Path of The Dragonborn

Vol 2 Chapter 954: Breakthrough

The sunlight in the cold wind turns bright and dark along with the deflection of the sun's trajectory in the sky. Originally, this should be one of the relatively calm daily routines after the outbreak of Independence Day.

However, at eleven o'clock in the morning, from the direction of Mishuram, the first shot of Clos Bell's subversion was fired.

"Attacker?" Sigmund repeated the word he had just uttered, his expression puzzling, "here?"

"Yes...According to the observations of our forward observers, the other party seems to be the Crossbell investigators who have been harassing all over the place during this time-led by Guy Bennings. They came directly from the west. Kill the swamp."

"...It seems that they should know what's here?" Sigmund's reaction remained unchanged, "Apart from them?"

"In addition to them, there is a man dressed in the costume of a priest of the Qi Yao Church. He should be a member of the church." The hunter said. He seemed to have guessed what his boss wanted to ask. "However, no observation. To the shadow of "Wind Sword Sage" Alios Marklein. "

"Huh... actually distracted the troops and transferred the only one who could fight me? Stupid." Sigmund snorted after hearing the sound, his expression lightened a lot. Although the hunters looked scary, Sigmund, as a leader, even if his eldest brother died in battle, Randy, the original heir, was temporarily pushed to the position, and he learned under various circumstances. Many things-hunting soldiers must be fierce, but they must also do the greatest things at the least cost. Therefore, the absence of Arios, a master who can directly face him, is definitely a good thing for Sigmund.

The investigator, he also collected a lot of information before-although he underestimated his opponent in tactics, in fact, Sigmund was very clear that any slight error may lead to the ultimate failure of the entire plan; and For the hunters who pin their lives to the belt of their pants, and every mission may be a pass between life and death, this is the abyss into which one step back will fall. However, Sigmund still felt that he would not be planted in this person's hands, despite all the signs that he was not weak.

"Notify the teams and prepare for battle. At the same time, notify the downtown area and tell the President that we are in trouble." Sigmund said softly.

"Yes." The hunter was ordered to leave.

"'s time to move your muscles and bones." Sigmund stood up and released a red and black grudge, his sharp eyes pointed at the double battle axe in his hand-it was the hunting that accompanied him from the first level. Bing has always been the weapon of the "Red Constellation" head. Although every part of it has been damaged, repaired and replaced several times, in Sigmund’s view, the soul of this weapon has been baptized and moisturized by the battlefield with him, so he always feels that these two The tomahawk is what makes yourself most comfortable.


However, in fact, before Sigmund gave the order, the forward troops of the "Red Constellation" in charge of guarding had already engaged the investigators. Although Guy and the others caught the hunters by surprise, the hunters still had a lot of troops at the forefront. They were not able to put down the hunters directly without making any noise and gave the other party up. Opportunity to report intelligence at the same level.

"It deserves to be the strongest in the Western Continent... It's really difficult enough." Just after shooting a narcotic crossbow into the air ahead, the church-specific narcotic instantly knocked the two hunters next to the explosion into a coma. Afterwards, Kevin deliberately rushed forward. Some parts of the opponent's body, one person at a glance-now, even if they have strong physical fitness and strong drug resistance, don't want to wake up within a period of time. Up.

As for the investigators led by Guy, they were even more unambiguous. Because of the success of Guy's plan, they failed to get the hunters who used long-range weapons to react. Therefore, the two sides started a hand-to-hand battle when they came up. Guy’s two solid anti-riot crutches have become very powerful weapons at this moment. He is sturdy and sturdy, moving and wandering flexibly among the armor-wrapped hunters, waving his arms from time to time. , Hit the necks and joints of the hunters severely, making them lose their combat power; and his search officers were also divided into three groups, one of which was paired in pairs, suppressed in the same way as Guy. The enemies, although they are slightly less efficient, and because they don’t have the skills of Guy, they still have a good record; behind them, they use various explosion-proof bullets to aid shooting and use various guidance forces. The two groups of search officers that magic supported them-for this operation, Guy and others almost came out in full force, and used all the family properties that were left before, so the quality of the ammunition It is also better than the unprepared hunters.

"I don't need to do anything here..." Kevin actually did this too-he was just responsible for some of the most basic aid shooting, and used the church's guiding magic to deal with temporary wounds for them, and Did not show his skills as a guardian knight. What he really cared about was that he could clearly feel the provocative killing intent that was deliberately spread by a wild beast at this moment, protected by the goddess.

Can be in this place, at this time, exuding such an astonishing aura-there is no one other than "War Ghost" Sigmund.

"Really...I thought I could give this guy to the "Sword Saint of Wind" to deal with it. It seems that we are the one with bad luck this time. "Although he said so, Kevin had no fear in his heart-if he had faced such an opponent with extremely firm willpower and honed skills in the past, he might still be unable to help himself. The meaning of timidity; however, after the trial of "Shadow Kingdom", the heart demon that entangled him with the origin of the stigmata has long been dispelled, and now he has been able to exert all the power he can afford. When the "Stigmata" was completely liberated, even masters such as Juggernaut and War Ghost, he was confident that he could fight against it.

When Kevin and a few others brought down the last chaser, the few men almost kept on moving towards the front where the alarm had sounded. Accompanied by the sound of footsteps and noise, more than a dozen hunting soldiers rushed up, with axe, gun, sword and sniper rifles in order, giving a strong sense of oppression.

However, the biggest source of this sense of oppression came from the one among the hunters-half a head taller than the others, a sturdy body, and his face was full of fine stubbles and scars, like a red hair. It is the magma that may erupt at any time-"War Ghost" Sigmund Orlando.

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