Path of The Dragonborn

Vol 2 Chapter 862: Competition (Part 1)

"Seriously, you really want to do this?" Heliga said uneasyly while wiping the "cold crack" with her hand gently, "Although you may not be convinced to say that... but you are not at all right now. My opponent."

"I's different from the strength of Arian Hurd, which is created by years of honed skills and willpower. Your strength is similar to mine. You slowly found it again in the confusion." In Levi's hands, the "Rock Eater" also uttered a crisp sword cry, "So, by challenging you, I might be able to find some ideas for the future."

"...Okay, okay. It seems that you must fight." Heliga curled his lips, "Then—"

"Wait a minute..." At this moment, Levi stopped Heliga aloud, "By the way, I've been a little concerned about it from before...Your sword skills are not similar to any school on the mainland. The place. Even the "Yarside style" and "Hachiba One Sword Style" that you have briefly practiced do not seem to be..."

"Ah... Actually, I did think about combining some of the strengths of these two moves. But later, I found out that this is simply impossible... Alcedrian pays attention to the use of power. To put it bluntly, How to maximize a person’s ultimate power and explode it in battle, while Hachiba pays attention to the skills of power and the ability to control power in the subtleties. Even so, they are just pure swordsmanship. "That's it-it's essentially the opposite of what I'm using now. "

"Understood... Your "sword" serves magic, and magic itself can also increase the power of the sword. "Looking to the appearance of Heliga in battle, with a green blade in one hand and a fireball in the other, Levi finally understood-it was not Heliga who chose this, but the "Tao" itself, which is the complement of magic and sword skills. "Think of it this way, I'm afraid you can't agree to the request I thought about before."

"What request?" Heliga questioned.

"I originally wanted you to stop using those weird magics for the time being, and simply use swordsmanship to fight me." Levi said in his mind, "because I don't think I can understand "magic" in the sword. ...But according to your explanation, your sword and magic are a complementary whole, and cannot be separated, right? "

"" Heliga thought for a while and said-among the "Sword Singers", there are no characters who have reached the limit of the ancient swordsmanship with a single direction of swordsmanship or magic. "Ke" is not a big problem. Among the former, Master Barr completely abandoned the magic, and only used unparalleled sword skills to step through the entire Tamriel. Even the hero of Dunmore, who is protected and loved by the devil, Nirevain, was squinted and amazed by the peerless performance— -It was also he who taught Bernardo the skills of sword song and awarded him the original copy of the "Book of Rings"; of the latter, the most famous is one of the "Tribunal Gods" at the end of the Third Age Vivek, Nerevain's friend, and the famous Red Guard Swordmaster who finally became an old enemy-in other words, if Heilija wanted to, he could choose one of them for refinement and the other as an auxiliary.

However, just like Levi was also at a loss, Heliga didn't make a decision, or said he didn't know how to decide - therefore, he couldn't answer this matter positively. Moreover, as far as the current situation is concerned, it seems that the person who can stabilize Heliga’s combat effectiveness has not really appeared, except for other treasures and goddesses who do not know whether they can appear in personified existence, as well as mysterious ones. The leader himself.

In any case, although Heilijia understood Levi's intentions, he was unable to do what Levi thought for the time being, but it was an indisputable fact. Having said that, Levi didn't mean to retreat, but after hearing such an answer, his expression softened.

"Really... let's start." He nodded, indicating that Heliga could start attacking.

The night in late autumn was a bit cold, but for Heliga and Levi, who had already broken through the limits of general human resistance and adaptation to the environment, it was not difficult at all. The two completely ignored the discomfort caused by the cold in the air, and the location they chose was naturally an open space far away from the center of the town, and also far away from the area where most of the townspeople lived-generally speaking, completely No need to worry about being interrupted.

Because in any case, this battle is more competitive in nature, so Heliga just used ordinary swordsmanship-he attacked from Levi’s left side, which forced Levi, who was holding the sword in his right, to use only the backhand. Moves to block; taking advantage of this gap, Heliga quickly changed direction and attacked Levi's weak side. The whole set of movements were smooth and flowing, without any moves, including random swings, but Levi did not dare to neglect. The "Rock Devourer" was stained with a little gray vindictiveness, and bounced off Heliga's knife.

Failing to make a move, Heliga decisively pulled the distance away, and in just an instant he had withdrawn a few moments away from Lavishina. Later, Levi's response came as Heliga had imagined: the glow of "Zero Storm" poured down along his movements, toward Heliga. Immediately before being engulfed by the vindictive spirit, Heliga saw Levi's movements-to the side instead of the front-and immediately responded: He first used "Dragon Skin Technique" to directly attack Levi's sword. Later, he accurately found Levi who had come up with a surprise attack, and repelled him with a grudge.

"What a quick response...No, did you see it." After being repelled, Levi didn't feel any upset, but thoughtfully, "What spell was that just now...?"

"A defensive spell--high level, but easy to use." Heliga curled his lips. The biggest advantage of "Dragon Skin" is that it has an absolute defensive ability against damage that cannot be pierced. Therefore, he can open his eyes and watch the enemy's attack come. And its creator, Archmage Shaliduo, used dragon skin art to force a shot of the largest ballista in the imperial capital, which surprised the Tamriel Imperial Army at the time-that was able to A crossbow arrow shot through the skin of a dragon. The name of "Dragon Skin Technique" has spread far and wide.

Of course, with regard to attacks above this, I am afraid that there is little grasp. At least in the face of the secret method of dragon sacrifice, this trick is useless-Bernardo once suffered because of this. In other words, this is a trick used to abuse food-of course, it does not mean that Levi is not strong, but that his attack methods have not yet reached the level that can penetrate the dragon skin. If he rushed up with the "Rock Devourer" just now, the result would be different.

After a round-the two regrouped, ready to fight again.

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