Path of The Dragonborn

Vol 2 Chapter 838: Meaningful (two in one)

Nominally, this was hosted by the Earl of Goti. All the nobles of Ballahart and the surrounding area would be invited to a large-scale banquet. Even the Duke of Albarrea sent his second son to participate. , So the scale cannot be described as grand. However, because of this, the influx of a large number of guests made the organizers of this banquet slightly lose control of the scene. Except for the rhetoric when he made a toast as the protagonist, most of the guests were just talking about various things with their own small circles. There were no very conspicuous collective activities. The nobles were divided into groups and gathered in front of tables.

"Uss is a bit miserable...Unfortunately, I seem to be unable to help with this kind of work." Looking at the son of the Duke of El Barrea, Juss, who has never lacked a nobleman trying to please him, is Under the sugar-coated shells formed by a group of nobles, he looked a little at a loss, and Heliga secretly apologized inwardly. In his current situation, it is better to show up less in front of too many nobles.

What's more, he already has a goal.

Just when Earl Gotti took the last guest present and returned to the lobby of the mansion contentedly, Heliga had already observed a certain guest he was very interested in.

Before the banquet started, the nobles who had better private relations had gathered together and talked and laughed. In this case, the single nobles would be very conspicuous in this atmosphere. Soon, Heliga found the Count Hertha who was "dumb and a little nervous" in Juss's mouth.

The man in front of him was as thin as Euses said, and his eye sockets were slightly protruding, making his entire face look a little scary. He is wearing a fairly elegant dress, but if you look closely, it seems that some details have not been properly organized and maintained, and the whole dress is full of incongruity. Occasionally, a few nobles would pass by his side and greet him enthusiastically. Some of them were louder, and indeed, as Euses said, he was slightly frightened.

"Where... it would be great to be able to help." At this moment, the Count Hertha was talking to a great nobleman who seemed to know his identity. Even if the nobles in this area of ​​Bariyahat, which is more than 70%, are the masters, and they bring their wives or valued children to gather here under the grand scene, the man in front of him can still be regarded as an outstanding temperament, which can highlight his Extraordinary tolerance.

That hearty look, surrounded by stars like the moon, and the same character as the host of this banquet-if Heilija is not wrong, this is the one from Juss, the same Earl Gotti The Earl of Amancia has a fairly good status in the entire dukedom circle and a good relationship.

"Don't be humble. Earl Hertha. Ah, the Earl, I am an important matchmaker in my investment in the gem business in the southern part of the empire... If you are also interested in this business." Amancia gave up quietly. Everyone tacitly gave him the middle position before, and lightly patted Count Hertha on the shoulder, "You can talk to him... he will definitely give you a lot of useful suggestions."

Count Hertha smiled uneasily, and looked a little nervously at the nobles who surrounded them, and accompanied by the words of the Count of Amancia, who gave out bursts of exclamation. Although the tension exuding the whole person makes him look very strange, it seems that the Earl of Amancia is right at least on this point-he is indeed very good at business. In just a few short words, he uttered the words that made the surrounding nobles keep nodding their heads.

Afterwards, the Earl of Amancia politely invited the guests around him to say hello to the next noble lord worthy of knowing, and then he started talking with the Earl of Hertha. When only the Count of Omansia was present, the Count of Hertha seemed to be more afraid, and—Heliga didn’t know if he understood it wrong, but when there was only the Count of Omansia, the Count of Hertha seemed- —Fearer?

In any case, it seems that the conversation between the two will continue for a while. Heliga thought so, so now, it's not a good time for temptation. The Earl of Omansia, similar to Speaker Harutman, seemed to belong to the type of covering the sky with one hand in a specific circle, and his relationship with Earl Goti made him more difficult to deal with. This Count Hertha, indeed, was a bit weird and withdrawn, as Juss said. It should be the safest way to start with him.

"No matter how you pretend to be glamorous or nervous here, you can't change the reality that you once succumbed to your own inner twisted desires." Heliga said silently inwardly, and the Viscount Lightning looked like this time. He hasn't appeared at the banquet yet, so he hasn't seen it before, but the two "prisoners" have been spotted by Heliga.

Perhaps after learning through a special channel that the "paradise" was destroyed, the intense anxiety somewhere deep in their hearts has been let go, or maybe they are very confident in the people who match themselves and believe that there will be nothing wrong. Things that are good for you still exist. However, they would never dream of it-a few years later, a nightmare they either worried or didn't care about would strike again.


"For someone who hasn't stepped into the social world...your dance steps are pretty good." The aristocratic lady in front of you, who was very beautifully dressed, said softly in an artificial tone, "It's kind of Looking forward to it."

"Don't dare to be." Heliga bowed slightly, and with the end of the song, he also removed his hand from the waist of the noble girl who was not much different from his own age. Miss dance together."

"I can talk." After speaking, the noble lady lifted the skirt to salute and went to her friend. It seemed that she and another female companion were staring at the young man who entered the venue with Jusses-after some "reaching up", they seemed to be quite satisfied.

"I hope you will not be disappointed when you go to the sea and try to find me." Heilijia was grateful in his heart and gloated at the same time-he fooled this noble lady who he didn't know at all with his casually fabricated identity-just now he was planning Walking through the crowd, walking towards the table where Count Hertha was, but didn't want to be stopped by someone halfway, and invited to dance together-in this atmosphere, if you refuse, it will definitely cause a lot of Note that he was beginning to rejoice that Alfin's training that seemed to him too strict was indeed somewhat useful.

Of course, Heilija just stepped on some of the rhythm points in this song more accurately according to the content of Alfin's training. For the specific dance, he still let the passerby girl play by himself. It’s not that he doesn’t want to work harder, but because-he has a silly appearance for this kind of vases, and the eldest lady has no interest in the vases packaged according to the etiquette of the nobility-not even the interest in taking advantage .

As for when Heliga's own popularity in the empire further increased and became a household name, would this young girl suddenly wake up, who was the true identity of the young man he met that day - he had not even considered this. Because there is no need at all.

In short, after a dance, the prince, who is always nervous, seems to be sitting on the table where he was originally-that's good.

Besides, after dancing, he has more reason to go one step further. Perhaps it was because the scent of "Don't get close to anyone else" in Earl Hertha's body subtly affected the people around him. At the table where the Earl was sitting, no one was willing to take some snacks and drinks from here to enjoy.

Of course, the earl himself didn't seem to have this thought either—he just sat on that chair blankly, chanting words from time to time, not knowing what he was saying. When Heliga approached the table where no one was near at all, he was surprised again.

"Um... I just want to get some drinks." Heliga said, "The table over there seems to have been taken away... the waiter's movements are really too slow. Maybe it's because there are too many people."

"Yes... yes... please, please feel free." Hearing Heliga's words, Count Hertha seemed to relax a little. He barely squeezed out a pale smile-on his slightly distorted face, this smile looked even more scary, and it didn't do what he thought it could do. Heliga didn't say much, picked up a bottle of gorgeously packed non-alcoholic beverage on the table, nodded, and left straight away.

"That..." Heliga patrolled around and saw that there were fewer people on another table nearby, so she deliberately walked over there, beside two aristocratic youths who were probably in their early twenties. For some reason, the two of them always exudes a scent, like a pet dog, "Can I sit here?"

"Ah... of course. Are you?" The two aristocratic youths glanced at each other, then nodded, and then after seeing Heliga's face, they showed a slightly surprised look: "Just now and You The one with Master Sith..."

"Um... I am Juss's classmate, from the home of Count Amandia from Ordis, the "Haidu". "Heliga continued to make up the excuses he had used before. Anyway, Hai is the same as Gongdu, and various nobles are emerging in an endless stream. Such identities are not easy to be seen. "Relations with Juss. For the time being, it's okay... This time it was also a coincidence, and accompanied him here. "

"It's true... he doesn't look like the nasty group of Usess-sama classmates..." One of the whispers was heard clearly by Heliga, and then he understood the identity of these people. ——During the internship in Gongdu, the Philippines once met a pair of young aristocrats, arrogantly instructing them to do various things, but afterwards they tried not to pay any remuneration, and they used their noble status. Overwhelmingly, it was Usis's presence that made them obediently submit. It's funny, if they talked about Euses privately, it would be logically justified. In this case, they still left the pot to the students who were reasonably demanding for remuneration. It's really-hard to say.

"You're talking about class VII?" Heliga saw the two people talking louder and louder, presumably they also knew Heliga had also heard them-so they smiled deliberately, "I'm not from that class." In fact, I was in Class I, which followed the traditional aristocratic education of the empire... I met Juss in the aristocratic salon in the school."

"Aristocratic Salon?" When one of them heard Heliga say the name "Class VII", he thought that the other party was going to find fault because of his own impolite remarks. Unexpectedly, the latter did not mean that, and was still the same. He looks happy.

"Well...On the third floor of the student activity room, there is a special room for noble students, which can be used for various activities." Heilijia nodded. The first sentence is factual, but he made up the rest. , I can’t verify, "When I first entered the school, the seniors naturally invited Juss, who was a great nobleman, but he was a bit shy and fearful of life. Later, Patrick and I--ah, that is, the house of the Marquis of Haynes. The three males, who were also classmates from Class I-together persuaded him to join him. Of course, that should be after they participated in the so-called "internships" for a while. "Heliga's words are completely impossible for these nobles to verify. If they want to know about the noble salon, they can indeed ask an aristocratic student who has read in Tolz at will, but with As far as their status and abilities are concerned, it is absolutely impossible, and they don’t have the guts to find someone from a noble family like Uss or Patrick to inquire. Besides, Heliga found that his words were indeed quite equivalent. It works, these two people already believed him.

"So..." the two said in unison. Then, in the two sincere and false smiles of Heliga, three young people of the same age began to talk about some recent issues. Of course, Heliga could think of what these nobles would say with their toes. I just need to follow their wishes and respond to a few sentences. When talking about the recent civil war that has affected trade and caused a large number of gem processing shops in the Baliahat area to close, Heliga ignored the two of them complaining in unison, but asked: "Speaking of... …Is the one on the table over there, the Earl Hertha who is very famous in the gem business?"

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