Path of The Dragonborn

Vol 2 Chapter 936: Aftermath (two in one)

The aristocratic forces of Kruchen Region are now "imprisoned" by the Duke of El Barrea. After the highest commander in charge of the army also announced the surrender under the "instruction" of Her Royal Highness, it can be said to be completely disintegrated. .

In Oloklos Gorge, after the soldiers of the aristocratic army who were trying to escape, "know with affection and move with reason", the airboat on which the Queen Alfin was riding came as Heiligar said. Arrived over the fortress of Oloklos, which had appeared a little broken after several rounds of impact, and publicly announced her position as a member of the royal family to all the people present, including the soldiers of the regular army and the noble army-in this war, The party occupying justice is obviously not the noble alliance. At the same time, the emperor herself also publicly accused Kane of holding the emperor to make the princes' wolf ambitions, which made the Kruqin state noble soldiers present worse and panic.

If Alphan’s appearance was to disperse the last bit of fighting spirit of the soldiers out of thin air, then, as the Duke’s agent, Juss Al Barrea and the surrendered supreme commander The appearance of it became the last decision point of their surrender. In this case, if someone insists on taking up arms and continuing to resist, it will undoubtedly become a target of public criticism-it is better to say that the soldiers of the noble coalition can be regarded as a breath of relief.

Not only that, although the soldiers of the noble army did not realize this, the middle and high rank officers were not completely idiots. After a little thought, they understood the whole story-the power transfer of the duke's family seemed to be being transferred in an incredible way. And many of them were notified that the reason why the Duke of El Barrea sent troops to attack Keldic was because they refused to pay taxes to the Ducal Palace and secretly used this part of the funds to assist the regular army. Sri Lanka was publicly dismantled on the spot. Although Euses’s argument is that “maybe it is a problem of communication of information and orders, and no one can be simply blamed.” In fact, as long as anyone with a bit of brain knows, the cause and effect of this matter are entirely Helmut. The duke’s arbitrariness, and the remarks that Her Royal Highness explained that "make him be ordered to reflect at home", everyone is naturally aware of it-whether it is Her Royal Highness or Your Excellency Euses who led this behavior, this Helmu The reign of the Duke of Tert seems to have come to an end.

Before that, almost no one had ever doubted that Duke Rufas Al Barrea would become the next leader of Kruchen State. But in this turmoil, Rufas was in the headquarters of the Noble Alliance, but he never meant to interfere in this matter. On the contrary, Juss, who has always been regarded as a vase, is showing his style. I have earned enough influence in my heart. Some military officers with a more sensitive political sense have already begun to figure out in their hearts how to please the heir who seems likely to succeed the dukedom.

After all, anyway, this matter will ultimately be decided by His Majesty the Emperor, or Kane, who actually has power after the victory of the Civil War. It is still unknown who will die by then, but it can't be said that this young master doesn't exist at all. The situation after Kruchin State will probably be even more weird.

However, unknown to these officers, the real behind-the-scenes, completely ignored these issues at this moment-the follow-up development of Kruchen State will be left to Juss and the others, although he estimates these big Most of them are happy troubles. There are three other issues he is most concerned about now.

First, it is natural to have been to "Paradise", which in Heliga's view is an unforgivable matter for the Earl of Amancia. Now Cruchen State has been completely brought under his control. Whether it is the regular army or the family of the duke represented by Euses, he will definitely let him deal with this "enemy" at will-even though they have not been clear about this. Where did the hatred come from? Therefore, without all the resources and barriers, and without the Earl of Amancia supported by Rufas, he is already a turtle in the urn at this moment. After Helika, he has the opportunity to slowly clean up him, but he is not in a hurry. Euses also said that the nobles in the public capital will definitely communicate with them on the subsequent changes in the situation. If Heliga finds a solution after that, the effect will be much better than that of eagerly doing it now.

The second is Heilija’s thoughts and concerns about the next situation of the civil war-you can think of it with your toes, although the League of Nobles has given up the Kruchin State as an ally, and has given up the pig of the Duke of El Barrea. Teammates, but this does not mean that the fact that a quarter of the Empire’s territory is controlled by the regular army will be ignored—especially because this regular army is still two of the empire’s most elite mecha divisions, and it is extremely mobile. , The main force of the "Railway Gendarmerie" that once made nobles all over the world suffer. The regular army with the wealthy Kruchin State in the southern part of the empire as a backing and resource base will inevitably launch counterattacks at various levels in the next period of time. Regarding this point, Lieutenant General Craig and them have had a headache. Heilijia himself Don't worry too much. But he did not forget the agreement between Olibate and himself, and Alphan's previous "declaration" was actually accusing the noble alliance of the legitimacy. Under this circumstance, the Noble Alliance should never turn a blind eye to things that Alfin is not under his control. How to deal with the next actions is also what he needs to think about.

The third-is the news he got before: The situation of Crossbel, I am afraid that great changes will take place recently. I rescued them at that time, and now it finally pays off: the combat forces around Clos Bell that are controlled by the Dita government have begun to return to their rebel organizations, and they are beginning to be able to cause some damage to Clos Bell. Degree of threat. The commando composed of several investigators led by Guy did not inferior to the most powerful hunting unit of the "Red Constellation" in combat, and among them, the "War Ghost" Sigmund who reached the "Sura Realm" Orlando can also be dealt with by the "Sword Saint of Wind". As for the association-Heliga had already known their plan and the fact that they were about to withdraw from Clos Bell, so at this time to take advantage of the situation to do something, it is not a violation of the previous agreement.

Moreover, the most important thing is-in the contact, Kevin personally mentioned two things: one thing is the "sacred machine" used in the association-using Qiya's power as a power to maintain operation, the power is amazing. Even the regular armies of the Empire and the Republic were powerless, let alone Lloyd and them. To deal with such an existence with supernormal power, it can only be solved by dispatching a figure like Heliga who can not be measured by common sense-but before that, Heliga has realized one thing: originally he had no interest in the existence of "sacred machine". , But after the "riding god" appeared, and Heilijia saw his fighting style and various wonderful special abilities with his own eyes, it was difficult for him not to think about the two things as a contrast. In other words, there may be a similar secret hidden behind the divine machine, which is also very helpful for his next actions-of course, it may be difficult to find the "sixth pillar" directly, but he believes in Master Yoguru Must know something. However, his relationship with Master Yoguru was simply connected because of Ling's existence. Therefore, in order for Master Yoguru to tell what he knew, Heliga must get Ling's help.

In addition to this, Heliga discovered that there is another thing that, with Ling's help, will also make significant progress-that is the liquidation of those assets after the Earl of Omancia was broken. The documents that he saw in the bank before, which made Heliga very big, are definitely a piece of cake for Ling. He can easily find out which of these are important and which are deceptive; with her With the help of, his intelligence processing process can be greatly accelerated. If he has this asset as support, he can unscrupulously hire the now-unowned "North Hunters" in large quantities and use them to do many things. Although he couldn't finish these things without Ling's help, his efficiency and results would definitely be greatly reduced.

In the final analysis, Heliga found that Ling's help was needed for her next actions without exception. Because Ling was worried about Clos Bell where her biological parents were, she had agreed to come to help with Esther and Joshua, and claimed to use "Pattier Matil" to help fight the divine machine. But Heliga knows very well that the output power of "Pattier Matil" is far less than the magic machine that has the treasure as energy. If she does not intervene, she will only rely on Ling to defeat it. I'm afraid it is very difficult. In other words, if she could help her keep this "family" she cherished during the battle, she would not refuse the help she asked for next.

However, deep down, Heliga always refuses to admit that even if there is nothing, he always thinks that it is a good thing to be able to see Ling-he still doesn't know what it means.

However, after clarifying his thoughts, Heliga at least knew what to do now. So, almost before dawn the next day, Heliga rushed early, got in touch with Kevin, and very directly stated that he would help, asking Kevin to give him a specific time. Kevin was naturally overjoyed about this. He didn't expect that Heliga's matter seemed to be dealt with so soon-he immediately said that he would communicate with Lloyd and others immediately to discuss a specific plan, and then notify him separately.

Knowing that Kevin has always been reliable, Heliga temporarily put this matter aside and began to care about the next question: Although the Earl of Omansia himself is already in a disaster, he should not expose too much before the formal handling of his problem. More relevant news is better. On the one hand, it is necessary to send someone to monitor his movements, and on the other hand, it is necessary to obtain some important documents in advance to avoid that there is no evidence at that time and can only be rushed. For this, the bank seems to have to take another trip, and he has already decided on a candidate for surveillance.


"Did he really say that?" Lloyd couldn't suppress the joy in his heart-this was the biggest obstacle between them and Kia. In these days, Lloyd and others, who have almost liberated all the helpers that can be liberated, are not without trying to launch a surprise attack on Clos Bell—but every time they are caught by those two invincible blue and purple humanoid weapons. To stop. Although Guy and Arios had repeatedly emphasized that these attacks did not place any hope of success, they were only used as tests and previews, but Lloyd was still anxious for his freshman. When he learned that this unsolvable problem was almost about to be solved, he naturally expressed his joy very strongly.

"Yes... there seems to be some changes in the civil war situation in the empire. In short, at least there is no problem in coming here to help." Kevin said, "I also told Esther and Joshua about this matter. The two also said that they will deal with the matter as soon as possible and come to support you."

"That's great... I'll tell Mr. Arios them." Lloyd was about to cut off the communication, but was blocked by the Kevin group: "Don't worry... Before that, Heliga asked me to tell you. One thing. Can you help him contact "Black Moon" and Ms. Imelda in the back street of Clos Bell? He has something to find both sides. "

"Black Moon" should be hidden in the "Village of the Sun" at the moment...It is the remnant party of the previous order and the cave where Joachim used to hide. "Lloyd thought for a while, and said-"Black Moon" contacted them after they obtained the complete establishment. After some negotiations, the two are now temporarily cooperating. "It should not be difficult to find them. But Yi As for Granny Melda, she should still be in the city of Crossbell. If you don't break through the barrier, you won't be able to contact her."

"Really... That's weird. He shouldn't be right about not understanding this." Kevin said strangely. "If this is the case, he shouldn't make such a request, because after he came to help, he Just do it, unless..."

"Unless what?" Lloyd asked strangely.

"Unless he has any arrangements himself, so there is no way to do this in person, and he thinks you should have more face in front of the lady." Kevin guessed, "because he has already put the details here. Tell me all of the content, let me tell you."

"Well... I will ask you to understand this matter when the time comes." Lloyd thought for a while, and felt that Kevin’s analysis is not unreasonable. There is indeed such a possibility, so he said: "Then the specific content he commissioned is ?"

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