Path of The Dragonborn

Vol 2 Chapter 869: Clues

"I just received the communication from there... the attacker seems to be using a light guided mortar." Warners put down the communicator with a heavy heart, "There were casualties, and one member of the "Rose" died. Another person was seriously injured and has now been transported to the Great Sanctuary. There should be a way to rescue him. "

"Really...then, what's the reason for choosing shelling?" Levi thought in his heart—the hunters who carry heavy weapons with them must not be idlers, at least not because they used Lorenz as a cover before. It can be matched by the "Jesta Jager Regiment" as it was called. However, what puzzles him the most is the other party's mode of action-what is the other party's purpose if he does not hesitate to create such a huge chaos?

"It is said that they locked the captured prisoner in the house that was blown up... Although this inference is still somewhat arbitrary at the moment, the other party seems to be trying to pull out this thorn-it seems to be very important to intelligence Blocked."

"Understood... This troop in front of us, I am afraid, for the same purpose, wants to bring back-no, it should be to confirm the situation of the former comrades. If they have been killed, then Will choose to retreat, otherwise, compared to the inefficient or low success rate rescue, I should choose to kill directly."

"Do you think they are likely to launch an attack on the Viscount Mansion?" Warners asked again. The Viscount Mansion’s guards are limited in strength, and Fei has to personally protect Alfin. Among the people on the scene who can actually have the power to fight, in fact, only Levi is alone.

"This group of people did not carry heavy weapons-I am afraid it was also because they were afraid of the Viscount Mansion's status in the empire. It seems that they don't want to make things worse, but if they are absolutely necessary, they may choose to attack and seize people by force. Liga will definitely ask us to leave at least one livelihood to ensure future information-what do you think?"

"...Anyway, the safety of Her Royal Highness is the top priority." After thinking for a while, Warners sighed slightly, "Actually, putting aside what my son didn't know was planning secretly. I am also quite confused about this matter, and intelligence is also very important to me personally. However, if they really have the intention of launching an attack on the Viscount’s Mansion as you said just now-put them back. Right."

"I see." Levi nodded-he knew that Warners would judge that.

After all, if Levi is alone, they are not sure of victory. He himself is already in the mansion, and the angle and area that he can intervene in the battlefield are limited. Once he does it, he will be spotted by opponents who have been on high alert for a long time, and there is nowhere to hide. Although Levi is self-confident, and it takes a little time and a little price to solve all these people, but also as Werners said, the Empress Elfen absolutely cannot take risks at this moment.


"Does everyone seem to have retreated?" Following the direction Garcia pointed to, he came to a high ground to the southwest of the refuge. Heliga looked at the mess all over the floor and shook his head with a wry smile. The messy footprints on the ground were obviously left by these chasers when they retreated. Although this chaser regiment should be a well-trained and large-scale high-level chasing regiment based on various known intelligence, it still showed With such a flustered feeling, it can be seen that their time is indeed very tight.

As for the reason for being so nervous--probably because seeing your performance on the fire scene, you are surprised at your moving speed? Heliga guessed so.

"Don't remove the traces... Isn't this just pointing me to the direction?" Heliga smiled slightly, "And it's better-avoid frightening them, you can solve them all."

After walking hundreds of times along the messy footprints, Heliga suddenly discovered that those footprints had disappeared-no doubt, it was these hunters who finally realized the footprints they left behind, which might attract the opponent's chase. After this fact, follow the standard battlefield cleaning method to erase his footprints and traces. Only the moon hangs high above the dark night sky. Although on the plain, only moonlight can make people see everything, Heliga has unknowingly entered the jungle and hills of the suburbs.

"This is..." Sensing a bit of looseness in a piece of ground under her feet, Heilijia used a simple movement to gently sweep away the loose soil, revealing a ticking light.

"Land mines?" Heliga laughed out loud-during the escape, was it a landmine that was planted to organize the pursuit of troops?

If it is an ordinary person, in this case, I am afraid that he should retreat. There were no footprints, and it was a dark night, and I had to worry about the mines that might explode under my feet from time to time-in this case, there was no way to pursue it.

It's just that this person is not someone else-he is Heliga, one of the people in the world who can't use common sense to speculate.

Gently froze the mine with magic ice, and then gently dismantled the guiding circuit used to detonate it. After throwing it away, Heliga took out the "cat's eye" potion she was carrying and drank it suddenly— —In an instant, the originally dark forest was stained with pale white, and the entire world was almost only gray and white. In this case, even the tiniest color changes can be easily captured by Heliga.

"Feim-Zii-Gron." Dragon roar "phantom illusion"-under the magical blessing of runes, at this time Helika hardly makes anything "touch"-just like that. Stepping on the buried mines will not cause any problems.

Although I must come here to clear mine again later, and remove all these mines-Heliga thought so. This group of hunting soldiers is really wicked. Not to mention attacking their own territory, they even planted such things within their own territory.

"Sure enough... is it hiding there?" He walked in the previous direction for a while, accompanied by Heliga's movement, and released life detection spells in all directions from time to time, finally in a small gorge. He gave a violent feedback.

Fully armed hunting soldiers-are there about eighty remaining. Heliga thought so.

If the goal is to kill it, can such super masters as "Swordsman of Light" and "Golden Rakshasa" annihilate this force without being harmed? I'm afraid it's very difficult-even if you open the way with uprightness, facing the dense rain of bullets, you will inevitably suffer some unavoidable injuries.

But Heliga is different.

Under the "dragon form", he is not afraid of any guns and mortal swords.

No matter who the attackers are-they must pay the price.

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