Path of The Dragonborn

Vol 2 Chapter 873: Leverage

"Information is wrong? What's the matter?" The deputy captain didn't believe the captain's explanation at all-especially, this guy now looks like he doesn't have the kind of aura he usually commanded them, but he looks a little afraid for some reason. Fearful-most importantly, the deputy captain noticed that the nearby players had undergone an obvious rearrangement, "Why are there so many people missing?"

"In that refuge-a few very powerful masters arrived later, and the other team I sent failed to come back alive." The captain explained patiently, after a period of adaptation, he has slowly entered He has completely adjusted his mentality now, and he can be regarded as a temporary "surrender" to Heliga. As a hunter, he can better distinguish who is truly capable.

Although the Earl of Amancia has a higher status, his momentum and deterrence are far inferior to this young man here-after experiencing the initial fear, and getting a seemingly sincere guarantee from the other party After that, he already had the so-called "effectiveness" idea in his heart.

A mother is a mother if there is milk-this is a true portrayal of a hunting regiment like "Ned Hogg". Saying they are just running dogs looking for money, there is nothing wrong with them. In this way, those "Northern Hunters" who fought for their hometowns have a close relationship with each other, the "Westerly Brigade" whose members love brothers and sisters and their families, and the "Red Constellation" who just enjoy the **** pleasure of battlefield and ravages. On the contrary, they are more worthy of people's love than such a person.

Well, even though they are all illegal activities in nature-it's just a different degree.

"So amazing...?" The deputy captain obviously didn't believe it, "What's the matter?"

"The hunting regiment over there-although not very skilled, all of them are equipped with tactical guides, and they all seem to be new, much better than the products circulating in the black market." The captain said quickly, "Evidence That's it—they used the latest EP filler, which doesn’t match the model of our power conductor. Our survivor picked this up from the battlefield, you see."

The deputy captain took what the captain handed over - indeed, it was an EP filler interface that he had never seen before, and it was naturally inconsistent with the power guide in their hands. However, this can only explain the difference in the products used by the two parties, and cannot explain the core of the problem-just different tactical force guides, so what?

"In addition to this, they also have a powerful master over there-you should also know the title of "War Bear Killing", right? "

"Of course...Galcia Rossi, one of the captains of the "Westwind Brigade", is as famous as the "Destroyer Beasts". The deputy captain sneered, "But don't you think I don't know--"West Wind" has a relationship with the Noble Alliance this time. The deposit is very high. How could they appear here? "

"It's because you are too behind in the news-"Killing Bears" had escaped from "West Wind" a few years ago and flew solo. "The captain laughed," There are rumors that he went to work for the Mafia, with a much higher salary than in the "West Wind", and some people said that he started anew and brought new people to go-I think based on what happened just now. In terms of things, the latter is more likely. "

"Oh yes... I remembered it." The deputy captain patted his forehead-this incident was still a little sensational at the time. The "West Wind" will have such core member reductions, which is also a big surprise in the hunting world. thing.

"Deputy Captain... That is indeed "Bear Killing". "The other hunter on the side said timidly-there is no doubt that this is the "actor" arranged and selected by Heliga and the captain. The other hunters are not qualified to interrupt on this topic. In order to obtain this "qualification," he was broken by Heliga's arm, and a dozen shallow wounds were randomly drawn on his body, disguised as abrasions and bruises, and he deliberately used the hunter-specific "treatment" "Method" was bandaged up, pretending to be a survivor, looking very pitiful, "That power is really terrible." Then, he accurately stated some of the characteristics of the "Killing Bear" in combat. The deputy captain was lost in thought.

This man has not been enlisted for a long time-when he enlisted, "Killing Bear" should have already withdrawn from the hunting world, so it is impossible for him to know Garcia's fighting style-unless he did just fight with "Killing War". "Bears" fought.

Even if the captain is acting with him-it is impossible to explain all the details so clearly in such a short time. Only those who have actually experienced it can know.

Of course, this is for sure. At this moment, Heliga, who was hiding not far away with hidden magic, watched this scene, and thought mockingly, just half of the one who beat him by imitating Garcia's fighting method specially just now. Of course he remembered it clearly hours ago. Not only remember it clearly, but combined with the slaughter you just made, I'm afraid I won't forget it in this life.

"In addition to him, there are several hunters who look equally strong. The fighting method seems to be the "North Hunters"-because I picked up some of their unique souvenir fragments from the Old Grand Duchy. "

"I speculate that "Killing Bear" is connected with the masters of the hunters of the North, and they are all employed by the local lords here-it must specifically involve the political struggle between the lords here and our employers. But no matter what, they are in the contract, but there is no hint of this-this is not in line with common sense. So, I figured out the earl’s side to discuss and let them agree to my terms—to pay the promised remuneration in full, and we give up the pensions of the dozen or so people we lost, and we promised him not to talk to the Duke. Your Excellency revealed that he hired us privately-in this calculation, we can be regarded as a battle attrition when performing the tasks assigned by the Duke. This money will be handed in according to the extra compensation paid by the Duke, and the remaining amount can be equal The more part-we will allocate the part according to the previously stated ratio. This is much more reasonable, what do you think? "

"This..." The deputy captain was lost in thought - indeed, if things were really the same as the person just said, then this was indeed the only solution. Otherwise, if you go to the top, even if the captain himself is in the wrong, he will not be immune to punishment. At least for a few years, he will not think about being promoted to a higher position; and now, if you can’t get a lot of money, It's uncomfortable, but at least not for nothing, I can still get some share.

"Well... I promised this condition." The deputy captain sighed, and finally reluctantly compromised.

"Okay." The captain patted his shoulder with relief. "However, I have another suggestion-anyway, our purpose is to get our rewards from him, right? Then, it's the same. He just tore his face, we might as well—"

"You mean... the false report has been completed? It's just that the lost personnel are beyond our expectations?" The deputy captain understood the captain's meaning, and the calm eyes changed again, "This..."

"You think--the prisoners who might have been captured alive by them just now were processed by us. No one will tell this matter. If we tell him the truth, then it is not only possible to communicate with him on intelligence. The problem fell out, and we still couldn’t get the extra bonus-but if we lied and fooled this matter, in addition to getting the bounty we deserve, we can also ask him to die a large sum according to the contract. Staff pensions-of course, that money will naturally go to us."

"Okay..." The deputy captain breathed a sigh of relief-this statement is indeed okay, not happy to have money for nothing? "No wonder you are the captain, I have always been the deputy captain-you old fritters, really..."

"Don't say that." The captain said with a smile, and the fingers on the trigger of the pistol that had been hidden in the sleeves of the sleeves also relaxed. "Then, we will go back and discuss this matter—"

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