Path of The Dragonborn

Vol 2 Chapter 871: How to treat intruders correctly?

"Weird... Monster!!!"

Heliga once again raised the knife and dropped it, and easily cut off a hunter directly. During this process, the surrounding guided guns and magic continued to beat Heliga's body like raindrops, but they were unharmed under the guardianship of a layer of golden flame.

A dragon roar blew away a sniper in the distance, and Heliga took advantage of his strength very simply, and within a second, he had already killed the captain.

The original formations were neat, well-equipped, and seemingly prestigious. Now there are more than 20 dead bodies left with various methods of death—some of them have their necks broken, and some of them have been pierced by ice cones. Some were burnt into coke by lightning and flames, and some were simply split into two, making the scene terrible.

Regarding such a situation, Heilijia looked completely indifferent-didn't you dissatisfied with me just doing it? Then feel free to vent your dissatisfaction. If you can do it.

This is where these hunters are most frightened and desperate.

The densely guided machine guns can almost sweep the rocks and steel plates into hornet's nests, but when hitting that layer of flame, there is no response, like a silver needle thrown into the sea, unable to cause a wave of waves.

On the contrary, the young men who have had dozens of battles, even hundreds of battles with real guns and live ammunition, slaughtered them casually. It's no wonder that the captain was completely crazy-after grabbing a submachine gun next to him and shooting at the young man in front of him without success, he issued such a desperate wail.

"Although it's a bit rough, but it can be regarded as carrying out what I should do as a lord-after all, during the war, special circumstances are treated specially." Seeing the captain put down the weapon decadently, the hunters beside him also lost. Intent to fight, Heliga also stopped the killing in his hand, and asked calmly-as if nothing happened just now, he just said hello to an old acquaintance, "Now are you willing to talk about it?" Not only asked the captain, but also the hunters around who were hesitating and hesitant, not knowing what to do next.

After a few seconds, there seemed to be a few unruly hunters who were unwilling to bow their heads to the enemy even in this situation-shouting and rushing up. In this regard, Heliga also admired their courage extremely, and gave them a cone of ice stuck in their throat as a reward.

After this-no one dared to resist.

"..." The captain didn't say a word, just as tacitly. When performing missions in the past, it is not that I have encountered similar situations. I was beaten by the opponent and had to stop, which caused the mission to fail. Especially when I learned that the mission would encounter "West Wind Brigade" or "Red Constellation" In the case of such super hunting regiments, after this kind of thing is almost inevitable, most of the hunting regiments will choose to stop here and not compete with these two tigers for food. Of course, there are special circumstances in everything. If you know that the opponent hasn't dispatched a main force such as the "Hunter King" or "War Ghost", it's not without the value of a try.

In that case, the two sides at war will experience a fierce battle that may last for several hours, and in the end one party will take the initiative at a painful price. The defeated side will choose to withdraw from the battle, and according to the promise, negotiate the follow-up matters with the employer who signed the contract; while in the chasing regiment, the party that suffered heavy losses, but eventually won the battle, will record the losses of the battle in detail. And to find the original employer, on this basis, additional reimbursement and compensation for this part of the loss.

This is the rule of the hunting world-most life and death fights are nothing more than the entanglement of money and interests. Outside of the battlefield, even the acquaintances between different hunting regiments are good, but on the battlefield, most of them will temporarily suppress this friendship in their hearts-because the hunting soldiers are like this.

Among these, there are no lack of talented masters, who can rely on their excellent skills to be constantly poached among the top hunting regiments. The promised rewards and shares are also rising. For such people, the hunting community The consensus is "Those who have the ability should get more Mira", in other words, they are used to it, and there is nothing wrong with it. Perhaps the only exception is "West Wind"-most of the members who left "West Wind" have completely withdrawn from the hunting industry, and they may go to various illegal or non-lawful industries afterwards. , But only won’t join any other hunting regiments. The reason is probably that the "Hunting King" has different attitudes and opinions towards the members of the regiment.

However, even if this kind of fighting against each other due to conflicts of interest can be understood-but what scares him is the other party's way of playing cards out of common sense.

He didn't mean to say hello at all, so he didn't know how to directly appear next to him, and threatened him unceremoniously when he came up.

After the soldiers who were sent to perform the task inadvertently exposed their existence, they directly interrupted their intentions of trying to go on, and directly swung their swords to kill those few people - they were even dying. At that time, the expression was still extremely blank.

Afterwards, he was attacked by a group, and with such an unthinkable method, he resisted the joint encirclement of dozens of hunters, and within a few minutes, left more than twenty corpses, and had to let himself choose this condescension and Way of shame.

No-if you lose to other hunting regiments, you might actually feel a little humiliated because of your inferior skills. But this time, he didn't have any such feelings at all, only the joy of rejoicing and surviving.

This person-invulnerable.

"Really, wouldn't it be okay to agree to it earlier?" The boy shook his head dissatisfied - it wasn't that he felt a little regret for killing these people, or that he felt cruel, it was simply because he felt troublesome. The next question, I ask, you answer."


"Who are you?"

"The Hunting Corps... Niederhogg."

"So... it's one of the infamous hunting regiments. It seems that I didn't kill the wrong person. Are you right?" Heliga snorted coldly, which was even more terrifying to the captain. Make fun of the deaths of these two dozen people! Even if it was himself-he had long thought that he was cruel and ruthless among the hunting soldiers, and would not leave anyone who should be killed, but he didn't expect to meet a more indifferent and even crazy person today.

"Okay... stop here for the gossip. Tell me what happened today-why did you, a high-level hunting regiment with heavy weapons, appear around my territory? Why are you talking to the surroundings of the refuge and the Viscount The mansion is attacking? Who is behind instructing you and how much do you know about his purpose? Don't lie—tell all the information you know."

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