent", then Arios can understand that she has actually taken over the task, "Anyway, you and Aiolia must contain her before I come back. If the other side is offensive It exceeds your expectations, don't carry it hard, remember to use the deep space."

"I understand." Lin and Aiolia said in unison.

"Very good-in that case, I'll take the first step and make peace with you later."

After speaking, Alios's figure disappeared quickly like a gust of wind. Lin and Aiolia looked at each other, the tacit understanding in their eyes no longer needed words to explain.

Arios was alone to complete the more difficult task-he wanted to solve the remaining hunters alone. The task of holding Shelly Orlando was left to them both at this time.

"Ahaha... it turned out to be the guerrillas." Xie Li's hearty laughter came. Judging from this voice, it is completely invisible that this is a hunter who kills countless times, but it is more like an inexperienced person. Innocent girl, "The shooting just now was very good, comparable to Gareth."

"..." Although they were praised by the enemy, Scott and Winzer were not happy at all. They were B-class guerrillas. Although they were not bad in fighting ability, they were difficult. Deal with so many hunting soldiers in front of you. Especially the leading girl, the chainsaw rifle in her hand looks a little daunting.

"That's an award..." At this moment, Lin, the high-level combatant among the same women, bravely stood up. She and Aiolia maintained an absolute safe distance and appeared from the other side, ""Bloody. Xie Li" the new generation outstanding among the hunting soldiers hailed as a newcomer who will have the opportunity to compete with the "God of Fighting" and the "King of Hunters" in the future? "

"Hmm...Is there already such a rumor." Xie Li helped her forehead, "Forget it...I don't care about these things too much. Compared to these boring words...what about the strongest one? "Wind Sword Master" Are you not with you? "

"...He has more important things. To stop you a few, we only need us." Lin said, putting on a posture of "Tai Dou Liu", and his whole body vindicted, "In order to cover the actions over there. ——Never let you leave here."

"Ahaha... That's it, that's the way it is! No wonder Dad actually sent someone to contact-it turns out to be because you gave up hide-and-seek and want to get a big vote!" After hearing this, Shelly revealed A happy smile, "That's just right... Since you are going to stop me, let's fight as much as you want-my opponent, is this big sister?" Xie Li's innocent smile matched her killing eyes , Lin felt a different kind of feeling. She shook her body slightly, leaving the discomfort behind her head.

"Ah..."Tai Dou Liu" Ao Chuan, belonging to the Krossberg branch, B-class guerrilla Shilin. "Lin's expression is serious and serious, "Come on. "

"It's also a B-class guerrilla-Eoria, join in." The tip of the magic wand in Eoria's hand began to emit a little light.

"Hey... okay. Then I will play with these two sisters-you guys, but be optimistic about those two little brothers, don't let them run away!"

"Yes! Miss!" The hunters' answers resounded through the valley.

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