Path of The Dragonborn

Vol 2 Chapter 941: Spinning and peeling (two in one)

Because this commission did seem quite private—heliga tactfully "invited" the others aside for the time being, and then talked with Boris. About half an hour later, Heliga hummed a small song and left. He seemed to be in a pretty good mood. It should have been a smooth talk just now.

Coincidentally, it was almost at the same time. Uses who had just finished his work and had a rare free period of time, and Lien, who had just been entrusted by Heliga to bring back the two sets of "trophies", also returned with the riding god. Up. Tolz VII class, all the students who had news of the civil war at this moment can be regarded as a temporary reunion.

"Thanks, Li En... and Valima, too." Heliga looked at the two "trophies" brought back by Li En-I don't know if it is more appropriate to drag or carry-that is Kruchin. The mecha soldiers used by the state leaders happily said.

"Fortunately... Valima's spiritual power is also quite sufficient, and he seems to be the only one who can do this kind of physical work. We searched for the nearest outpost here. The two mechas did not have it before. It is used, so it is well preserved." The bodies of Lien and Serenu fell on the ground with a burst of white light ejected from Valima's chest, "Is everything alright?"

"It's all okay. And it's a coincidence... By chance, two-thirds of our VII class has gathered here." Macias sighed with emotion.

"It's true... the war in Kruchen State ended. Although Kyle Dick suffered from that kind of thing, but fortunately there were no casualties-if you think about it, it feels like a blessing in misfortune." Smile.

"It's true... the trade between the towns seems to be gradually recovering." Laura said embarrassedly, "My lord... that day he actually said that he would give me the dominance of that meeting..."

"After all, you are the substantive supreme leader." Heliga curled his lips. "If my father is not here, I have to bite the bullet."

"Speaking of...Heliga, where did your father go?" Fei asked strangely. In the past few days, she has been following out on missions, responsible for contacting all parties and other things, and occasionally participating in battles. It's been a long time since I came back.

" seems to say that because the war is over, there is no need to keep the refuge. He is busy liquidating the last things, and then sending these refugees back. Of course, the same is true for accepting thanks or something... …He is with Garcia." At this point, I couldn't help but feel a little annoyed, "Really, I was the one who proposed and planned this, so why don't you come to thank me."

"Who told you to run around all the time, Shenlong saw the head and the end...Your father did all the work for you, and the degree of completion is higher than yours." Macias revealed mercilessly. After Heliga's old bottom, the implication is-refugees should thank your father, and you, a guy who doesn't work hard, don't want this benefit.

"Oh...that's true. After all, that was originally one of the "obscure eyes" set up by the emperor...Although it seems that the result is a little beyond our expectations, this blindness method has no effect at all. Heliga sighed and said.

"Seriously, you really want your Royal Highness..." Speaking of this, Laura still feels a little inappropriate, "Even if you get the permission of Her Royal Highness Olibate, it's a little bit..."

After the Battle of Oloklos Fortress ended and the Kruchin State restored peace, Olibate used to contact other people in Class VII except Juses through another channel when Heliga was away. In that contact, he expressed his blessings to the students of Class VII, and personally admitted his expectations for Alfing's action. Finally, he also gave a suggestion that sounded more useful-that is, find a way to find the remaining class VII members, and if possible, to find the students of the Zitorz Non-commissioned Officer Academy.

In this regard, Li En and others highly agree, but Heilijia is noncommittal. He is not opposed to such an action plan-and to be honest, for them who are actually students, such an action plan is the maximum intervention right they can get. But Heliga naturally had a plan long ago-he couldn't ignore the matter of Crossbell.

Not to mention that it has been activated by the power of the earth veins. At this time, it is almost equivalent to Qiya, the treasure in the world. It is also not mentioned that Krossberg itself, as a place with a mysterious history of thousands of years, has attracted Heliga. Li-just the opportunity to meet Ling and Master Yoguru again and try to get in touch and support with them is one of the reasons why he couldn't refuse.

Of course, apart from this level of relationship with Ling, his relationship with Master Yoguru is actually not that close. Therefore, he also thought of another way, that is, let Lloyd and others find a way to establish a relationship with the old lady Imelda in the old street to see if they can obtain some useful information. By dealing with the arms shop on the Old Street of Closberg all the year round, Heilijia has learned that the old woman of Imelda has a not simple background, and even "Rubacher" did not dare to disrespect her in his heyday, but now After the Kuluois family has taken full power, it still seems to be the same, which can explain the problem. It is difficult for such a person to find her weakness, but Heliga knows that this old woman seems to be very satisfied with Lloyd and others, so it is a feasible plan from this point, and there is no substantial loss if it fails anyway.

"Anyway, things have already happened... The declaration made by Her Royal Highness at the Fortress of Oloklos actually represents her position as a member of the royal family. Even though Duke Kane controls the Emperor and the Crown Prince. The core members of the royal family, but I’m afraid they won’t take this kind of thing seriously. Therefore, it is a good choice to hire the "North Hunters" with powerful combat ability. They were dead men who came out to fight for their hometown. Although they were also for money, they were ultimately different from pure money mercenaries like "Ned Hogg". They have some common humanity and sophistication. I saved their members. Although they may abandon the mission for some reasons, at least they will not fight back. I think this is still certain. "

"This is also..."The Hunter of the North", it always feels like something indescribable..." Laura shook her head, "In any case, it should be considered trustworthy in the current situation. "

"I moved out of their beloved hometown to intimidate them, and it should still have some effect." Heliga held his chin with his hand, "Besides, what I said is correct. Macias should have the same idea, right? Before that? The Empire seemed to have a tendency to invade Northumbria."

"To be honest, no." Macias seemed a little embarrassed, but he admitted generously for the time being, "but I already saw that you meant something at the time, so I just continued to follow your meaning. Indeed, I thought about it carefully, and I didn’t single out any problems. Speaking of which, your father and I had chatted a few times occasionally. His insights and analysis on the status quo of the empire also opened my eyes. It’s hard to imagine this being me. The nobles who instinctively felt bad before...If all the nobles have half the level and sense of responsibility of your father, I think the empire might not be up to this level."

"This is probably an influence. Actually, the origin of this idea does not come from myself..." Heliga thought for a while, but decided and explained, "In fact, the initial theoretical basis of this idea... is from Kidion, also It is the comrade G of the "Imperial Liberation Front". "

"It's the "Magic Flute"... the one who controls the monster? "The few people were taken aback for a moment, and then secretly surprised. They didn't expect to hear the name even in this situation.

"Yes. Actually, after that, I once went to the imperial capital and used His Royal Highness Olibat's personal relationship to find him." Heiligar admitted flatly, "He had a lot of correspondence with my father before, they The two of them have the same views on many issues, so they can be said to be friends of gentlemen. But since Kidion once promoted an anti-government political position too fiercely, he was legally banned from the Imperial Academy. He became a professor until he became a terrorist."

"So... are you taking your father's relationship?..." Laura seemed to understand something.

"Forget it... I was both hard and soft at the time. Because in Notre Dame Park, I used the method of killing giant monsters with my bare hands to frighten him and capture him alive, so he was afraid of me; and in the subsequent meeting, I took out The relationship between my father and him..." Heliga said naturally that he was in the detention center controlled by the Railway Gendarmerie at the time and had a conversation with Kidion. "At the time, he was probably moved by me, or maybe he just felt In the hands of the enemy, it is impossible for him to live the rest of his life, so he told me about his papers deposited in the academic academy."

"So... you got the paper, and those things he mentioned just now?" Macias understood. The Imperial College is his dream all the time-if possible, graduate from Thorz After that, going there or studying in the Imperial Law School is his next plan.

"Yes. But he just mentioned that Prime Minister Osborne’s expansion methods seem to be moderate, but in fact they are very radical methods-he does not directly expand through military occupation, but first in economics, culture, and thinking. In the end, the people in these areas fell into place. He also said in the paper that the empire once occupied the autonomous prefectures, but later had to abandon this rule under various obstacles. One of them The reason is that the empire did not eradicate their resistance mentally. What Prime Minister Osborne did was to surpass any previous methods and conquer in the true sense-some small autonomous states around the empire, even their own Culture and system are no longer possessed. It is not the empire that forced them to give up, but they themselves took the initiative to throw away this-after tasting the benefits of standing with the empire. But in this way, he is very much Ya’s attitude is different from that of other regions. He opposes the legitimacy of the autonomous state government, and instead supports the hunters, but he is ready to follow suit at any time. This is what I slowly discovered. If you assume Kidion His theory is correct. He is avoiding the use of war to expand in order to better assimilate those autonomous prefectures. Then his abnormal behavior towards Northumbria can be explained as he doesn’t know why, and it seems that there has always been something wrong with this place. The idea of ​​launching military operations."

"It makes sense...but why? If it's just because of those strategic resources-he can promote some in-depth cooperation to help the autonomous prefecture restore the national strength." Juss put forward his own views, "with Clos Bell In comparison, the Republic’s influence over there is much smaller, and there will not be a lot of obstruction from evenly matched opponents. He can even replace the politicians there with his own faction. Why did he make such a choice? What?"

Everyone has been thinking about this issue for a long time, and they have not given an exact possibility. As a result, the topic of small talk had to start again in silence.

"...Oh. In that case, the nobles said he was a "monster" entrenched in the empire, but it cannot be said to be completely wrong. Having said that, I also remembered that sometimes my father did not seem to approve of the prime minister's actions, even though they claimed to be very close reformist allies. "

"Your father should be more neutral." Heliga nodded, "I also asked a little bit. In the early days, he seemed to be a firm reformist, but after he took a high position, he slowly changed his attitude- —Not as aggressive as your Prime Minister."

"Yes... but such a prime minister Osborne is dead." Li En muttered to himself, somehow, when he mentioned Prime Minister Osborne, he always felt an inexplicable sense of loss in his heart. Come.

"Osborne's death, the most critical problem is to turn the originally powerful regular army into a dish of loose sand. But now the situation has changed. The regular army in Kruchen State has completed a comeback, and they should quickly reinforce the surrounding areas...I It is guessed that the possibility of going to Nautia State is greater than that of Sacharant State. Although the Marquis of Haynes is more brave and good at fighting, the resources on both sides have different directions and decisiveness for the future war situation." Heliga Gives his own opinion.

"In this way, Nord Plateau is more likely to be pulled in. Speaking of which, I am also a little worried about Gaius and Alyssa, as well as Miriam..." Lien said along this line of thought. Go down.

"Don't worry, the initiator." At this moment, Valima spoke in his low voice, "The three "quasi-activators" in the northwest direction are now safe and sound. Everything is normal. "

"This function is really easy to use." Heliga thought to herself, "Would you like to prepare a rough appearance and structure of Valima and show it to Elder Yoguru?"

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