Path of The Dragonborn

Vol 2 Chapter 932: Intercept

"A large amount of thermal energy is sensed in the front...16 humans and 16 mechas."

"...!" Upon hearing the huge knight standing by the side at this moment, Suddenly said something like this in an icy mechanical voice, Uses, Lien and others who had relaxed a little at first. Tightened again in an instant.

They knew that the time had come - more than forty minutes had passed since the message was sent from the battle front. Calculating the time, after passing through the minefield, the speed of the mecha troops exceeded 650 Sel moments per hour, so it is not difficult to complete this distance of less than 300 Sel moments.

This is the best place for both ambushes and airships to set sail-because of the lack of suitable flat terrain on both sides of the canyon, there is no suitable place for the airship to take Alfen, and it is in the section beyond the canyon road. , Has lost the natural geographical advantage brought by the towering canyons on both sides, there is no way to use this moment of time difference to beat the opponent by surprise.

And now, the prey mentioned in the intelligence is finally coming-Li En immediately took Serenu into the riding god, and turned on the optical and thermodynamic camouflage, ready to go. It is worth mentioning that the so-called "weapon" in the hands of the riding **** at this time was provided by Heilijia, a special crystal-like solid among the by-products of his alchemy-because in one of the mass-produced potions, It takes a lot of frost elements to cool down quickly. Heliga used magic to transform many similar crystals. Polishing them a bit can be considered a relatively handy weapon. Li En and others have done it for a while. In the test, Li En said that although it is not as comfortable as Taito, it is better than empty-handed after all.

"Here..." Gaius and Miriam, the two long-distance sensing members, are not there, but the remaining class VII students also have masters. In the silent night, the roar of the guiding force engine was further amplified by the continuous reflection and enhancement of the canyons on both sides, and they had been able to judge the fact that the opponent was coming through the sound.

"Sixteen mechas, and what Uses mentioned, the strongest young officer in the leader of the Kruchen State." Li En laughed bitterly, "I'm actually not sure how much I can do. ..."

"If the special forces of the regular army can inflict as much trauma on them as possible..." Juss said on the side, "Many of these mecha soldiers should not be in perfect condition. If possible, from this point. How do you start?"

"Yes... Valima, you must scan them at close range as soon as possible to find the weaknesses of the power system and joints." Serenu on the side heard Uss's prompt and said immediately. , "We must reduce the number of enemies as soon as possible, and then they will come forward to suppress and persuade. If it is not possible, we can only trouble the princess over there—"

"Um... I understand." Alfin nodded, "If necessary, I will give the corresponding order."


"It's become a lot quieter here." Heliga and Dubari's figures appeared one after another in the deepest room of Orlox Fort. This was supposed to be the lounge where the Duke of El Barrea was located, and it was occasionally used to deal with some office issues. After Du Barry and Mackbon were transferred here by Rufas, it became a common place for the two of them. The lounge is out. Of course, Du Bali was out of interest. Even if she was told not to be rude, she still wandered back and forth in the fortress, causing the soldiers to be a little bit dumbfounded. In comparison, Macbon is going to be much quieter-not so much quiet, as he is just not interested in all of this, so he just stays in the room lazily and occasionally runs over to take a look.

However, now, all these familiar things are gone-the main building of this fortress has not been attacked yet, but it has already been regarded as empty. Heliga could guess that the leading soldiers outside should also find that they have become outright abandoned sons. In addition, there is no coach to hold the line, some of them have already retreated, if not for some officers who insisted on commanding on the front line.

"It's time." Heliga sighed lightly-it was at this moment that the gang of the noble coalition forces could hear the words well.

"What are you talking about?" Du Bali on the side listened to Heliga exclaimed, "when?"

"This fortress has fallen completely-didn't you keep saying that you want to witness this scene with your own eyes? Let's go, go outside."

"...?" Du Bali looked confused, but obediently did it.


"The gray knight like...!" I thought I had escaped from the minefield and I could relax a little bit, so I only left the rear anti-raid troops, and the commander who removed the formation to prevent attacks from both sides did not The thing that came to mind happened-the gray knight statue that fell from the sky, smashed four of its own mechas in just one blow.

They are all mecha soldiers who are located behind the team and have suffered a lot of damage in the minefield just now! The mechs, who were originally very fragile, and could only be driven by temporary treatment, this time suffered a huge frontal trauma, and finally fell helplessly to the ground.

Turned around—the attacker was exactly the one mentioned in the general information of the Noble Alliance. The "gray knight statue"—the army in all areas of the Noble Alliance was ordered to find the whereabouts of the gray knight statue. But there is no thought to think about the causes and consequences behind this matter at this time.

He only knows one thing-the blue knight in the western battlefield, driving the blue knight statue, is destructive to the regular army. So as the gray of the same style, I am afraid it will not be weak.

"Even if he has the same combat power as the "Knight of Blue"? "A trace of decisiveness flashed in his mind-there were still dozens of mechas that were worthy of a battle beside him, and there were mixed infantry troops coming. As long as he could be held back for a short time-

"Stop it for me!" However, at this moment, a voice sternly rebuked, causing everyone present to take action. Especially the soldiers of the leading army-they are very familiar with this voice, and they have almost developed the habit of instinctive obedience.

"...You..." The commander saw the source of the sound and suddenly smiled bitterly: "Master Euses?"

"Ah... it's me." Juses said with a heavy tone, holding the sword in his hand, "put down the weapon."

"This...what is this..." A soldier from the noble army made a trance voice.

"...Father, he made an unforgivable mistake." Euses was silent for a moment, and finally said bravely: "This was originally an impossibility to be forgiven, but because of the royal family's generosity, he temporarily received forgiveness. Deal with it. It's all about fighting with the regular army. Why don't you know what is right and wrong against the royal family members?"

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