Path of The Dragonborn

Vol 2 Chapter 904: Pharmacist's performance (2 in 1)

"What's the matter?" Heliga looked at the classmates beside him, almost pushing herself into the building in front of her with a dragging motion, confused.

In fact, he can use a method without any coordinate guidance-but this method is like the teleport spell of an association, it is impossible to send him to a certain place very accurately. Therefore, he actually landed somewhere near Kruchin State, then determined the direction of the destination, and then rushed over at a very fast speed.

However, before he could comment on the tragic surroundings like others did, he realized that he had been dragged into the house anxiously by Li En and others.

Not only Li En - but also the partners deployed in his hometown that he tried to contact before but couldn't. Such as Levi and Fei, etc. Before he had time to greet them, Heliga was dragged away confusedly.

"Otto takes care of him..." Li En said anxiously, "You'll know if you go in and take a look."

"Manager Otto..." Heliga thought while letting Lien drag him, as if it was the manager of the big bazaar they met during their first internship? It seems that he was seriously injured in this tragedy?

"Hmm... right here." Heliga, who was dragged upstairs, saw an old man lying on the bed with gauze on his head-his expression was calm and he didn't seem to be suffering. , But the breath of life in him is indeed very weak. There are two church therapists beside him. One of them is doing his best to treat him with magic techniques, and the other is standing aside, as if waiting to make up at any time; while the young man on the side seems to be at the time of the incident A tourist in the town, whose job is a doctor, also volunteered to assist in the treatment.

"It's true...This kind of words can indeed sustain life temporarily, but if it goes on for a long time..." Heliga naturally saw the serious situation at this moment, "Do you have any ideas?"

"I don't know... If we can invite a senior therapist in the Bariahat area, I think there is still a little hope." The church therapist who was on standby said, "Only our words..."

"Um... in this case." After a careful observation, Heilijia made a judgment-the main reason for Otto's current coma is because the blood pressure in the brain caused by the smash has forced the blood vessels and nerves. The immediate task is to deal with this. He really can't do work like craniotomy, not only lacks the technology, but also lacks adequate sanitary conditions-but if it is considered from another aspect, what if he can find a way to strengthen his vascular capacity?

"It is indeed a feasible way... but how..." The two therapists approved this plan, "Spells of that level, we two should..."

"No, it's not a spell. If you have a spell, you can only continue to hold on like this. If you don't get a decisive treatment, it will be difficult to do." Heliga shook his head. I made a potion. Although I can’t guarantee the success rate, at least it’s worth trying without maintaining the status quo. May I ask..." Heliga looked at an old woman aside—obviously she just cried. A few times, the eye sockets are still a little red and swollen. They should be the relatives of Mr. Otto. "Are you going to decide to do this?"

"Since you are what these children promised..." The old woman wiped the corners of her eyes, "Otto also said before that these are good children... Then do it with confidence."

"Okay." Heliga didn't say much, and agreed, "You two-I don't know if you have the ingredients I need now."

"Just give your orders. The Qi Yao church branch here should have enough medicinal materials in stock." said the resting nun.

"I also have some finished medicines that I carry with me... I don't know if it will be useful," the doctor said.

The situation is urgent - plus for some reason, the young man in front of them always feels like they are ready.

Heliga is of course well-informed-this potion itself is not difficult to handle, even without professional equipment, it can be done only with the stove of ordinary people. The key is that there is a raw material in the medicine, which is difficult to obtain, and I am afraid that it is rarely used.

The fact is indeed the case-Heilijia pointed out a long list of medicinal materials, a considerable part of which are very professional academic names, which also dispelled the three people present about Heilijia's professionalism—— A person who knows these terms is absolutely impossible to be someone who doesn't understand anything. Most of these items are in the medicinal storage rooms distributed by the Qi Yao Church, and the missing parts can also be replaced with other similar materials.

There is only one kind-"cold blood", this kind of medicine is absolutely absent.

"...Forget it." Heliga smiled wryly—he didn't expect to use this kind of thing at this time. If it hadn't happened this time, he might not even remember that his blood had such a magical effect after being blessed.

Cold blood-in Tamriel, it means that it must be obtained from frostfury spirits or beasts such as frost trolls. But in Semria, especially in the southern Kruchin State with a mild climate, there is not even something to replace.

Of course, except for one thing-the blood of the Nords protected by Shuer, the **** of the north.

Although Heliga only inherited Bernardo's spirit and energy, the blessed energy of the "Dragonborn" is naturally incomparable. Even though it was far away from Tamriel, Heliga had no doubt about it.

Seeing that the boy's expression changed from hesitation to unshakable tenacity, the therapist and doctor stopped asking more, and each ran back to get what they had promised.

"Take advantage of this time... let's make some preparations first. This lady, can you bother you to take out the metal cooking utensils at home?"

Of course Heliga didn't plan to use cooking pots to make potions - but he could directly change the shape of the metal. Seeing the heavy iron pan turned into flying liquid in Heliga's hands, and finally shaped into a simple crucible, everyone present showed a surprised expression.

"Oh... is it that." Levi suddenly realized-"What strange drug is this time?"

"Blood enhancement agents-at the same time slow down the flow of blood, but enhance the ability of unit blood to carry oxygen." Heliga said simply, "Of course, the dosage should be controlled well-avoid reducing blood pressure and flow rate too low."

"Okay... let's get to work." Haili took a deep breath, and then took the spirits that Fei tacitly handed over.

"Wait... why does the butler have..."

"I got it from another neighbor's house." Fei curled her lips, "because I think you will definitely use it."

"..." So that's it-a good understanding. Heliga nodded and smiled.


"Next, the potion will turn light pink - and then it will slowly turn brown in the next boiling. At this time, add the powder of the heliconia rhizome and it will turn light yellow." Heliga stirred in front of him. Crucible, explained patiently.

He said this of course not to show off his knowledge-but in this long process, everyone can only watch helplessly and can't do anything. It is worth mentioning that Emma and Serenu joined the army to help maintain the treatment. This allowed the nun who ran back to get all the medicinal materials needed by Heliga and had a chance to breathe back. . Heilijia took the initiative to explain in detail and patiently. On the one hand, he showed that he was indeed confident and that everything was under control, so that the anxious people could be a little bit comforted. On the other hand, someone has to say something to ease the tense air, and other topics are obviously not appropriate at this time, so Heliga can only continue to explain, which is more reasonable.

"What is this..." The doctor on the side rubbed his sore wrist, and then poured the powder into a very fine powder according to Heliga's instructions-in an instant, the liquid medicine changed. And it is exactly as Heilijia said.

"Me too... this is really amazing." The church nuns on the side also have eyes shining-this kind of medicine is definitely not available in the local diocese, even the diocese of the metropolis. Kind of ability. Fortunately, the diocese of Keldic is still dealing with other issues outside, so there is no need to see this scene that would make him feel that the Three Views collapsed.

"The next step is the last step..." Seeing that the liquid medicine cooled down again, Heliga closed her eyes slightly, and then—unexpectedly, he pulled out the "cold crack".


"..." Without hesitation, Heliga wiped the sharp, gleaming blade towards his arm - a cold sting hit him instantly, making him frown a little. Fortunately, a few drops of bright red blood dropped into the slightly bubbling liquid medicine.

Even the flesh of the dragonborn can't stop the powerful damage from enchanted weapons like "Cold Crack". Although it can be removed with other spells later-

"Don't look at me like that. The last material can only be made up in this way. It won't get in the way." Heliga looked at the shocked and strange gazes of everyone on the side, "And—this is indeed effective."

The liquid in the crucible has turned into a calm lavender.

"Come on, help." Heliga lightly pasted the bottom of the cauldron with the cold crack, and instantly, the potion that was still piping became cold. The nun lifted the crucible, and the doctor on the side had already prepared a simple feeding tool and put the liquid medicine into the mouth of the patient.

"It should take effect soon-he should be able to wake up a little bit, but can't move. Moreover, he needs further treatment to remove the blood clot in his brain. There should be only Bariahat's hospital nearby. Is this possible?" Heliga said, "It's time to think of a way."

"However, it is not the leader of Ballahart who gave our town to..." a businessman representative next to him said excitedly-Heliga seemed to have a solution to the despair of their respected manager. This made him very grateful, but the anger and incomprehension in his heart were still hard to calm down when it came to the noble army in Kruchin State.

"This is just an objective fact-and the Duke of El Barrea has already personally traveled to the fortress of Oloklos. All the mechas are also controlled there. As far as I know, there is no Harmful actions are right. Moreover, Master Juss Al Barrea, who is currently in charge of the city’s affairs, once had a relationship with the Otto chief. The evil things his father did, based on my understanding of him, He would never leave it alone—ah, the manager is awake."

Heliga calmed his emotions while observing the changes in Director Otto's expression. Sure enough, Master Otto slowly opened his eyes as Heliga said.

"There is an analgesic component in this medicine-and because the blood flow rate is slow, the nerve compression is not so great. Moreover, it should be enough for the organism to stop bleeding." Heliga said simply, "Your Excellency, we I’ve never met before, but now I know you can hear what we’re talking about—but please just listen and don’t try to talk.” Seeing Director Otto’s eyes from anxious to calm, Heliga again Said to the two nuns on the side: "Since it works, you can quickly use it for other wounded. It will be useful."

"Um... let's go." They carefully took the vial Heliga had given them, and carefully filled the potion, and then left.

"Manager...According to the statistics just now, although the town was seriously injured, there were no deaths. Although there are several people who were seriously injured like you, but in this little... With the help, I’m afraid I’ll wake up soon.” The businessman’s eyes on Heliga were as pious as the goddess of the sky, “Although the buildings in the Grand Bazaar were seriously damaged, but— —It's great that you are okay..." I couldn't say anything, so I went to the side and cried silently.

"Thanks to the help of the regular army members at the time..." Another person began to conclude, "In addition, there were many people from the surrounding areas. After receiving the message from us, they organized manpower to come. I’ve helped. Including the students from the Tolz Military Academy that you have met before, and some very powerful masters-the director can’t speak, I’ll thank you on his behalf.” After finishing, he wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes. , Bowed deeply to everyone.

"Well... In short, now we have to discuss the next issue-that is, what should these residents who received temporary help do?" Heliga said while using healing techniques to stimulate the wounds from the cold. , "The effect of the medicine is only 72 hours-they must get perfect and proper treatment and rescue during this time."

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