Path of The Dragonborn

Vol 2 Chapter 841: Above the thief ship (two in one)

"If the situation doesn't change..." Euses continued to chuckle, "Although I know if you say that, it means you have any preparations... But in this situation, I really find it hard to believe what the regular army will do. Only in this way can we find a breakthrough again."

"Yeah...I don't know. But believe me-the leader of the reformists has not failed so easily."

"You mean... he hasn't..." Uses was taken aback, and then he shook his head to deny, "That's impossible... You and I can see clearly that it's a mortal ending-Klow's. A sniper shot directly pierced his entire chest. Even if it is near the best Remi Filia first treatment center in the entire continent, there is absolutely no chance of surviving such an injury."

"I don't deny this... However, what I feel is that all his plans and strategies have suddenly become a void-this is really not in line with his character and his ability."

"Throughout history, it is not a great person who did not die in the hands of Wuming Xiaoxiao, and there is more than one such person. I admit that the "Iron-Blooded Prime Minister" is the most powerful enemy that the imperial aristocracy has encountered over the years, but failed. If you lose, you lose. "Juss categorically cut the railroad, "If your point of view is that the "Iron-Blooded Prime Minister" must have a back player, so it is impossible to leave the field so quickly—"

"No... there are a lot of things you don't understand." Heliga sighed, "Forget it... At least for now, what exactly is your perception does not have any impact on the overall situation. After that, your own position, still There is the direction of the entire duchy... it depends on your leader."

"My leader... heh." Juses laughed at himself. "When my father and brother come back...especially my father, if he doesn't speak harshly to me, I will be very satisfied."

"Let's take a look." Heliga didn't say a word, but said inwardly.

Helmut-After this civil war, it is still a question whether he can maintain his position as Duke. And if Rufas El Barrea’s reputation matches his strength, he should know what the current aristocratic situation is like—instead of going back to the superficial magnificence, in fact The lifeless city that has already begun to go downhill, it is better to use the influence he might have gained in the civil war to flex its muscles in other places.

Just like General Alleria who is always on the battlefield-although she has always been the nominal current lord of the Le Guin family, she usually stays in the territory for very little time-a place where she can truly build fame , Is the battlefield itself.

Through the position of "General Staff of the Noble Union Army", Rufas has successfully jumped out of the vicious circle that has made the wise among the nobles so jealous, and has taken another path. If there is no reason why he has to come back, he will probably go on a brand new road without looking back.

As for the "Iron Prime Minister" Osborne really died? Heliga is actually not sure of the answer.

It's just that he knows, and Olibate also knows-this man who may have started layout ten years ago or even earlier, and step by step has built the empire into what it is now, will never be out of the game accidentally. Although the strength of the aristocratic coalition has concealed a lot of things now, some changes should gradually appear over time.

Here, it's almost time to act.


"I'm not surprised at all, he will show up on that occasion." The earl of Omansia, in the study-the head of the earl of Omansia, is using the power conductor in his hand to communicate through a special encrypted line in the signal band. Located somewhere in the empire. People who know him, I am afraid it is difficult to imagine what he is now-very cautious and very humble and respectful to the people on the other side of the communicator.

Even for the business partner, Earl Gotti, he has always been an equal posture; and when directed against the lord Duke El Barrea, his attitude is extremely cold, everyone knows that he has a strong personality. The relationship with Helmut is not very good. Therefore, such a posture is indeed very unimaginable for those who are familiar with him. Is the person on the opposite side the Emperor?

Undoubtedly, of course not-the person who is in secret contact with the Earl of Amancia at this moment is actually the Chief of Staff of the Noble Alliance, the eldest son of the Duke of Helmut, the brother of Juss, and Rufas. El barea.

Amancia’s attitude towards this Rufas is naturally justified-Earl Goti and Helmut are very close personally, and their friendship has lasted for 20 years; It would be impossible for him to monopolize this property without the appreciation of the current duke’s authority.

In Bariahat, anyone with a normal mind will know who the duke’s position belongs to in the future-Rufas El Barrea, the young leader among the imperial nobles, in addition to possessing In addition to his extremely powerful talents in many things, he is inferior to the veteran incumbent duke in receiving people and things. He also did a good job dealing with issues such as his relationship with his father, and that the second son, whose mother was a commoner, was destined to miss the Duke’s succession-although these nobles were hindered by their brothers. Love, never dared to show any expression to Uses, but in fact, deep down, these powerful, powerful and thoughtful nobles, such as the Earl of Amancia, had an attitude towards Uses. Very cold.

Therefore, the Earl of Amancia will naturally find this successor who is very optimistic about the future duchy, no matter who it is. Just as any high-ranking person will sweep away the remnants of the old monarch and establish his own power system when reaching the summit of power, Earl Goty’s rule of the entire capital’s financial circle will also end after that. .

In other words, compared to the current Duke Helmut, Rufas is the true allegiance of the Earl of Omansia, who has been the leader of the Earl of Goti for a long time, that is, the master. The Earl of Amancia still clearly remembers that when he found Rufas, who was only seventeen years old, on the young face of the latter, what flashed past was a kind of awe-inspiring that ordinary people could never do. ——It is this kind of natural leadership aura that made the Earl of Amancia have the idea of ​​allegiance, and in the following years of effectiveness, Rufas' mastery of all aspects of the entire empire made him feel that he had no choice. Wrong object.

However, even he was a little unexpected that just a few months ago, he hadn't been relieved from the horror of the terror attack in the midsummer festival of the imperial capital, Rufas, who has always been calm and extraordinary, But a little anxiously, he came directly to the door, and almost a series of pieces of information that could be called blockbuster bombs were thrown towards him.

"What? Those terrorists, are they under Lord Kane?"

"What? A few years ago, Duke Kane was preparing for these things?"

"What? Start a civil war? Are you the general staff?"

Regarding the "three doubts" of the Earl of Amancia, Rufas did not patiently tell him as usual, but said rudely or even impolitely, these are not important things-the important thing is , During the Midsummer Festival, whether you are you or your friends, have you met someone who might be very threatening to me and to us?

Afterwards, the Count of Amancia, who was at a loss, but gradually slowed down, finally heard the purpose of Rufas’s trip—of course, perhaps because of coincidence or for other reasons. This time, he did. Can help.

Although I don't know why Rufas cared so much about the boy, his attitude was even more impatient-but probably it is not without reason? After all, at that time, I saw with my own eyes that the teenager who was surrounded by golden light had torn into pieces a monster that was several times long and weighed several times a human being.

That is absolutely-not the power that normal people can have.

But just that-is it necessary to panic like this? The Earl of Amancia was quite puzzled.

"You don't understand... his existence may ruin all my layout so far-in short, I have accepted the commission of Duke Kane, and relatively, when the time comes, the El Barea family should Only my younger brother has the power to manage the entire territory on his behalf. In terms of his character and his friendship with that person, he can never do what I want you to do next. So, even if something happens Suddenly, I can only ask you."

"No problem... Just tell me. I will try my best to do it well." The Earl of Amancia said almost reflexively.

Rufas didn’t talk nonsense, and went on directly following what Amancia said: “I have already got the information - for the next period of time, the territory where the boy is located, which is the small town of Daxie in the southwest of Regram. Sri Lanka, there will be a batch of materials coming in through special channels. Although I don’t know what he thinks at the moment, it is obvious that the batch of materials includes a large number of light construction materials and some armed forces circulated from the black market. Undoubtedly, he, like us, already knows that a civil war is about to happen—no, maybe it was inferred from all walks of life and the actual situation in various parts of the empire by virtue of the good relationship between His Highness Olibate and him."

"What you mean is... you want me to stop the materials, and then..." The Earl of Amancia didn't understand why Rufas said this. If that's only the case-he would just go to the leader directly. The Duke of El Barea has the right to take care of all matters in Crucian State. It is not difficult to find an excuse to confiscate such things.

"No...that would be a horror." Rufas shook his head, "I deliberately looked at his affairs through a special channel, and the result really surprised me-this person's ability to act, and consciousness of action, yes An opponent I have never met. For him, we must be vigilant for 120,000 points."

"That... so what do you mean?" Amancia, who hadn't figured out a possibility for a long time, asked directly.

"First-no matter what, during the next period of time, show me what Daxis is doing. If you have anything, report it to me in time and don't tell anyone. Of course, father is included."

"No problem." Although it is still not clear, since Rufas has said so-

"Second... Although this matter, it is probably a little subtle to mention it now. Amancia, I don't know if you still remember "that matter" a few years ago. "Rufas said solemnly, "It's the thing that made Count Hertha's temperament greatly changed since then." "

Count of Amancia, the expression on his face instantly became terrifying.

"Could it be...could it be that he..." The Earl of Amancia's tone began to tremble when he mentioned this matter, "but you tell me, "Paradise" has long been -"

"If I tell you now, he probably has the evidence that he has no way to deny it anymore?" Rufas said, causing Amancia's breathing to almost stop.

"But... but it's impossible! At that time, I took a lot of effort to settle the matter... I was just a worm on my head, a ghost was obsessed with my heart... Yes, it must be like this... And that organization, it is indeed true. Under the command of the "Juggernaut" and later under the sweep of the "Association", he was wiped out! These things are—"

"I don't have time to explain to you now-but you must be vigilant. Not only for me, this matter is more about your future. I can tell you that he is definitely not targeting you, but once he Start acting, you will be the object he will inevitably eradicate without mercy."

"...Yes." This time, there were no more doubts in Amancia's words.

Rufas has been working with himself for a long time. He didn't need to make up such a lie to deceive himself. Moreover, his gaffe was something he had never seen before. Just as almost no one knew that Rufas, who was only seventeen years old, had already shown his prowess and had the ability to call the wind and rain in the entire aristocratic society, the power of that young man is indeed not like that of a mortal at all. thing. Rufas' vigilance, and his own scandal that must never be known-absolutely, absolutely cannot be published.

Almost in fear, the Earl of Amancia spent the next few months on pins and needles. During this period, every time he reported the findings to Rufas, the latter would almost prompt him the same content-until he mentioned that a group of people dressed as hunters had entered Daxis and were When a group of houses began to be built in the open space on the western outskirts of the town, which looked like a refuge during the war, Rufas' expression finally changed.

"Then, what's next is related to the fate of you and me in the future." Amancia, who was awakened from the memory, listened to Rufas's voice like a bewitching serpent, and sent his back. cool.

"Waiting for the opportunity. When my father fails to attack the Garella fortress for the last time, he will act according to the previous plan-remember, we must make him think that the person who really did these things is my father."

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