Path of The Dragonborn

Vol 2 Chapter 951: Fall apart

"Really... the knights of the church have some abilities." Dita looked at the report that came up, and couldn't hear the emotional fluctuations in her voice. "Dare to come to Crossbell with a magical opportunity. The sky above...what did they do?"

"They just stayed over the city for a while, seeming to be looking for something... About five minutes later, they left." Sonia, the former garrison commander and the current commander-in-chief of the Closbell Defense Force, said in thought: " It looks like they are inquiring about news... but it is hard to imagine that they can actually find out what news.

"Of course... The protection given to Krossberg by the Lord God is all-round. The sky over the city is naturally not a weakness, no matter whether it is a person or a guiding signal, it will not leak out. They do this, but nothing. It won. But... just to be on the safe side, don't let the two magic machines be dispatched on one side at the same time."

"Understood...I will order this matter. In the future, don't apply for the help of two magic machines at the same time." Sonia nodded, "In addition, this is the financial expenditure report of the Wehrmacht this month...because... …As you know, their recent actions have led to an increase in our combat attrition. Some of them have asked for an increase in the share of compensation. You see..."

" order to defend Clos Bell, this was what they should have done." Dita patted the table bitterly, "Compensation... They weren't sacrificed."

"Your Excellency... Many of them are home to the Republic and Empire. We are already engaged in ideological education on the issue of the sense of belonging of Crossbel, but this is not something that can be transformed in a short while after all."

"I understand your difficulties... but this kind of precedent cannot be let go. The subsidy for the injured will be paid as usual, but on top of this, there will be no additional compensation. Go back and convey this meaning to them. There is no need to talk about this."

"...Yes." Sonia gave Dita a meaningful look-sure enough, he still has a lot to learn about politics. Kicked off a large number of officials including Speaker McDowell so early, is it really because Dita is too confident in himself, the treasure that Kia is incarnate?

If you are a qualified politician, you should have long realized that the essential reason why the soldiers of the National Defense Force want extra compensation is not because of injuries or the like. The real reason is that they saw that the mercenary "Red Constellation" who had nothing to do with Closbell, after committing the crime of raiding the city, not only was not punished, but was also paid high prices by their Dita leader. After the fact of buying, naturally dissatisfied.

Theoretically speaking, the soldiers of the Wehrmacht of Closbell guarded both sides of Closbell for a long, long time when they were still in the garrison. It can be said that there was no credit and hard work. Especially those high-ranking military officers who have a passion for Crossbell, but are frustrated by the fierce offensives of the two major powers. Originally, they thought that with Dita’s coming to power and Commander Sonia’s promotion to the commander-in-chief of the Wehrmacht, their enthusiasm would be recognized and rewarded as it should be, but the fact is that Dita doesn’t seem to have a cold for them, but turns Over the past, he directly hired the "Red Constellation"-this notorious hunting regiment that had almost made killings during the Chamber of Commerce and then attacked Clos Bell.

The salary is no more, but Dita kindly replaced a batch of weapons and equipment for the soldiers of the red constellation, which caused the soldiers to discuss and criticize. In addition, when they were played to clean up the surrounding escapees, the people of the "Red Constellation" just stayed in Mine Town or Misuram on standby, occasionally seeing them eating, drinking, and having fun in the city. Only when the unwilling army from the Republic came to invade, they would symbolically "challenge"-that is, fire two shots at random, and then watch the purple magic machine solve all the problems.

Under such circumstances, the soldiers and officers who originally had doubts and expectations turned their feelings into evil thoughts and gossip. Some bad words permeated the army, including some speculations-it is possible that these hunters were hired by Dita himself to attack Clos Bell, and used the opportunity to blame the imperial government that had just hired them. The actions to arouse the anger and inclinations of the citizens will naturally be opposed by Speaker McDowell and others. Therefore, they were almost put under house arrest in Mishuram, and they were prevaricated by various official reasons. past.

Unconsciously, these soldiers already knew the truth. Sonia is really clear about these gossips, but instead of ordering rectification, she just let it go, and even guides it when necessary-unless there are some serious errors that may result from it, she will Will intervene to get things back on track.

The reason for this is actually very simple-as early as when Dita invited her, or ordered her to assume this responsibility, she had already seen Dita's essential incompetence and extreme dependence on the treasure. His ability to deal with political issues is far inferior to the previous veterans. When he first became the director of the market, he was able to stabilize the situation. One of the important reasons is that these think tanks around him provided suggestions for him. . And now, with the supreme power, he already considered himself invincible in the world. The cowardice in his character-arrogant and arrogant, self-contained, etc., was taken to the shore a little bit by the beating of the tide called the power of the treasure, looming in the tumbling of the sea.

Some people’s tragedies stem from the wrong time, the wrong place, and the wrong era—Dita is the case. If his life is just as a banker and businessman, then he is undoubtedly successful. But if he wants to use such a stupid method to realize his so-called ideal--

His thoughts returned from the "Orchid Tower" to the Belgard Gate, in his cold office. Sonya thought for a long time, but finally made a decision.

She pressed the blue button on the side of the table. Soon, a messenger entered the command room and listened to her instructions.

"Warrant Lieutenant Mireiou and Captain Noel were mobilized near the Eastern Front and each commanded an infantry combat unit." She said softly.

Dita—this matter should be cut off.

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