Path of The Dragonborn

Vol 2 Chapter 847: Hands on

Generally speaking, if you are abruptly pulled into sleep by your own fatigue, you will most likely be awakened by a nightmare in the middle of the night-and then, a sleepless night.

Most of the contents of the dreams are similar to each other-for so many years, under normal circumstances, I should almost get used to it. It's just that a certain voice in his heart is still using those things to constantly torment him.

"After all, I did something like this...maybe this is the atonement?" He once laughed at himself like this. In any case, no matter how my own conscience persecutes and urges, I can only do this-otherwise what? Confess to others, and then destroy the huge business circle that you managed to manage?

After he died, when he came to the goddess, how would his father and grandfather, who once had high hopes for themselves, see all of them? He dared not think about it.

Therefore, he has been muddled until now.

Until now, fate finally found him.

The special medicine of the Principality of Remifilia is indeed worthy of their reputation as the most developed modern medical industry in the Semuria region. Only when he takes this medicine can he feel that everyone can enjoy it. To him alone is a luxury, calm and quiet deep sleep. It's just that, perhaps because of some other considerations, those doctors never easily write the name of the drug on their prescriptions.

However, this rare luxury for him also came to an end tonight.

He woke up almost instantly when the sword exuding an astonishing cold was placed on his neck.

The thick curtains that were closed before going to bed had already been opened; the bulletproof glass that was closely inspected by myself, was also neatly pried open. There was just a huge opening in the entire window. The cold wind of late autumn followed that. It seems that some gloomy holes are constantly pouring into the room that should be warm and comfortable, and the bright moon that has already left the window because it is almost late at night looks even more weird.

"Your housekeeper has fallen asleep-I confirmed this to wake you up." The man with the weapon said in a calm and comfortable voice, "It seems that your relationship should be good-so you I don’t want to risk waking him up. I promise that if you do that, I will take the lives of both of you without mercy. Understand?"

Count Hertha burst into cold sweats-what's the situation? Have you been kidnapped?

"That..." He wanted to talk to this strange kidnapper, and tried to turn around, wanting to see his face, but was gently touched by a merciless dagger—in an instant, he stayed behind. There was a shallow blood stain, and under the piercing cold air, he suddenly woke up—the one who came, was the weird sound of beating the window earlier!

"Don't move-without my instructions." The voice warned, "Listen to my instructions now-if you don't want to be discovered tomorrow morning, you have been chopped into corpses at home."

There is something unquestionable in this person's voice-he understands that in business activities, those big bosses who really have a good face have this ability to give people a powerful persuasive suggestion as soon as they speak. Then, applying it to this situation means that the person in front of you, if necessary, will really kill himself mercilessly.

Under his instructions, Count Hertha finally handed him a set of alloy handcuffs handed over by the other party, firmly handcuffed in the corner. In his somewhat anxious mood, the visitor seemed to think of something else and kept checking back and forth in his room, searching for something.

"..." Several times he wanted to speak, and several times he closed his mouth again-he didn't dare to forget the other party's warning.

Finally, after I don't know how long, after he handcuffed himself and put it aside, the man finally turned his eyes back to him.

"I have a few questions for you." As the man said, Count Hertha couldn't help but slapped all over.

"These questions... I'm actually not sure if you can give me the answers I want. But, you'd better pray to the goddess that you have... Otherwise, it's not easy for me to handle them."

"That...that, as long as I know it, I must know everything." Count Hertha swallowed and said.

"I just looked for it... In your room, there doesn't seem to be anything that fits your identity. I remember, aren't you a very famous gem dealer in this Gongdu area? How come there is a similar certificate at home? Nothing? And... not even a sample or anything else. This is too weird."

"That..." Count Hertha smiled bitterly, "I... the gem business in the Bariahat area is basically something that all the nobles will participate in. I have nothing special..."

"That's not right... You are obviously one of the top-level transit dealers in this neighborhood. This is confirmed by reliable information." The man said slowly, and then seemed to take out a list from his arms. Don't I want to read it to you?"

"..." Count Hertha chose to shut up suspiciously. What trick is the other party playing?

"Since you don't say...then I can only do this." The man shrugged, and then he seemed to take out something like a power guide from his waist-the shell of the power guide was tightly wrapped in some kind of metal Then, I couldn't see any parameters on the surface, and couldn't find the manufacturer's information. After that, he operated the force guiding device to emit a soft light. With this light, Count Hertha finally saw it—come The whole body was covered tightly by the hood, and he couldn't see his appearance at all. Even the sound seemed to have been processed by something, and he was certain that he had never heard this sound.

The man spread out the paper in his hands, showing confidence in every gesture. Count Hertha even felt that this guy really found out any information about himself, right? However, his related businesses have long been deposited in several exchanges specified by the Earl of Amancia. Although he can also get a lot of money in return, the core secrets of the industry, He never touched him.

Since that happened, it has been so. It has been seven or eight years.

However, what he could not dream of, the content read by the visitor was neither the trustworthiness of any of these exchanges, nor the Ereponia Imperial Bank, or the Crossbel International Bank, which he used to make accounts. Any list made-but a nightmare time.

"Seven Lunar Calendar, Autumn 1196—"

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