Path of The Dragonborn

Vol 2 Chapter 865: response

"Surely it is such a plan..." He came silently to the back of a hunter, and squeezed his neck to faint him. Levi looked at the hunters who had already been dealt with before. Direction, said softly.

Just now, he and Heliga originally planned to go to the refuge side together-because the sound of fighting there was already clearly audible. However, Heliga stopped this and asked Levi to act separately from him-"Sword Emperor" therefore bypassed the original route and followed the alleys to the high ground of the city where the Viscount Mansion was located.

The Viscount Mansion, the home of Heliga, was built in the highest part of the town. From here, you can clearly see the appearance of most of the town and the busy scene of the port area.

In other words, if anything happened at night-the Viscount Mansion should be able to see and react in advance. Therefore, Heilijia judged that when the direction of the refuge was attacked, the Viscount Mansion should also have their ambush.

Facts have proved Heliga is right. Levi rejoiced. He woke up Alan and Warners who had heard the movement, and then the entire Viscount Mansion entered a state of alert-because the Empress Alffin and others were still resting in their respective rooms.

This is also one of the reasons for Heliga's unreasonable worry—I don't know if it was accidental or intentional, this group of attackers has already caused a safety threat to Alfin. More importantly, judging from the fact that these hunters knew to cover up their identities and used gunpowder weapons, and this kind of action, it was a high-level hunting regiment hired by the great nobles and possessing high mobility.

The other party's conscious action, it is impossible to say that it is a coincidence. Therefore, this is what Heilija is worried about-has Alphan's affairs here been exposed?

It stands to reason that it is unlikely. The "Association" side has already negotiated terms with themselves. Although they are essentially a criminal organization that is a bit intangible, they probably won't break their trust in their own affairs, because it will not do them any good. The possibility of coming from other great nobles is also not great-the Marquis of Logner is a standard imperial warrior character. Although he is a bit grumpy, he definitely will not do such rude behavior; the Marquis of Haynes is the most shrewd. The judgment of the whole situation is also extremely good. The situation in Sacharante State has long been firmly in his hands, and there is no need to do it again-even more so. If his purpose is to "carry the emperor in order to make the princes", then the emperor who is actually under his control, as well as the crown prince Cedric, have already met his needs, and there is no need to take this risk.

Most importantly, how could they know that His Royal Highness Alfin was hiding with them?

Except for the business in recent days, since the beginning of the civil war, no outsiders have passed by here. Although Elysée often helps refugees who have lost their homes in the war, Alphan seldom shows up among them. Because as the empire of the empire, she is too famous in the empire, even when she appears in disguise.

Some of those merchants may have seen Alfin. Heilija does not deny this; but after all, here is a remote part of the empire. Even if there are merchants passing by, they will only occasionally come, and the areas where they are usually active They are all in the trading district, and there is where Heliga specifically told Alfin not to get too close; one step back, even if Kruchin State temporarily loosened some traffic control checkpoints, and some of these merchants asked The nobles revealed the news, but the process from when they reached a consensus to dispatching hunters to attack, it took some time to say it, it could not be so fast.

What's more-Heliga thought to himself that if the Duke of El Barrea could get a powerful enough helper from Rufas and Duke Kane, he might not make these more aggressive behaviors for the time being. Heliga was sure that he wanted to compete for the position of the leader among the noble factions of the empire, but he also trusted his son Lufas very much. If it weren't for any major stimulation, or if something special happened, he would definitely not take such a risk and be out of touch with Rufas' plan.

Therefore-this attack, who is behind the instructions, has become a fact that cannot be inferred based on existing intelligence alone. Heilija needs to catch one or two living people and ask the truth about the matter from their mouths-if necessary, he may take some inhumane means to interrogate, so he hopes that things can be carried out in secret, otherwise he will be taken by March Yas and Alfin knew that they would strongly oppose this.

If it’s normal, Heliga doesn’t mind being kind in this situation. He didn’t have a similar situation during the special internship, but he also watched his classmates show mercy to those people. deal with. Because at that time, he was still just a student, and under the premise of doing internships, it was not easy to overdo many things. But now he is a member of the lord's house of this territory, and it is his own duty to maintain the law and order of the territory. If necessary, such things and choices are also natural.

"Looks like this... it is indeed one of the well-trained large-scale hunting regiments." Heliga looked towards the outside of the shelter, in the direction of a small ravine-where a lot of life reactions had just been detected. Obviously, what is currently fighting inside the refuge is only the vanguard troops they sent out to explore the reality, while the large troops are not far away waiting for further action signals.

Sure enough, he got the news-Heliga thought so. Given the strength of such a hunting regiment, if it were only to receive an order to attack a Viscount, it would have been unnecessary to be so careful. However, their appearance as if they were facing the enemy had already proved that they had received the news: There is danger here, and you must be careful when you act.

According to the previous inference-although I don't want to admit it, but it seems to have the ability and motivation to do so, is it only the Duke of El Barrea?

If not, it must be a nobleman in Kruchen Region-Heliga thought so, while decisively giving up the pursuit and turning to the refuge.

Let's keep this large army for the time being-I can also look for traces and evidence in the future. If you do things too terribly, I am afraid that later it will cause the attention of the noble alliance, after which the pressure on yourself will be greater.

I hope that Levi will gain something, and that Garcia can understand what he means and find a way to catch one or two alive without being fatally injured.

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